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Youth to the party, live up to the mission of the general branch of the College of Health management Party held a party class training mobilization meeting
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2024-09-13  Click rate:76  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

For further strengthening青年Students ideological and political education, promotion学生The party spirit cultivation and theoretical level, the general Party branch of the College of Health ManagementCommittee on2024913The theme of the day isYouth to the party, not mission"Party class training mobilization conference。



In the new era奋斗On the journey, strengthening the Party's theoretical study is not onlyYoung studentResponsibility and mission, isThe only way to grow into a talent。Party class training is to strengthen the construction of the Party's grass-roots organization and improve青年Quality is an important measureAll the participants凭借This learning opportunity, firm ideals and beliefs, strengthen the party spirit concept,More full of enthusiasm to study and work



The party class trainingMobilization meeting around"Study ideology, strengthen party spirit, emphasize practice, and build new achievements" began正确guidedImprovement of young studentsIdeological consciousnessPolitical literacy,Encourage themTo integrate personal ideals into the country富强And nationresurgentIn the overall situation of development。

Editor: Gou Youyou

Editor: Chen Zhangwei

Review: Song 

Editor: Ding 

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