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"Do the right preparation, win a good career" theme employment education lecture was held in the academic lecture hall
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2023-12-11  Click rate:1090  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

In order to help students correctly understand themselves, find the correct positioning, do a good job planning, ease the psychological confusion of employment, clear the students' employment and career goals1211下午Department of health management学术The theme of the lecture hall isDo the right preparation to win your careerCareer planning and career guidance seminar。This talk is organized byExpert Advisory Committee of Guizhou Special Food Industry Promotion AssociationDr. Yu Yanzun, industrial Technology consultant of Guizhou Prickly Pear Industrial Investment CompanyAs the keynote speaker,Miss Tang Ting, head of my departmentFood teaching and research Department director Li Xueqin teacherFood teaching and research department teacher Zhang Xiangrui以及Food nutrition and inspection education2023级、20222021300More than one student attended the lecture。


In the lecture,Dr. YuSpecially explained“SWOT”Analytical method (“S”优势strengths“W”弱点weaknesses“O”机会opportunities“T”威胁threats)。He wants the students to take advantage of it“SWOT”Analysis to plan for the future。At the same time, career assessment activities were carried out on site to help students better explore their future career development direction。


Dr. YuWith humorous language, combined with the actual situation of the current employment and entrepreneurship situation, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the nature of employment in various enterprises and institutions, explains in detail how college students can conduct career positioning and selection, and guides students to exercise their vocational skills。


This lecture is rich in content and practical. The students have benefited a lot and have a clearer understanding and thinking about how to plan their career development directionNot only understand the development and future trends of the industry, but also clarify their career positioning and employment direction, and enhance employment confidence。



Photo: School of Health Management

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