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Lingyun arena, full of fighting spirit | The third campus Sports Festival of Guiyang Information Science and Technology College was held in the school's No. 1 football stadium
来源:Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology (reproduced)  作者:  编辑:吴飞  日期:2024-05-21  Click rate:1291  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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5月17日,The opening ceremony of the third Campus Sports Festival was held in the No. 1 football stadium of our school,School party secretary Rao Binhua,Executive Vice President Yu Tujun,Vice Principal Yang Bo,Huang Xiaoru, member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection,Mr. Li Ruifeng, Assistant to the President and Dean of the College of Digital Media, attended,More than 3,000 representatives of teachers and students from various colleges and departments attended the opening ceremony。The opening ceremony was presided over by Fan Wei, secretary of the Youth League Committee。

The opening ceremony kicked off with a solemn flag-raising ceremony。

Rao Binhua delivered the opening speech, he stressed the importance of sports for the all-round development of students, and expressed his ardent expectations for the success of this sports festival。他表示,体育节的举办,是我校深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于爱国卫生运动的重要指示精神重要举措,同时是提高我校师生健康水平、卫生文明素养、共建健康的校园环境,促进学生德智体美劳全面发展重要途径。Rao Binhua put forward four hopes to the teachers and students present: First, I hope all the students,Players and referees respect the rules,Play out the style of your people;Second, the referee is expected to do a good job in a rigorous and fair attitude;Third, it is hoped that relevant staff will perform their respective duties,Provide logistical support for the players;Fourth, I hope you can enhance your safety awareness,Be a civilized audience。

随后,The athletes took the oath on behalf of He Song,Promise to abide by the rules of the game,Promote sportsmanship,Play out style,Level out;Mr. Jiang Yi, the referee representative, swore on behalf of all the judges that he would resolutely obey the command of the chief judge,Strictly follow the rules of the competition,He said he would do a good job of judging from beginning to end with a rigorous and fair attitude。

Yu Tujun announced:"Guiyang College of Information Science and Technology, the third campus Sports Festival, opening!"There were warm applause and cheers。


Followed by a demonstration of the teams from each college。The College of Information Engineering team took the lead with neat steps,Show their youthful vitality and fighting spirit;The Digital Media Academy team followed,The creative display makes the eyes shine;The team of the College of Health Management interprets the pursuit of health with confidence;The team of Intelligent Engineering College combines science and technology with sports perfectly;The team of the College of Civil Engineering demonstrated their tenacity with a solid and powerful pace;The School of Economics and Management team came out last,Their wonderful display won bursts of applause from the scene。

The opening ceremony came to a close with a wonderful gymnastic competition from various colleges。Final School of Information Engineering toWith 470 points, the School of Intelligent Engineering won the first prize with 463 points, the School of Civil Engineering won the third prize with 461 points, and the School of Digital Media, the School of Health Management and the School of Economics and Management won the excellence Award。

The success of the opening ceremony opened the prelude of the third campus sports festival of our school. In the next competition, the athletes will sweat on the field and write a beautiful chapter of youth。


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