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Transfer: Some measures to consolidate the reform results of university student Union (graduate Student Union)
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2024-04-10  Click rate:1232  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:


  First, ensure political direction。The student union is a youth group organization under the leadership of the Party, and the student union is an important part of the college league organization system dominated by the Communist Youth League under the leadership of the party。学生会以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,To strengthen the political guidance of students as the fundamental,To serve students wholeheartedly for the purpose,Lead young students to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment",Continuously enhance the "four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance",Strive to grow into a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to take on responsibilities, can bear hardships and is willing to struggle。

  Second, strengthen leadership and guidance。Implement the leadership mechanism of the school Party Committee and the specific guidance responsibility of the Communist Youth League。The Party committee of the university should focus on strengthening the political leadership, ideological leadership and organizational leadership of the student Union, listen to the work report of the Student Union and study the major issues of the student Union no less than once per semester。The reform and construction of the student union should take a certain proportion in the assessment of the ideological and political work of the school。The responsible comrades of the school Party committee should regularly strengthen the ideological and political education of the staff of the student union through special party lessons, collective talks, symposiums and other forms。Implement the guidance responsibility of the Communist Youth League to the student Union, the full-time deputy secretary of the school Youth League Committee is also the secretary general of the school student Union;The Youth League branch shall be set up in the work organization of the student union at the two levels of the university and the secretary of the Youth League branch shall be the presidium member of the student union;The staff of the Student Union shall be party members or league members。

  Third, be a good bridge。The student Union should play a close to the students, covering a wide range of organizational advantages, as a bridge and link between the Party and young students, not only to truthfully tell the temperature of young students, but also to fully convey the warmth of the Party to young students。Improve the mechanism of close contact with students online and offline, regularly understand and reflect the ideological trends, general needs, and prominent difficulties of students, and do a good job in the study, employment, entrepreneurship and other aspects of the general concern of students to publicize policies and specific services。Strictly implement the system of students' Union requesting instructions and reporting to the Party committee on major matters。

  Fourth, focus on team building。The student Union should pay attention to the improvement of the quality of its own construction, establish a standardized theoretical learning system, strengthen the systematic, speculative and targeted political learning of the staff of the student union, and clarify the requirements of the personnel, frequency and content of the centralized learning。The Youth League branch of the Student Union organizes at least two political theory studies every semester。Establish a regular backbone training system, focusing on the study of political theory, highlighting the purpose education of serving students and discipline style education, and carry out one training period each spring and autumn, covering all staff of the student union at both levels of the university and the university。

  Fifth, improve the effectiveness of services。The Student Union should unite the service for the growth of students with the support for the high-quality development of the school's education work,Unite the universality and pertinence of serving students,Focus on helping students improve their socialization ability,Cooperate with Youth League organization to actively carry out community practice plan for college students,Take the initiative to report to urban and rural communities,Drive the majority of students to improve political literacy in social practice,To be an organization that leads the growth of students。Graduate students will pay more attention to the needs of students in academic research, employment and entrepreneurship, undergraduate students will pay more attention to the needs of students in academic development, further study and employment, and vocational (junior college) students will pay more attention to the needs of students in comprehensive quality and professional skills。Extend the service reach to the students, and encourage the student union to build "student union service stations (points)" in the student dormitory area.。Solid implementation of "I do practical things for students" practical activities, targeted planning of a number of "small but real" service projects to help students solve the problem of urgent difficulties and worries。Establish a survey and evaluation mechanism for the implementation of student service projects and student satisfaction, and adjust and optimize the projects according to the evaluation results。Strengthen contact and services for students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and international students。

  6. Innovate organizational models。The work team of the Student union should innovate the organization model of the work force and continuously improve the operation efficiency of the organization on the basis of keeping the school-level scale lean and the strength sinking to the department。Establish a team selection model of "election of presidium + selection of staff",Strict political conditions, academic standards and structural requirements for staff selection,The selection of members of the presidium shall be strictly standardized and the election system of the student Congress shall be implemented,The appointment of other staff members shall be strictly guided by the recommendation of youth League organizations and the check procedures of Party organizations,Explore the mechanism of random appointment, trial investigation and dynamic adjustment under the same conditions。The organization and operation mode of "rotating chairs + staff post exchange" shall be established, the rotating system of the executive chairman of the presidium shall be improved, and post exchanges between staff and colleges and departments shall be promoted。

  7. Optimize project operation。By improving the project-based operation mechanism, students are widely recruited to participate in the work of the student union。Build a work force composition model of "staff + project volunteers", optimize the recruitment, training and incentive mechanism of work project volunteers, and encourage the use of "second class report card" to identify and evaluate project volunteers。Build a project-based participation model of "unveiling the list and taking charge + bidding and undertaking", adopt forms such as "issuing the list, bidding, undertaking and evaluating", encourage students' unions, associations and classes to bid and undertake work projects, and extensively mobilize more organizational forces to serve students。

  8. Strengthen assessment and evaluation。Carry out a reform evaluation and student satisfaction evaluation of the student union every academic year,The staff of the Student Union will be evaluated once a semester,Take the students' satisfaction as the yardstick to test the work,The results of evaluation and evaluation are used as an important basis for work assessment, backbone selection, award evaluation, and promotion into the Party,Staff with excellent evaluation results can be given some commendation incentives or policy inclinations,Staff with poor evaluation results should be reminded, criticized and educated。

  9. Adhere to strict governance。Strict management and strict education in accordance with regulations to prevent the staff of the student union from being separated from classmates, bureaucratic atmosphere, vulgarization and other problems。Establish the information disclosure system of the Student union, take the initiative to disclose the constitution, staff, key work items, important work arrangements, reform progress and other matters to all students, listen to opinions and suggestions widely, and accept the supervision of students。If the staff of the Student Union violates school rules and discipline, moral misconduct, involving negative public opinion and inappropriate behavior with students, the Youth League Committee should promptly investigate and verify, deal with it in a timely manner according to regulations and procedures, and jointly maintain the ideal, caring for students, and fresh and sunny organizational image。

  10. Responsibility for compaction work。The Youth League committees at all levels should establish and improve the normal communication mechanism with the local party committee education work organs, education administrative departments and relevant university party committees, strengthen the guidance of the student union, establish the problem discovery, research and sentencing mechanism and work plan, and implement the request for instructions and report system。Student federations at all levels should implement the specific management responsibilities of member groups, establish the performance evaluation system and incentive and restraint mechanism of member groups。The Youth League committee of each university should improve the specific system of guiding the student union, establish the code of conduct and incentive mechanism for the staff of the student union, improve the operation mechanism of the student union, the pre-review and post-evaluation mechanism of major activities, and the review mechanism of important information release。

  The organization of graduate students in scientific research institutes and other institutions shall be carried out in reference。

Forwarded from the Communist Youth League Central Committee

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