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Notice of the School of Health Management on the theme of Integrity Education in 2024
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2024-05-22  Click rate:1368  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:



In order to do well 2024 我院Student funding honesty education theme activities to implement ethicsThe fundamental task of cultivating people, enhancing the consciousness of integrity and responsibility of contemporary college students, according to the "Noble State and provincial education departments, China Development Bank Guizhou Branch About 2024 National student loanThe spirit of the Notice of Work Guidelines and other documents, combined with the actual situation of the school, decided to carry out 2024 Integrity education theme activities。The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows

I. Purpose of the activity

Close around the basic task of moral education, inherit the essence of traditional Chinese integrity culture, Highlight the characteristics of The Times and the characteristics of the school, guide students to consciously cultivate and deeply practice socialist core values through in-depth development of honesty education theme activities, and enhance students' performanceSense of responsibilityStrengthen students' awareness of integrity, establish students' concept of integrity, and train studentsHonesty and quality, in order to comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of students, strengthen the educational effect of financial aid work。

2. Activity theme

Integrity, faith and line


Third, the object of activity

School of Health ManagementAll the students


4. Forms of activities

Calligraphy, essay solicitation, short video works solicitation and knowledge answer


5. Activity time

2023  5  22 -6  4


, activity content

(1) Organize students to carry out credit theme education class meetings。

To integrity education, fraud prevention education, away from bad loans, routine loans The warning education is integrated into the theme class meeting, combined with the main points of students' work, and set up close to the hot spots and Close to the actual topic, advocate students away from bad"Campus loan "And other illegal loans Loan, fully carry out the discussion of integrity, and promote the concept of integrity into the funding application and classroom learning 习、日常生活和毕业离校等环节,彰显诚信价值,凝聚诚信共识, Create an honest and trustworthy campus culture atmosphere。Each class inPlease send the electronic file of the class meeting to 3490839262@qq before 12pm, May, paper file to office F407。

Integrity theme creative works solicitation。

Combined with student financial aid policies or national student loan policies, the theme of integrity is clear,  Face healthy upward, style, subject matter is not limited。

Requirements for works:征文(No limitation on genre,2000 Word or so),书法A soft pen is hard Any pen is acceptable),Short video(时长 3 About minutes)。 The content is closely related to the theme and based on learning Health support, edutainment, with appeal, promote honesty and trustworthiness, accumulationExtremely upward positive 能量。All submissions must be original and must not infringe upon the work of others

For freshman to junior classes, at least two essays, calligraphy and short videos can be submitted per class, or all three can be participated. Our school will select excellent works to participate in the evaluation。


How to submit works:

班级After the first trial,Summarize the information of essay, calligraphy and short video works in 6  5 12:00 前以 College name+ Excellent works  分类Naming, packing and pressing Condensed unified send to

1.征文Stick to the topic and write it yourself, orBy classmates, friends, to The third person tells the story of their youth struggle。There is no limit to the genre (prose, poetry, memoire Any narrative is acceptable),It requires true content, sincere feelings and outstanding personalityHarmonia sutra Calendar, transfer positive energy, the topic is not limited, the word does not exceed 2000 字。Reference in the text  The recipients are required to study hard, live a simple life, and be enthusiastic about public welfare activities; graduated Students who borrow money from national student loans must be honest and repay their student loans on time。

Essay format requirements:

① Page Settings: A4 纸;

② Margins: both up and down 2 厘米;

③ Title level text format: main title minor three bold, subtitle minor three bold, one Class title No. 4 is bold, text No. 4 is bold;

④ Line spacing: 1.25 倍;

⑤ Naming rules: call for papers-学院-学号姓名Essay question。

Submissions must be original works and have never been published in other journals 抄袭


2.Calligraphy worksTo submit a physical object, please use a label on the lower right corner of the calligraphy work Name, format: calligraphy学院学号姓名题目。

3.Short video worksMust be based on student aid, The content fits the theme, is positive, Reject vulgarity and kitsch;Creative, warm, deep, sentimental, can Showing the positive spirit of college students can arouse resonance。

Video genres include but are not limited to animation, micro films, etc。The picture is clear and stable, no obvious Noise, can be matched with background music, interpretation sound and background music effect match, sound and Picture synchronization;Works must be original works and may not be copied, by college班级Should confirm the copyright of the short video works, and agree to the video works involved in the activity of wechat public Number platform, Free use in the website and related media reports;The mainThe office is not responsible for any Laws arising from disputes over portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, Copyrights, trademarks, etc 责任。

Video format requirements:

① Video length 3 About minutes, landscape screen shot, size 500Within M, MP4  Type, suitable for network, Media such as television;

② Video naming rules: video -学院- Video name。

Student financial aid Policy and financial credit knowledge answering activities

Answer Time:29 -31 May (details will be announced later通知

Answer method and content:

This knowledge answering activity uses the school's wechat public account"Your scientist said ”开展, Students are required to follow the official wechat account to answer questions. Content for countryStudent financial aid policy and financial knowledge, question types are divided into single choice, multiple choice, true or false. The selected questions are randomly assigned automatically。


班级Actively mobilize students to participate in network knowledge answer, passOrganize students knowledge Strengthen the publicity of national funding policies to help students stay away from bad campus loans and routine loans, Establish correct consumption concept and values; National grants and national student loansStudents must participate in the answerFreshman to junior classes require answer rates90%. Senior class requires 60%。

)开展"Grateful to advance Motivational growth "Gratitude education theme Symposium (withBody time and place to be announced)


The spirit of instructions, always to"Not allowing a student to be out of school because of family financial difficulties, promote. Students from poor families grow into talents ”为 目标。Tangible understandingMaster family financial difficulties Ideological dynamics of difficult students, strengthen gratitude education of assisted students, practice Bright reason thick virtue, Chong Actual responsibility The school motto encourages the majority of assisted students to strive for self-improvement, aspire to become talented, and be grateful Dedication, at that time to carry out a Thanksgiving inspirational education teacher-student symposium, all colleges recommend this schoolReceived the following financial support (national student loan, State grants, National encouragementScholarships, targeted poverty alleviation recipients, Wennan Inspirational Scholarship, Dream Building Scholarship)Student representative 3 Human participation。


, activity requirements

1.Honesty education is the core content of students' moral education.Each classBe fully aware of fundingThe significance of education activities, taking this activity as an opportunity,Integrate integrity educationIn the regular student education management and service work, promote the normalization of integrity education;

2.我院It is necessary to increase the publicity and action of a series of activities on the theme of integrity educationStaff strength, Ensure that students are actively involved in the activities;Open honesty on the college website publicity platform in a timely manner Letter theme education activities column, release integrity theme education related knowledge andActivity new 闻;

3.The school should closely focus on the theme of this activity and combine it with the collegePractical and characteristic open Exhibition activities, widely listen to the opinions of students, and actively explore and practice to strengthen integrity education Effective measures;



Contact person:胡琴






Guiyang Institute of Information TechnologySchool of Health Management

2024 5  22

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