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The Ministry of Education and 17 other departments on the issuance of the "Comprehensive Strengthening and Improving the New Era of Student Mental health work Special Action Plan (2023-2025)" notice
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Seventeen departments, including the Ministry of Education, issued the Special Action Plan for Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving Students' Mental Health in the New Era (20232025) "notice

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Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government Education Department (Education Commission), procuratorate, Party Committee propaganda department, Network information Office, Science and Technology department (bureau), Public Security Department (bureau), Civil Affairs department (bureau), Finance department (bureau), Health commission, Radio and Television Bureau, Sports Bureau, Women's and Children's Working Committee office, Youth League Committee, Women's Federation, Customs Working Committee, Association for Science and Technology,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Education Bureau, Procuratorate, Publicity Department of the Party Committee, Internet and Information Office, Science and Technology Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Finance Bureau, Health Commission, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, Women and Children's Working Committee Office, League Committee, Women's Federation, Customs Working Committee, Association for Science and Technology,Related research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences:


  Special Action Plan for Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving Students' Mental Health in the New Era (20232025"Has been deliberated and adopted by the Central Leading Group for Education。It is hereby issued to you, and please implement it in accordance with actual conditions。

Ministry of Education Supreme People's Procuratorate Central Propaganda Department

Central Cyberspace Administration Ministry of Science and Technology Ministry of Public Security

Ministry of Civil Affairs Exchequer National Health Commission

State Administration of Radio, Film and Television General Administration of Sport Chinese Academy of Sciences

Office of Women and Children's Working Committee of The State Council Central Committee of the Communist Youth League All-China Women's Federation

China Working Committee for Caring for the Next Generation China Association for Science and Technology


Special Action Plan to comprehensively Strengthen and Improve Students' Mental Health in the New Era (20232025年)

Promoting students' physical and mental health and all-round development is a major issue concerned by the Party Central Committee, the people and the society。With the rapid economic and social development, students' growth environment is constantly changing, combined with the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, students' mental health problems are more prominent。In order to earnestly implement the spirit of the Party's twenty Congresses and implement the Modernization of Chinese Education2035Opinions of The State Council on the Implementation of the Healthy China Action, comprehensively strengthen and improve the mental health work of students in the new era, enhance students' mental health literacy, and formulate this action plan。

 ⠂༯span>I. General requirements

  (1) Guiding ideology

  Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,Persist in educating people for the Party and the country,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,Adhere to the concept of health first education,Put mental health work in a more prominent position,Coordinate policies and institutions, disciplines and talents, technology and environment,Through the university, primary and secondary school each section,Throughout the school, family, all aspects of society,Cultivate students love life, cherish life, self-esteem, self-confidence, rational peace, optimism and upward psychological quality and unremitting struggle, honor and shame, perseverance will quality,We will promote the coordinated development of students' ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural qualities, and physical and mental health qualities,Train new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation。

  (2) Basic principles

  -- Pursuing all-round development。We will improve the education system for all-round training, promote the reform of educational evaluation, adhere to the unification of learning knowledge and improving all-round quality, and train socialist builders and successors who are fully developed morally, intellectually, physically, the United States and labor。

  -- Putting health first。Take health as the premise and foundation of students' all-round development,Follow the law of student growth and talent,To solve the students' psychological problems and solve the practical problems of students' development,The quality of mental health work is taken as an important index to measure the level of education development, the ability of running a school and the quality of personnel training,Promote students' physical and mental health。

  -- Keep improving your ability。Coordinate the construction of teachers, teaching materials, courses, disciplines, and majors, strengthen the construction of students' mental health work system, strengthen students' mental health education in an all-round way, improve the prevention and monitoring mechanism for psychological problems, and actively intervene to make students' mental health work more scientific, targeted, and effective。

  -- Upholding systematic governance。Improve the multi-departmental linkage and school, family and social cooperation education mechanism, focus on the core elements, key areas and key links that affect students' mental health, make up for weaknesses and strengths, and systematically strengthen students' mental health work。

  (3) Work objectives

  Health education, monitoring and early warning, consulting services, intervention and disposalThe "four-in-one" student mental health work system is more perfect, and the student mental health work pattern of school, family, society and relevant departments is more perfect。2025The proportion of schools with full-time (part-time) teachers for mental health education reached this level95%The proportion of family education guidance service sites carrying out mental health education reached60%

  Ii. Main tasks

  (1) Five children simultaneously promote mental health

  1.Morally minded。Students' mental health education should run through the whole process of moral education, ideological and political work, and be integrated into all aspects of education, teaching, management services and students' growthThe "three full education" pattern, firm ideals and beliefs, deepen patriotic feelings, guide students to buckle the first button of life, and establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, and values。

  2.With wisdom in mind。We will optimize the content and methods of education and teaching, and effectively reduce the burden of homework and off-campus training for students in compulsory education。Teachers should pay attention to learning and mastering psychological knowledge, and pay attention to maintaining students' mental health in subject teaching, so as to teach and educate people。

  3.Strengthen your mind with your body。Give full play to the role of sports in regulating emotions and relieving pressure, implement the action of school sports consolidation, open good physical education and health classes, support schools to provide full coverage and high-quality after-school sports services, and strive to ensure that students every day inside and outside the school1Hours of physical activity. Master it12Sports skills, enjoy fun in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, improve personality, temper will。

  4.Moisten the heart with beauty。Give full play to the role of aesthetic education in enriching the spirit and warming the soul, carry out the school aesthetic education infiltration action, and carry out extensive popular, diverse, rich and positive aesthetic education practice activities to teach students to understand beauty, appreciate beauty and create beauty。

  5.Use labor to strengthen the mind。We will enrich and expand ways to implement labor education, so that students can practice, work hard and sweat, hone the quality of their will, develop work habits, and cherish the fruits of work and a happy life。

  (2) Strengthen mental health education

  6.Courses on mental health are offered。Primary and secondary schools should carry out mental health education in combination with relevant courses。Secondary vocational schools are required to offer full ideological and political courses"Mental Health and Career" module hours。Higher vocational schools have listed courses such as mental health education as compulsory or limited elective courses for public foundation according to regulations。In principle, mental health compulsory courses should be set up in colleges and universities2One credit (3236If conditions permit, colleges and universities can offer more diverse and targeted mental health electives。Colleges and universities that offer continuing education for higher academic qualifications should offer mental health courses suitable for adult characteristics according to regulations。Nursery institutions should follow the physiological and psychological characteristics of children, create activity scenes, and cultivate positive psychological quality。

  7.Give play to the role of classroom teaching。According to the development needs of college and primary school students, mental health teaching is carried out in different categories, focusing on individual differences of students, helping students master mental health knowledge and skills, establishing self-help and help consciousness, learning to rationally face difficulties and setbacks, and enhancing mental health quality。

  8.Carry out all-round mental health education。Organize and compile mental health reading books for primary and secondary school students, and steadily promote the popularization of mental health education。To provide parents, principals, class teachers, counselors and other groups to provide students with common psychological problems and other psychological health guidelines"Service Pack"。Rely on "teachers and students health⠼/span>China HealthTheme education, "National College and Secondary School Mental Health Day", vocational colleges "civilized style" activities, high school entrance examination and college entrance examination and other important activities and time nodes, multi-channel, multi-form mental health education。Give full play to the role of the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, student union (graduate student association), student associations, social workers hired by the school, etc., to enhance peer support and harmonize the relationship between teachers and students。

  (3) Standardizing mental health monitoring

  9.Strengthen mental health monitoring。To organize the development of mental health assessment tools that meet the characteristics of Chinese children and adolescents, and standardize the selection, monitoring and implementation of scales and the application of results。Relying on relevant units to set up state-level students' mental health education research and monitoring institutions for primary and secondary schools, build a complete monitoring system for students' mental health status, strengthen data analysis, case studies, and strengthen risk prediction and condition guarantee。The State Compulsory education Quality Monitoring monitors students' mental health every year。Local education departments and schools should actively carry out students' mental health monitoring。

  10.Conduct mental health assessment。Adhere to prevention first, advance the threshold, and regularly carry out students' mental health assessment。The county-level education department shall organize primary and secondary schools in the region to carry out mental health assessment, make good use of the important opening period, and carry out at least one mental health assessment for students in senior primary schools, junior middle schools, senior high schools, secondary vocational schools and other students every academic year, guiding schools to scientifically and standardized use of assessment results and establish"One Policy for a Lifetime" mental health archive。Colleges and universities should timely carry out mental health assessment after freshmen enter campus every year, encourage qualified colleges and universities to reasonably increase the frequency and scope of assessment, scientific analysis and reasonable application of assessment results, and formulate classified mental health education programs。Establish and improve the security protection mechanism of evaluation data to prevent information leakage。

  (4) Improve psychological early warning intervention

  11.Improve the early warning system。County-level education departments should rely on relevant units to build regional psychological counseling centers for primary and secondary school students, standardize psychological counseling services, and regularly provide business guidance and skill training for primary and secondary schools in the region。Primary and secondary schools should strengthen the construction of psychological counseling rooms, early warning and intervention work。Encourage high school and college classes to explore the setting of psychology committee。Colleges and universities should strengthen the construction of psychological counseling service platform and improve it"School - department - class - dormitory/个人The four-level warning network, counselors and class teachers regularly visit students' dormitories, and departments regularly study and judge students' psychological conditions。Focus on students facing academic and employment pressure, economic difficulties, emotional crisis, family changes, school bullying and other risk factors, as well as off-campus internship, social practice and other changes in the learning and living environment。Give play to the role of psychological assistance hotline, strengthen emergency psychological assistance for students affected by major emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents, public health events, and social security events, and effectively soothe, guide and intervene。

  12.Optimize cooperation mechanism。Departments of education, health, Internet and information technology, and public security shall guide schools to establish and improve coordination mechanisms with families, mental health medical institutions, and maternal and child health institutions,Jointly carry out publicity and education on students' mental health,We will strengthen physical and technical defense,Early detection of serious mental health problems in students,Online and offline monitoring and warning of students' dangerous behaviors such as self-injury or wounding,Smooth access to prevention referral intervention for medical treatment,Prompt referral, diagnosis and treatment。Education departments will work with health departments to improve the mechanism for students with mental or mental health problems to return to school。

  (5) Build strong psychological talent team

  13.We will improve the quality of personnel training。Improve the National Standards for the Quality of Psychology Teaching。We will strengthen the construction of training bases for top students in psychology, applied psychology, social work and other related disciplines。We will support university counselors in pursuing professional master's degrees in psychology, social work and other related disciplines, and appropriately increase the number of psychology related majors in the special program for ideological and political work cadres in universities to pursue on-the-job doctoral degrees。

  14.Mental health teachers。The ratio of teachers to students in universities should not be lower than that14000Full-time mental health education teachers, and each school at least equipped2名。Each primary and secondary school has at least one1Professional (part-time) mental health education teachers are encouraged to have full-time mental health education teachers with professional background in psychology。A teaching and research system for teachers of mental health education has been established, and county-level teaching and research institutions have psychological teaching and research staff。

  15.Smooth channels for teacher development。To organize the development of professional standards for teachers of mental health education, and form a system of teacher professional development that is linked with the qualification system and the title system of teachers of mental health education。The evaluation of professional titles of mental health education teachers can be included in the series of ideological and political teachers, moral teachers or separate evaluation。For primary and secondary school class teachers and Young pioneers counselors, college counselors, graduate tutors, etc., to carry out individual psychological development, health education basic knowledge and skills coverage training, regular mental health education teachers vocational skills training。Take multiple measures to strengthen teachers' mental health work, support social forces and professional medical institutions to participate in the action to improve teachers' mental health education ability, make good use of the home-school-community collaborative mental care platform, promote the development and training of teachers' mental health education learning resources, and improve teachers' ability to detect and effectively deal with mental health problems。

  (6) Support mental health research

  16.Conduct scientific research。In view of students' common psychological problems and psychological disorders, resources from psychological science, brain science, artificial intelligence and other disciplines are gathered to support relevant national and local key laboratories to carry out basic, cutting-edge and international research on students' mental health。Universities and research institutes where conditions permit are encouraged to set up student mental health laboratories to carry out research on student mental health。

  17.Promote the application of results。Encourage and support the application of mental health scientific research results to students' mental health education, monitoring and early warning, counseling services, intervention and other fields, and improve the level of students' mental health work。

  7. Improving psychosocial services

  18.Enhance the ability to provide social psychological services。Health departments have strengthened the construction of children's hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and maternal and child health institutions for children's psychological counseling and specialized outpatients, improved the standards and norms for children and adolescents' mental health services in medical and health institutions, and strengthened comprehensive supervision。Civil affairs, health, the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, Women's Federations and other departments have jointly built a community psychological service platform to support professional social workers and volunteers in carrying out mental health services for children and adolescents。For mental health institutions that have established hotlines and12345Government services Convenience hotline (including12320Public Health Hotline), the Communist Youth League12355The youth service hotline and other staff carry out training on children and adolescents' mental health knowledge, provide professional services, widely publicize the hotline to children and adolescents, and encourage them to call for help when needed。

  19.We will strengthen family education guidance services。Women's federations, education and customs commissions and other departments will organize and run parent schools or online family education guidance platforms,Promote the construction of community family education guidance service sites,Guide parents to pay attention to children's mental health,Establish the concept of scientific rearing,Respect the laws of children's psychological development,Rationally determine children's growth expectations,Actively carry out parent-child activities,Make sure your child gets enough sleep,Prevent addiction to the Internet or games。Parent schools or family education guidance service sites carry out mental health education for parents at least once a year。

  20.Strengthen the protection of minors。The Civilization Office guides and encourages local governments to strengthen the construction of counseling centers for the mental health growth of minors, expand the content of services, and enhance service capabilities。Procuratorial organs promote the establishment of juvenile victims integrating the functions of collecting evidence, psychological counseling and physical examinationIn the "one-stop" case handling area, the "supervision and guardianship Order" is fully implemented in the handling of cases involving minors, and the family education guidance work is fully carried out in conjunction with relevant departments。The Customs Work Committee organized to play the advantage role of the majority of "five old people", promoted the construction of "five old people" studios, and paid attention to the mental health education of minors。

  8. Creating a healthy environment for growth

  21.Carry out science popularization and publicity in a standardized manner。Science and technology Association, education, health and other departments make full use of radio, television, Internet and other media platforms and channels to widely carry out students' mental health knowledge and prevention of psychological problems。Education, health and publicity departments promote students' mental health work experience, and properly grasp the release of mental health and mental health information, news reports and public opinion disposal。

  22.Strengthen daily supervision and management。Internet and telecommunications, radio and television, public security and other departments intensified supervision,Timely discover, clean up, investigate and punish illegal and harmful information and publications related to students,Focus on checking the more problematic online games, live broadcasts, short videos, etc,A broad convergence of forces towards truth, goodness, beauty and upward,To shape and purify cyberspace with the new trend of The Times,Build a beautiful spiritual home online。Comprehensively regulate the marketing of food and toys that endanger physical and mental health to minors without bottom line on campus and surrounding areas and online platforms。

  Third, safeguards

  1. Strengthen organizational leadership。The work of students' mental health should be included in the evaluation of the provincial people's government's performance of educational responsibilities, in the overall plan for school reform and development, in the talent training system and the supervision and evaluation index system, as an important part of the assessment of school running level at all levels and the annual assessment of the leading teams。The National Advisory Committee on Student Mental Health was established。All localities should explore the establishment of a hierarchical management system for students' mental health with provincial planning, city as the center, county as the base, and school distribution, and improve the working mechanism for students' mental health with departmental collaboration, social mobilization, and universal participation。

  (2) Implementing funding input。All localities should increase overall planning, optimize the expenditure structure, and effectively strengthen the funding guarantee of students' mental health work。Schools should include the required funds in the budget to meet the needs of students' mental health work。It is necessary to improve the multi-channel investment mechanism and encourage social forces to support the development of students' mental health services。

  (3) Cultivating and popularizing experience。Build studios of famous teachers and principals of students' mental health education, carry out exchanges of students' mental health education, and select excellent cases。Support regions and schools where conditions permit to innovate student mental health work models, explore and accumulate experience, and play a leading and driving role。


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