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Turn: Heart book recommendation - How to become more influential yourself?
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2024-05-17  Click rate:1261  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

Title: The Power of Empathy

Author: Arthur·Joe Ramicali, Catherine·柯茜

Translator: Wang Chunguang

Publication Time:201812


About the author

亚瑟·Cholamicali[]He once worked at Harvard Medical School, is a famous American psychologist, a lecturer of the Cancer Society, and a member of the Psychological Society。He was the first to combine empathy with cognitive behavioral therapy, advocating the discovery of innate empathy, and createFacebookEmpathy and kindness ProjectProject and linkedinHealth Empathy Achievement Group

Catherine.柯茜[]Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, American Psychological Association(APA)Senior Fellow and Associate editor of the American Psychologist。



Content introduction

In The Power of Empathy, the author explains the difference between empathy and compassion, how to use empathy to find love, how to be an active empathic listener, how to use empathy to create lasting intimacy, and how to avoid the bad effects of empathy in the dark face of life。

In addition, the author believes that empathy is an essential part of life, and explains how to use honesty, humility, acceptance, tolerance, gratitude, faith, hope, and forgiveness8Behavior to gain empathy。

This book is a psychologist's rejection of common medical labels and medical practices for treating human suffering, a psychology professor's human meditation on his brother's suicide due to lack of empathy, and a practical guide to how to accompany loved ones through grief, helplessness, confusion, and despair。


Golden sentence sharing

1If a door is closed, look for a window that is still open.If you lose something, think about what else you're holding。

2Empathy is like the sun rising from a distant mountain, gradually producing the dawn of awareness, spreading the warmth of understanding and understanding, and the light of empathy illuminating our deepest needs。

3If you make a mistake or fail to reach your goals, it does not mean you are defective, this only4It means you're a person。

4Death is not the ultimate tragedy of life, the ultimate tragedy is to die in a strange place, unable to hold the hand of a loved one, without hope。




Without empathy, we wouldn't be able to connect or care for each other, and each of us would be an island。

Empathy brings people through darkness and back into light。Empathy is the path to love, and when love is driven by empathy, not need, we accept each otherDeeply tolerant and understanding each other, experiencing being loved。

Empathy allows us to hold on to each other and let each other know that we will get through this together and that we will never be left alone。



Empathic people put themselves in the other person's shoes so that they can gain a broader perspective, avoid personal bias, and see things in a more holistic way。

However, it is not easy to achieve empathy, and many people think that empathy is to sympathize and comfort others, which is a big misunderstanding。

What is true empathy and how can we achieve it? This book gives us specific theories and methods to explain it。

Read this book well, I believe you will certainly gain and understand。



From the Psychological center of Guiyang Information Science and Technology College

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