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Introduction of Professor Zhang Youjian
来源:  作者:  编辑:苑源  日期:2024-05-20  Click rate:1377  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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Zhang Youjian, female,19600803日生,中共党员,Professor, Member of the fourth, fifth and sixth Boards of the Chinese Medical Qigong Society;Member of the fifth Council of the World Medical Qigong Society, member of the Academic Committee of the World Medical Qigong Society。

Engage in teaching39 years;He presided over a number of research projects of Chinese Medical Qigong Society, humanities and Social science projects of Guizhou Education Department, scientific research projects of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and teaching reform projects。Offers college sports general courses, optional courses;Guiding health science;Traditional Chinese medicine fitness;Traditional health sports;Qigong of traditional Chinese medicine;Tuina technique;Traditional Chinese medicine sports health;Exercise therapy techniques and other courses。He has taken courses for undergraduate students, graduate students and international students。Published a monograph of Guiding Health Exercise;He has written and published many articles in core journals and provincial journals。He has participated in the compilation of more than ten textbooks, such as planning textbooks and innovative textbooks of TCM Qigong, TCM Fitness Science, Tuina Medicine Law, Medical Qigong, TCM Health Maintenance, Traditional Exercise Rehabilitation and TCM Sports Health Maintenance, etc. by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House and People's Medical Medical Publishing House。

Led the martial arts team and volleyball team of Guizhou University of Chinese Medicine to participate in national and provincial competitions and obtained many good results。Founded in New ChinaOn the occasion of the 70th anniversary, he was awarded advanced person by Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine。


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