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A collection of Psychology group auxiliary activities for the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year for the Department of Economics and Management
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      News network(Contributed by Charles K. Ma)In the fast-paced study and life,Students' psychological pressure is gradually increasing, in order to help students relieve pressure, enhance team cohesion, improve mental health level,Department of economics and management2023-2024学First semesterCarefully planned and organized a series of psychological group auxiliary activities。

    May 28, 2023,Business Class 2001 and Business Class 2002 under the guidance of instructor Zhu Chenglong,A group auxiliary activity with the theme of "Class, one family, unite you, me and him" was carried out,June 10, 2023,Financial Management 2001, Financial Management 2002, Financial Management 2003 students under the guidance of the instructor teacher Mo Jianhuo carried out the theme of "Gather youth strength, gather financial management friendship" group support activities,Twice outside团辅Scenic parks and natural scenic spots in the suburbs were selected as the activity locations。In a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, the students enhanced mutual understanding and trust through team games and outdoor activities, and at the same time exercised their bodies and released pressure。

   On June 14, 2023, the students of Accounting Class 2103 conducted a psychological group activity with the theme of "Know you know me, Unite and Progress Together" under the leadership of the instructor, Mr. Ma Kun.In order to provide a quiet environment for the students,The event was held indoors。Activities include psychologyKnowledge sharingGroup discussion, role play and other forms are designed to help students gain an in-depth understanding of mental health knowledge and master methods of self-regulation。

    On the afternoon of June 17, 2023旅游2101班Under the guidance of our counselor, Mr. Luo Yiðd ¼–, the students started the programJune of PassionPsycho-group auxiliary activities,On the sports field, students not only exercise their bodies by participating in various sports competitions and fun sports, but also learn how to adjust their mentality in sports and enjoy the fun of sports。

    Through the psychological group activities, students generally reported that the body and mind have been relaxed, the pressure has been relieved。In the activity, the students learned how to better communicate with others, cooperate with others, and enhance team cohesion。At the same time, the students also realized the importance of mental health and learned how to regulate their emotions and maintain a positive attitude。

    Psychological group activities not only provide a platform for students to relax and relieve pressure, but more importantly, it promotes communication and communication among students and enhances team cohesion。Through participating in the activities, students learn how to face challenges and overcome difficulties, and develop a positive attitude and optimistic attitude toward life。These valuable experiences and qualities will have a profound impact on the future development of students。In the future work,Department of economics and managementWe will continue to strengthen the organization and implementation of psychological group auxiliary activities, constantly innovate the form and content of activities, and provide more diversified and higher quality mental health services for students。At the same time, we also hope that more students can actively participate in psychological group activities, and jointly create a positive, harmonious and beautiful campus environment。

编辑:Department of economics and management
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