General Party Branch of the college 
Theory propaganda into the community, volunteer service non-stop
来源:  作者:  编辑:Department of economics and management  日期:2023-09-07  Click rate:1326  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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    News network(Contribution/Photo First Party Branch of Students of the Department of Economic Management)为防范化解诈骗风险,坚决守住安全底线,深入贯彻习近平总书记对贵州工作重要指示批示精神,2023年9月27日,全球十大外围足球平台经济管理系党总支志愿者们到达青岩镇北街村,开展每月一次的基层社区服务活动。

(The picture shows volunteers and leading teacher Luo Yi d ¼–.

      本次活动主要围绕习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的宣讲、节假日安全事项提醒、民生保障医疗保险推广。During the activity, the volunteers, under the leadership of Comrade Xu Jing, the village secretary of North Street Village, went into the village, went door to door to carry out propaganda, and expressed sympathy and concern to the villagers。In the process,The villagers preached to the volunteers: "Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics.,Always follow the party,Surely this is what every citizen should be doing right now,The Party has the people's lives at heart,The people took the Party's instructions to heart,It is the basic condition for creating a harmonious society together,Now there is a force to go forward,Be not afraid of difficulties,College students who are willing to go deep into the grass-roots front line to do service work,It is the result of the Party's excellent education,It is also the school's support for grassroots work。Thanks to the party, the community and the school for their care."。

(The picture shows Secretary Xu Jing leading the volunteers to preach at the villagers' residence)

      Through this activity, local residents not only have a better understanding of the livelihood protection work, but also have more confidence in the leadership of the Party。The volunteers have also been honed in this activity, the combination of practice and theory, so that volunteers once again firm faith in serving the people, more willing to actively participate in the grassroots front line research and service work。

(The picture shows the local secretary and volunteers explaining the medical insurance policy to the villagers)

编辑:Department of economics and management
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