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The Department of Information Technology has carried out safety checks in student dormitories
来源:  作者:  编辑:Information department  日期:2023-10-10  Click rate:1768  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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In order to create a good accommodation environment, improve students' safety awareness, and timely understand the ideological dynamics of students,109日,我All the counselors walked into the student dormitory and carried out宿舍安全排查

此次主要Against illegal electricity consumption, illegal items in student dormitories,High-power electrical apparatusSafety and hygiene are carried out排查Effectively put an end to safety hazards, and actively carry out dormitory safety education, told students to pay attention to dormitory electricity safety, personal and property safety, and enhance safety awareness。Throw oneself into it with full enthusiasm日常Study and life。The students said that they will strictly abide by the management of the school dormitoryAll rules and regulations, maintain the hygiene of the dormitory, abide by the rest time, and jointly maintain a safe, civilized and harmonious dormitory atmosphere。





This dormitoryLarge safetyThe investigation is aimed at strengthening dormitory management, eliminating safety hazards, and optimizing the education environment for students良好Study and life escort。Through this timeDormitory safety inspection work, optimization了我Major studentDormitory learning and living environmentStrengthen the students' safety awarenessTo create civilization寝室,Cultivate and improve meDormitory culture打造Take it to the next levelLaid the foundation






                                     Department of Information Engineering, Information Science and Technology College of Guiyang

                                               October 10, 2023

编辑:Information department
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