General Party Branch of the college 
踔 forge ahead with courage and perseverance
踔 forge ahead with courage and perseverance
Party members of the Department of Economic Management concentrated on studying the Party's twenty great spirits
来源:  作者:  编辑:Department of economics and management  日期:2022-10-25  Click rate:2669  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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News network News (contribution/Department of Economic Management Party Building Office) 20221025日,Economic management系以踔厉 Work hard and forge ahead bravelyAs the themeB307开展学习会议。Department head Cao Caixia, Department General Party branch secretary Zhu Chenglong, all party members, faculty and student party representatives attended the meeting。会议通过线上+线下The way to form oneShared, open, interactiveThe study of the large classroom, creating a good learning atmosphere。

This meetingLed by Zhu Chenglong, Secretary of the General Branch of the PartyThe Report of the Party's 20th National Congress,Close around"Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy", "the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education", and "implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and people",传达了习近平总书记在报告中针对我国教育、科技、人才发展的重视,In particular, the report's discussion of education and Chinese-style modernization,Fully embodies the party's concern and expectation for education,It points out the direction for socialist education with Chinese characteristics to enter a new era and start a new journey。

Secretary Zhu stressed thatThis learning activity is for meAll Party members are not only a process of seeking treasure, but also a liberating mindThe journey ofagainPhylogenetic developmentStart a new era and embark on a new journeyThe only wayThe top 20 reports run throughoutThe central idea of "building the Party for the public and governing for the people" fully embodies the fundamental purpose of our Party to serve the people wholeheartedly。We should fully understand this thought, make unremitting efforts to improve the consciousness and level of serving students wholeheartedly, and persist in educating people for the Party and the country;Persist in moral education and beautiful education。In combination with the "14th Five-Year Plan" of our school, 踔厉, with courage and perseverance, resolutely strive to achieve satisfactory education for students, parents, the community and the people。

朱书记表示,习近平总书记在报告中系统地阐述了中国式现代化的内涵、伟大意义和本质要求,为我们指出了新时代新征程的方向。The report highlights that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and points out the logical relationship between high-quality development and socialist modernization。At the same time, for the first time, the report uses a separate chapter to elaborate on the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the national security system and the modernization of capabilities in an all-round way, and proposes that education, science and technology, and human resources are the basic and strategic support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and the new security pattern should ensure the new development pattern。All the teachers and students of our department will thoroughly study and implement the Party's 20 major spirits, work together and make contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization and high-quality development with high-quality personnel training and high-level ideological and theoretical achievements。

Finally, teachers and students shared and exchanged ideas on learning the Party's twenty major spirits。They have expressed that they should combine their responsibilities and functions, based on their own positions, constantly improve themselves, identify the entry point and focus, comprehensively implement, constantly promote the school organization work to a new level, and make new contributions to the high-quality development of the school。

(The picture shows the offline centralized learning site for teachers and students)

编辑:Department of economics and management
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