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Ideological and political teaching department teacher post responsibilities
来源:Guiyang Institute of Information Technology  作者:Luo Yuda  编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education  日期:2022-10-01  Click rate:3666  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

一、Love the country, love the school, aim high。积极To participate in the research and discussion of the development plan proposed by the Teaching Department and the Teaching and Research Office, to study and discuss the important matters in the teaching, scientific research and management of the teaching and research Department and the teaching and research office, and to put forward valuable opinions and suggestions。

Two, dedication, teaching and educating people。 The primary duty of political teachers is to teach ideological and political lessons well,Guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values,Firmly believe in Marxism,Firm faith in socialism and communism,We will increase our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Strengthen patriotism,We will conscientiously integrate love for China's national conditions, aspiration for strengthening the country, and service to the country into our efforts to uphold and develop the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a great modern socialist country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,To make positive contributions to the cultivation of moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor all-round development of socialist builders and successors。According to the teaching tasks assigned by the school to the teaching department, I actively undertake and complete the teaching and research tasks I am responsible for with quality and quantity。

Third, as a teacher, dedication。 Ideological and political teachers should enhance "Four consciousness",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Sincerely support the "Two Establishment",Consciously do "two maintenance",始终在政治立场、政治方向、政治原则、政治道路上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,Exemplary practice of higher education teachers ethics standards。做到信仰坚定、学识渊博、理论功底深厚,努力做到政治强、情怀深、思维新、视野广、自律严、人格正,自觉用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑,做学习和实践马克思主义的典范,做为学为人的表率。In accordance with the teaching plan, teaching schedule, class schedule and teaching plan, I conscientiously completed the courses I undertook, carefully prepared the lessons, and earnestly carried out online and offline classroom teaching activities。Counseling and answering questions, teaching enlightening wisdom, caring for students, teaching tirelessly。

Fourth, intellectual cultivation,Carry forward civilization。Study with an open mind, squeeze out time, read more books and newspapers, in order to give people a drop of water, have the spirit of a bucket of water, and gradually establish the knowledge structure required for ideological and political theory education and teaching。Listen to each other, humbly seek advice, and actively participate in teaching inspection and teaching research activities。

Conscientiously and responsibly do a good job in the course of the subject, examination, paper grading, paper review, review, paper archiving and other work。

Combining with the characteristics of private colleges and universities, actively explore the form, content and effect of practical teaching of ideological and political theory courses。

7. Actively carry out scientific research activities。To participate in the application of ideological and political theory teaching reform projects and university-level, provincial and national philosophy and social science research projects organized and released by the Ministry of Teaching, colleges, provincial departments of Education and the National Ministry of Education。Create conditions to actively apply for school-level, provincial and national quality courses。Actively apply for school-level, provincial and national teaching teachers。

8. Every full-time teacher should declare success at least once a year1School level or above (including school level) education reform or ideological and political projects, philosophy and social science projects。撰写3More than 10,000 words of research report1A surname;Or published in provincial and above academic journals1More than one academic paper。Lay a solid foundation for professional title promotion。Part-time teachers are encouraged to actively apply for ideological and political theory teaching reform projects and philosophy and social science projects。

9. Carry out other work arranged by the Teaching Department and the teaching and Research Office。

This post is applicable to full-time and part-time teachers in the teaching and research section, Labor Education Teaching and research section, national defense Education Teaching and Research section, three basic and one nuclear teaching and research section, four lessons and one Extension teaching and research section of the Ministry of Ideological and Political Affairs。External teachers shall refer to the implementation。

 Guiyang Information Science and Technology College ideological and political teaching department



作者:Luo Yuda
编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education
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