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Deeply study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 Major Congress, and vigorously promote the "three steps" work of the spirit of the 20 Major reports
来源:Guiyang Institute of Information Technology  作者:Luo Yuda  编辑:Department of Ideological and political Education  日期:2022-10-31  Click rate:3291  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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  After the closing of the Party's 20th victory, Guiyang Information Science and Technology College ideological and political teaching Department inOn October 25, 2022, under the chairing of Minister Luo Yuda, all teachers participated in the symposium of "In-depth study and implementation of the Spirit of the 20th Party Congress and Vigorously promote the 'three steps' work of the spirit of the 20th Report"。


    (The picture shows Yu, Minister of Ideological, Political and Educational AffairsThe conference was held on October 25

          At the symposium, Minister Luo Yuda first spoke and talked about the experience of learning the spirit of the 20 major reports, especially emphasizing that: to learn the spirit of the 20 major reports of the Party, we must first accurately grasp the theme of the report, and the theme of the report is the soul of the full text。Second, to study the spirit of the Party's twenty National Congress report, we must learn word by word, carefully understand the exact meaning and thought of each sentence and each part in the full text, and pay special attention to the new conclusions, new concepts, new ideas, and new expressions of the report, and learn to understand the spiritual essence of the twenty National Congress report。党的二十大报告是我们党在以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导下,Leading the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the new journey of struggle,Pool the wisdom of the whole Party,We will combine the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of China's socialist construction with Chinese characteristics in the new era of reform and opening up,Opened up a new realm of Marxism and formed a glorious document,It is the program of action to guide the whole Party for some time to come,It has pointed out the way forward for the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China to work together and vigorously promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization。Third, to study and implement the spirit of the report of the Party's 20th National Congress, we must closely relate to the work we are engaged in in-depth study and understanding。Teachers of the Department of Ideological and political education shoulder the important responsibility of moral education, but also to learn deeply and thoroughly the spirit of the Party's twenty major report, under this premise, do their best to vigorously promote the spirit of the Party's twenty major report"Three" work, that is: into the classroom, into the teaching materials, into the minds of students, actively guide college students to learn to understand the spirit of the Party's twenty ten reports, so that they strive to become a great ambition, Ming Da De, into a great talent, a new era。

  In the symposium, the teachers actively spoke, each talked about their own learning of the Party's 20 report experience, have said to seriously, lasting, in-depth study of the party's 20 report spirit, to do a good job of the party's 20 report spirit"Three" work, combined with personal teaching practice to communicate on how to do a good job in teaching and educating people, and contribute their own strength to cultivate outstanding college students who can do a great job in the new era and new journey。

作者:Luo Yuda
编辑:Department of Ideological and political Education
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