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Guiyang Information Technology College digital media department graduate party members inspirational sharing meeting
来源:  作者:  编辑:吴飞  日期:2022-05-13  Click rate:3630  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

For the in-depth study and implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Party全会精神和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,扎实开展党史学习教育,充分发挥党建育人作用,教育引导学生Party members should be integrated in knowledge and practice, so as to be politically qualified, disciplined and morally qualified学生Party members play a pioneering and exemplary role。I am the General branch of the PartyOn May 11, 2022, at 12:20 p.m. in the lecture hall on the second floor of the library, the "Please rest assured, the rejuvenation of the powerful country has me" graduate party members inspirational sharing meeting was held。

1 Activity Starts 

Teachers from the Party and Mass Work Department of Guiyang Information Science and Technology University, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Digital Media Department, all counselors, student representatives of the General Party branch of each department, and all student Party members, activists and development objects of the Digital media Department participated in the sharing。


2- Figure 3 Comrade Pan Di and Comrade Yao Yinyin share


The first is Comrade Pan Disc, who once served as the youth committee member of the second Party Branch of our department, and has been silently contributing to the Party branch to solve problems for the students。Based on his own college experience and achievements, he shares his ideas for everyone通关秘籍。There are many kinds of feelings that do not want to give up, and all kinds of nostalgia。In the future journey, Comrade Pan Dish sincerely hopes that the younger students will always protect their original heart and have the courage to shoulder the mission entrusted by The Times。

Then came Comrade Du Lili, Comrade Luo Jiaxin, Comrade Rao Yi, Comrade Yao Yinyin and Comrade Zhou Very。By sharing the main deeds of their university, they encouraged the students of our department not only to learn professional knowledge, but also to establish lofty ideals, actively draw closer to the party organization, inherit the fine tradition of the Party, show their talents, realize the value of life, and make their own contributions to the cause of the party。

4 Activity group photo nostalgia

This inspirational sharing meeting is not only the process of self-education, self-improvement and self-improvement of party members, but also the process of leading and inspiring all activists and development objects to be positive and forge ahead, as a member学生Party members, they study hard, love the collective, dare to take responsibility, show the vitality and style of contemporary college students, and play an exemplary leading role。They lead other students with their excellent deedsDo not forget the original heart, remember the mission。In the process of inspiring youth, pioneering life, and contributing to society, write a new chapter worthy of The Times, and fully demonstrate the excellent style of Communist Party members in the new era!


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