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Notice on holding the May 25 Mental Health Activity Month series of College students of Department of Civil Engineering, Mingde College, Guizhou University
来源:  作者:  编辑:Department of civil engineering  日期:2019-05-14  Click rate:13704  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

About holdingDepartment of Civil Engineering, Mingde College, Guizhou University

May 25 College Students Mental Health Activity MonthSeries of activitiesA notice of


Civil engineering classes

为认真学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上的讲话,强调要坚持不懈,促进高校和谐稳定,培育理性平和的健康心态,加强人文关怀和心理疏导,把高校建设成为安定团结的模范之地。Carry outMinistry of Education相关Document spiritfurther建立Mental health education service system,深入To build a mental health education work pattern that integrates education, teaching, practical activities, consulting services, prevention and intervention, and platform support, vigorously促进classmatesHealthy growth。It was decided to start in MayDepartment of Civil Engineering, Mingde College, Guizhou University5·25College studentMental healthEducational theme系列The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 

I. Purpose of the activity

By carrying out mental health education主题活动,Focus on cultivatingDear studentsRational, peaceful, positive and healthy attitude, give full play toPositive energyThe transmission role, actively create sunshine校园“心育”氛围

2. Activity theme

"Caring for the heart and Starting from the heart"

, activity time


Iv. Activity content

活动: About the launch of the "Spiritual Journey" essay competition of the 2019 Mental health series activities of the Department of Civil Engineering of Mingde College of Guizhou University

Theme of the event:In response to the call of campus cultural life of college students,Show the style of contemporary college students,Enrich the cultural life of the university,Cultivate literary youth;To strengthen the professional expertise of our students,Selection of excellent works and outstanding talents;At the same time for the contemporary college students to establish correct values, outlook on life,Promote positive and hard working energy,Improve self-cultivation;And vigorously promote civilized energy and civilized new style among young students in our school,Enrich students' extracurricular life,The establishment of the harmonious campus also increased the amount of the "Soul Blooming all over the ground" organized by our school,Therefore, this essay contest was held。

Specific requirements:

1. Activity time: May 15-27;

2. Active object:Department of Civil Engineering 2016, 2017, 2018 classes;

3, Activity form: each class will push at least one work, and the final selection of excellent works will be encouraged with certificates and prizes。

活动: Notice on the movie appreciation of "Mental Viewing Journey", a series of mental health activities conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering of Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2019

Theme of the event:For publicity"Care for the soul·Start from the heartThe theme activities strive to create a positive, flourishing, elegant, healthy and civilized cultural atmosphere, while enriching students' amateur cultural activities, strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization, cultivate students' healthy psychology, and publicize the importance of mental health to students。Guide students to face the things and situations they encounter and need to deal with in life with a good, sunny, rational and healthy attitude

Specific requirements:


2、活动Venue: Library Lecture Hall

3. Object of activity: Civil Engineering Department 2016, 2017, 2018 class representatives and all members of the league branch and the Student Union

4. Form of activity: Screening of mental health education filmsSo that students can feel life while watching the movie, learn how to look at the contradictions and conflicts around themselves, and how to pursue dreams with an optimistic attitude in life。It also enables students to further understand themselves, so as to improve their psychological quality

Activity 3: Notice on the "Happy and Smiling Journey" of Mental Health series activities of Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2019 - Smiley picture solicitation competition

Theme of the event:In order to further enrich the campus cultural life, improve the quality of life, and create a civilized and harmonious campus culture。Constantly improve the ability of college students to find and find beauty in life, help students understand the true meaning of life, bloom a youthful smile, improve the psychological quality of college students, and help college students grow up healthily。

Specific requirements:

1Activity Time:2019年5月14——5月22

2, Activity object: 2016, 2017, 2018

3, activity form: each class提交2-3张(组)Photos of instant smiles in lifeSubmitted to the life department for screening and final selectionThe excellent works to giveCertificates and awards


Annex 1: Notice on the launch of the "Express the Soul Journey" essay contest of the Mental Health Series activities of the Department of Civil Engineering of Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2019.doc
Annex II: Notice on the movie appreciation of "Mental Viewing Tour", a series of mental health activities conducted by the Department of Civil Engineering of Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2019.doc
Annex 3: Notice on the "Happy and Smiling Journey" of Mental Health series activities of Mingde College of Guizhou University in 2019 - Smiley picture solicitation competition.doc



Department of Civil Engineering, Mingde College, Guizhou University


编辑:Department of civil engineering
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