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Self-control ability self-rating scale
来源:  作者:  编辑:Electrical department  日期:2023-10-12  Click rate:15072  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

    Want to know how much self-control you have? Each of the following items indicates the extent to which this statement applies to your situation:1Strongly disapprove of;2;Disapprove of;3A little disapproving;4Somewhere between pro and con;5Somewhat agree;6赞成;7Very much agree with。










1You can get what you want because of your own efforts。








2When you make a plan, believe you can make it work。








3Prefer games that involve luck, rather than games that require pure skill。








4You can learn almost anything you set your mind to。








5Your professional success depends entirely on hard work and ability。








6Don't set goals because it's hard to achieve them。








7Competition doesn't make people good。








8People usually succeed by luck。








9In all the tests, competitions, wondering how you are doing compared to others。








10Doing something too difficult for yourself, there is no point。










The researchers used a sample of college students with an average score: male51.8,女生52.27The options are followed separately1-7分计。367810It's called reverse scoring。The higher the score, the more you believe you can control your achievements。If it's well above average, you reward yourself for success and take responsibility for your failures。A low score indicates that you are outwardly controlling, and you tend to believe that other decisive forces beyond your control, such as stronger people or chance, determine what happens to you。

编辑:Electrical department
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