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Psychological adaptive ability self-assessment scale
来源:  作者:  编辑:Electrical department  日期:2023-11-22  Click rate:14986  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

    The following questions can help you identify your mental resilience。Please read it carefully and decide how well it matches your actual situation, then go from yes;Not sure;Not one of the three possible answers。


1I am most afraid of changing schools or classes, every time to a new environment, I always have to go through a long time to adapt。

2Every time I go to a new place, I can easily get close to others。

3In front of strangers, I often have nothing to say and feel embarrassed。

4I like learning new knowledge or new subjects best, it gives me a sense of freshness, can mobilize my enthusiasm。

5Every time I go to a new place, I always sleep poorly on the first day, even at home, as long as I change a bed, sometimes I can't sleep。

6No matter how much the living conditions change, I can quickly get used to it。

7The more crowded the place, the more nervous I feel。

8Most of my grades in exams or competitions will not be worse than usual practice。             

9The whole class looked at me, their hearts were jumping out。

10、对他()With opinions, I can still associate with him (her)。

11I'm always a little uncomfortable doing things。

12I am seldom opinionated and am often willing to adopt the correct views of others。

13When arguing with others, I often get stuck, and only later do I think of how to refute the other side, but it is too late。

14I do not have high requirements for living conditions, even if the living conditions are very difficult, I can have a good time。

15Sometimes they clearly have the text back to roll melon rotten heat, but when they back in class, they will still make mistakes。

16In the decisive moment, although I was very nervous, but always able to quickly calm down。

17I don't like things, no matter how to learn also can't learn。

18In a noisy and chaotic environment, I can still concentrate on my studies and be more efficient。

19I do not like strangers to come to my home, and whenever this is the case, I will deliberately avoid。

20I really enjoy social activities and I feel it's a good opportunity to make friends。



(1)All singular number questions(1357……),选“”-2分,选“Not sure”0分,选“不是”2分。

(2)Any problem with even numbers(2468……),选“”2分,选“Not sure”0分,选“不是”-2分。The total score is obtained by adding the scores of each question。

35-40Points: Strong psychological adaptability。Can quickly adapt to the new learning and living environment, and communicate with people easily and generous。It gives the impression that no matter what kind of environment you enter, you can cope with it, you know。

29-34Score: Good psychological adaptability。

17-28Points: psychological adaptability in general, when entering a new environment, after a period of effort, basically can adapt。

6-16Points: poor psychological adaptability, relying on a better learning and living environment, once encountered difficulties are easy to complain, even depression。

5Points are as follows: psychological adaptability is very poor, in a variety of new environments, even after a considerable period of effort, may not be able to adapt, often confused, because of the surrounding things and very distressed。In the communication with others, he always appears stiff, timid, and at a loss。

If you score high on this test, you have strong psychological adaptability。However, if you score low, do not worry, because a person's psychological adaptability is increasing with age, knowledge and experience。As long as you are full of confidence, study hard, humbly seek advice, and strengthen exercise, your mental adaptability will be enhanced。

编辑:Electrical department
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