Give full play to the key role of ideological and political lessons in moral education and cultivating people
-- The party and government leaders of the school jointly attended the collective lesson preparation meeting for ideological and political courses
来源:Ideological and political education thematic network  作者:Penminth  编辑:Li Xiaojuan  日期:2024-05-23  Click rate:1279  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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News network(供稿/ For illustration, Ideological and Political Education Department)10月13日In the morning, Guiyang Information Science and Technology College is in the school teaching buildingA栋A416Department of Ideological and political Education举行《全球十大外围足球平台排行》课程Group lesson preparation会,其目的就是:全面学习贯彻党的二十大精神,坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,落实习近平总书记在中央政治局第五次集体学习时的重要讲话精神,用新时代十年伟大变革和贵州非凡The vivid practice of the "Golden decade" has explained the truth deeply, thoroughly and vividly,Continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses,Give full play to the key role of ideological and political lessons in moral education and cultivating people,Guide college students in the new era to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment",Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",Unswervingly listen to and follow the Party。The meeting was chaired by Professor Luo Yuda of the Department of Ideological and Political Education。The school's party and government leaders, Principal Tang Jianrong, Secretary Guo Linhua and vice President Rao Binhua attended the collective lesson preparation meeting. Wang Zhikang, Director of the Teaching and Research Department, Pan Mingsi, Vice minister of the Department of Ideological and Political Education, Professor Pan Miao and Associate Professor Qin Weihua of the Department of Ideological and Political education, and all the teachers of the department participated in the activity。

本次Collective reserveDepartment of Ideological and political education "Situation and policy" teaching and research group leader, full-time young teacher Li Xiaoyan主讲,讲授The content is...《全球十大外围足球平台排行》第一章第二节第二个知识点:毛泽东思想活的灵魂。Li Xiaoyan老师深入explained“毛泽东思想活的灵魂”与时俱进的时代内涵全面clarified"Seek truth from facts, mass line, independence"Theory and practiceAt the same time, it combines realistic and vivid cases and videosGroup lesson planning sharingAnd achieved good resultsGroup lesson preparation效果。

          In this collective lesson preparation meeting, leaders and experts都对Li XiaoyanThe teacher made comments on the lecture, affirming the advantages, but also objectively pointed out the shortcomings of the lecturer in teaching。Through this timeGroup lesson preparation活动,All ideological and political lessonsTeachers benefited a lot, especially the young teachers have been trained, realize their own shortcomings in teaching, and have expressed一定To learn from each other and increase communication to improveIdeological and political theoryInstructional water

编辑:Li Xiaojuan
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