"Inspiration from the heart, chasing dreams from the sun" psychological drama script collection activity planning
来源:  作者:  编辑:Department of civil engineering  日期:2024-04-09  Click rate:1354  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

一、Activity background:

In today's fast-paced, high-pressure society, people are often faced with various challenges and difficulties, easy to fall into anxiety, pressure, low mood and other negative emotions。Mental health problems are gradually prominent in the student group, in order to help students relieve psychological pressure, enhance mental toughness, and establish a healthy and positive attitude。Therefore, our hospital plans to carry out this time"Inspiration from the heart, chasing dreams from the sun" psychological scene drama script collection activity。


Ii. Purpose of the activity

1.Enrich campus cultural life and promote mental health knowledge;

2.Improve students' psychological quality and enhance students' cohesion;

3.Improve college students' understanding of psychological problems and strengthen their immunity to psychological problems。


三、Event Theme:

"Inspiration from the heart, chasing dreams from the sun" psychological scene drama script collection activity


4. Activity time:

April 8, 2024 - April 20, 2024


5. Selection of activity scripts地点:

Guiyang Information Science and Technology College civil buildingD401


六、Active object:

Guiyang Information Science and Technology College of civil engineering all students


(一)Pre-process: Issue a notice to the group work group and notify the players to joinQQ group464523420

(二)Interim process:contestantPlease send an electronic copy of the script to your email address by April 15, 20243400962991@qq.comWhere, the script works paper file materials submitted toTeaching buildingRoom B313

(三)The final stage: The psychological scenario script review team of the College Department will review, select and publicize the script works。


8. Activity requirements:

 It mainly reflects the various events that happen in the campus life of students and the psychological confusion and problems that exist in the studentsSubject matter content includes

(1) The problem of poor adaptation to college: the environment is not adapted to, the learning task is not adapted to, and the self-care ability is poor;
(2) Exam-related problems: exam anxiety, unstable score fluctuation, etc.;
(3) Interpersonal communication problems: dormitory relationship disorder, discord between classmates, improper heterosexual communication, social interaction恐惧Lack of communication skills, difficult to be accepted by others;
(4) Emotional problems: emotional instability, excessive negative emotional experience;
(5) Personality development problems: too introverted and closed, easy to rage, character defects, etc.;
(6) Attention problems: difficulty concentrating, listlessness, loss of interest in activities;
(7Family relationship problems: improper family upbringing, parent-child relationship tension;
(8Obstacles: lack of sense of belonging, security, fear of the surrounding psychology;
(9Self-cognitive dissonance: excessive denial of oneself, unreasonable value beliefs, and extreme self-positioning;

Note: Several subjects can be written together。

(二)Script requirement:

  (1The form and content of the play are not limited, mainly based on the students' campus life, and the students' psychological conflicts, troubles and puzzles in life, study and communication are arranged into psychological dramas for performance by skit performance, role play and situational dialogue。
   (2) The content is healthy, positive, can reflect the real school life, close to reality。Through the performance, the participants and the audience have the experience of empathy, and receive psychological education in a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere。
   (3)剧本It shall be original and shall not copy or adapt the works of others。
   (4)Standard script format, including the title of the play, plot introduction, character setting, scene description, etc. (See Annex I for details)。
   (5)The script is short and the time is controlled5-10 minutes, the number of people controlled to 5-7

(三)Script component

 (1)Ask a question:
  1.Explain the time, place, background, characteristics of The Times and so on;

  2.Explain the relationship between the characters;
  3.Lead to the main contradictions and problems of the whole play。
 (The form of the opening can be illustrated by narration or induced by the plot, that is, a series of actions by the actor to suggest the time, place, and cause of the event.)
  (2) Analysis problem:
 The inner psychological feelings of characters can not be explained and revealed only through confession, But in a role play way, It's shown in the first person through corresponding actions,The characters' emotional reflection and inner experience of a specific event are expressed through action, To reproduce the actual situation at that time,Through the interpretation of these questions, Make the actors and audiences shocked and enlightened。
(3) Solving problems:
 The ending of psychodrama should have deep meaning, can cause the audience to aftertaste and reflection, through the inner conflict and struggle, so that the audience have experience and understanding, change some inappropriate behavior。The ending can also be explained by a voiceover。

(四)Participants' requirements:

Each person can submit no more than one work, if you enter as a team, you must note the team members in the script, and the maximum number of team members is two


Ix. Scoring criteria:
1. Fit the theme (30 points) : The script is closely developed around the theme, the content is healthy and upward, and the overall idea is clear。
2. Innovation (2)0Points) : The content of the script is novel, innovative and bright。

3. Typical selection (20 points) : The selection of scripts is closely related to typical events on campus or in society, and truly reflects the psychological phenomenon of college students。
4. The plot is coherent (20Points) : The plot is complete and coherent, the psychological conflict is obvious, the logic is clear, and the plot is fascinating。
5. Educational significance (10Points) : The script has educational significance, practical enlightenment significance, can arouse resonance, thought-provoking。

10. Award setting

Best Screenplay Award1: Certificate of honor + Civil Engineering Department exquisite gift + style score 3 points

Best Screenplay Award1: Certificate of honor + Civil Engineering Department exquisite gift + style score 3 points

Outstanding screenplay Award: Civil Engineering Department exquisite literary and creative gifts+ Style is divided into two points

(Certificate of honor+ Civil Engineering Department exquisite cultural and creative gifts + Style points)

Note: All participating scripts have the opportunity to participateSchool level May 25 psychological drama competition in 2024。


Matters needing attention

1.The event will be conducted in the principle of fairness, fairness and openness. The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of the competition rules.

2.剧本Please specify the class, name, student number and contact information in the upper right corner of the manuscript"Psychological drama script collection" words, otherwise the manuscript is invalid

3.Adhere to the original, strictly prohibit plagiarism。

4.The jury is composed of faculty representatives and student representatives, and the selection process is open and transparent for supervision by all。

(Attached is the specific format of the script)




Annex I: Script format requirements

The script should include: script introduction, plot introduction, character biography, text of the script

l Brief introduction to the play: Show name, number of participants (5-7),风格

l synopsisAbout 100 words) : A one-sentence introduction to the story, covering the story and features

l biography: Need to include the role name, role functions (male and female, villain, supporting role, narrator, etc.), role gender, age personality, role introduction and other content。

例:xxx: Female, protagonist, weak character, yearning for freedom but submissive

l Script body format

Act 3-5: Each act needs to note the location in advance, if there is a narrator note narration can be





Annex II:

Format template

Introduction to the screenplay (Song, No. 3, bold)

1.Play Title (Imitation Song, No. 4)

2.Number of people (Song, No. 4)

3.Style (Song, No. 4)

Synopsis (Song, No. 3, bold)

The text content,About 100 words (Imitation Song, No. 4)

Biographical sketches (Song, No. 3, bold)

Text content (Song, No. 4)

Text of the play (Song, No. 3, bold)

Act I (Imitation Song, No. 3)

Text content, no less500 words (Imitation Song, No. 4)

Act II (Imitation Song, No. 3)

Text content, no less800 words (Imitation Song, No. 4)

Act III (Song, No. 3)

Text content, no less800 words (Imitation Song, No. 4)


                               School of Civil Engineering, Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology

                                    April 8, 2024



编辑:Department of civil engineering
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