我校举行重温习近平总书记“3.18 "Important speech delivered the 5th anniversary symposium
来源:  作者:  编辑:Party and mass work  日期:2024-03-22  Click rate:6110  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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News network(供稿/ Party and Mass Work Department)为重温习近平总书记The fifth anniversary of the "March 18" speech,On the night of March 21st,Our school specially invited Professor Zhang Fenghong from the School of Marxism of Guizhou Normal University to hold a symposium in Yangming Academy of our school,Our school president (chief school management expert) Tang Jianrong attended,The secretary of the General Party branch of all departments of the school, all the teachers of ideological and political courses, and the counselor team totaled more than 100 people to participate in the activity。

Professor Zhang Fenghong shared with the participants that she participated as a representative of Guizhou Ideological and political course2019年学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会时的情景,以及现场聆听习近平总书记重要讲话的感悟。

随后,Professor Zhang Fenghong takes the Party's innovation theory to lead teachers' ideological and political work as the topic,This paper summarizes the basic situation of ideological and political education in recent years from four aspects, such as founding background, scientific connotation and historical status,It also emphasizes the importance of thinking and politics teachers to take the initiative to study and judge new forms and problems of network thinking and politics,She says,Ideological and political teachers should work hard to solve itThe fundamental question of "who to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people" is to actively promote the reform and innovation of ideological and political education, constantly improve and optimize the network education path, and strengthen the construction of "Internet + ideological and political education"。

Professor Zhang Fenghong, starting from his own years of work experience, stressed the importance of party building leading business work。She points out,We should take the curriculum ideological and political construction as the key link to carry out the fundamental task of moral education,Adhere to the combination of knowledge transfer and value guidance,The content of ideological and political education should be integrated into the professional education and daily life of colleges and universities,Promote the formation of professional courses and ideological and political courses in conjunction with the situation of education,We will carry out the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people。

"Cultivating talents for the foundation of the country"。She emphasized that ideological and political teachers should learn to read classics, base themselves on teaching materials, participate in practice, and take emotional, tasteful and loving ideological and political lessons, so that the ideological and political lessons can become a course that students really like and benefit from for life。She said that young teachers should use solid academic level and a high degree of responsibility to train good builders and successors for socialism with Chinese characteristics and make contributions to national rejuvenation。

At the end of the class, the participating teachers discussed the problems encountered in their daily work"Pain points" and "difficulties" with Professor Fenghong Zhang for advice, Professor Zhang to answer one by one, the two sides carried out a warm exchange activities。

活动最后,唐建荣为本次活动做总结,他表示,习近平总书记"3·18" important speech for ideological and political teaching has pointed out the direction and provided a fundamental compliance,We should continue to follow the "six" standards of ideological and political teachers and the "eight unified" requirements of ideological and political lessons,Constantly improve the level of theoretical cultivation and education and teaching ability,Strengthen the ideological, theoretical, affinity and pertinence of ideological and political courses,Strive to build a strong political, deep feelings, new thinking, broad vision, strict self-discipline, personality of ideological and political teachers,Constantly open up a new situation of ideological and political work and ideological and political course construction in applied colleges and universities in the new era。


编辑:Party and mass work
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