Fire safety training will be carried out for all counselors, student backbone representatives and logistics-related staff in the spring semester of 2024
来源:Security department  作者:杨艳  编辑:Security office  日期:2024-03-07  Click rate:6098  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

    In order to further strengthenSchool fire safety work, popularize fire safety knowledge, enhance the safety awareness of all teachers, students and staff, led by the school security Department, with the support and cooperation of all departmentsFrom March 6 to 7, 2024, three fire safety training sessions were organized by Teacher Yan Chaozheng, the person in charge of fire safety on campus。



    There are two main contents of this training:1.Structure and use of fire hydrants, 2.Fire extinguisher effective performance check and operation。

    First of all, Teacher Yan explained in detail the safety knowledge of fire prevention, escape, alarm, etc., so that everyone can understand how to take active and effective self-rescue and mutual rescue measures in critical situations。The appearance and internal structure of fire hydrant and fire extinguisher, the function of fire door and the matters that should be paid attention to at ordinary times are introduced。


    During the drill, in order to let everyone better grasp the correct use of fire equipment, combined with fire hydrants and the most commonly used dry powder fire extinguishers in life to demonstrate and explain, guide everyone to correctly use fire hydrants and fire extinguishers and carry out drills。



    Through this practical exercise, enhance the fire prevention awareness of all teachers, students and staff, and improve the emergency response and disposal ability of fire emergencies。At the same time, improve the sense of self-protection and the brave spirit of not panic。

编辑:Security office
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