Hold high the banner 踔厉 Brave and forge ahead to create new brilliance and strive to create new achievements on the new journey in the new era
The first Congress of the Guiyang Institute of Information Technology of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded
来源:  作者:  编辑:Party and mass work  日期:2023-10-28  Click rate:8454  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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News network(供稿/ Party and Mass Work Department)10月27日,The first congress of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Technology was successfully closed in the library lecture hall,Xiao Wen, deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of Guiyang Municipal Committee and member of the Party Committee of Guiyang Education Bureau,Guiyang City Education Bureau Organization Department director Liu Zhao,All the leading team members of our school attended,100 representatives of teachers, students and party members attended the conference in full spirit。The meeting was presided over by Wang Yinghua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and executive president。


This Party congress will be heldOn the morning of October 27, in the solemn national anthem, Comrade Guo Linhua, secretary of the Party Committee, on behalf of the previous school Party Committee, made a work report entitled "Holding High the banner 踔厉 and Forging ahead with courage and perseverance to create new achievements in the new era and new journey"。This paper comprehensively and deeply summarizes the achievements made by our school in reform and development and party building in the past five years, analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by our school's development in a realistic manner, further clarifies the ideas of high-quality development, and plans the party building and development plan of our school in the next five years。

The report states that,The past five years have been an important stage for the development of school relocation and the deepening of reform,Under the leadership of Education and Working Committee of Guizhou Provincial Committee, Guizhou Provincial Department of Education, Guizhou University Party Committee and Guiyang Municipal Committee of Education and Working Committee,The University Party Committee fully implements the spirit of the 19th, 20th and 19th and 20th plenary sessions of the Party Congress,Focus on the main responsibility and the main business,Take the general requirements of Party building in the new era as the fundamental principle,Constantly promote the school party building,Unite and lead all party members, teachers, students and staff,抓好"Recruiting good students, teaching and learning, educating good people, good career, and publicity" work, and has made a series of achievements in school scale, talent training, re-evaluation, party building, ideology and politics, and social recognition。The report summarized the effective experience explored by the school in the development process with "five must", and pointed out four "maladaptive" difficulties and problems。

The report pointed out that in the next five years, the school should aim at the demonstration university of the integration of production and education and the first-class private university, focus on improving the quality of talent training, and take the road of establishing a school with quality, strengthening the school with talents, and governing the school according to law。In order to achieve this goal, the report is deployed in three areas:一是Unswervingly adhere to the overall leadership of the Party, adhere to the correct political direction and school direction;二是It is necessary to unwaveringly strengthen party building, constantly improve the quality of party building work, and constantly improve the organizational force, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the school party organization;三是It is necessary to continuously improve the Party's leadership, establish a scientific and perfect decision-making mechanism and system based on the actual situation, and lead high-quality development with high-quality party building。

"There is no distance between the mountains and the sea, and there is no limit."。The report concludes,At present, the school is standing on a new journey of "lane change",It is necessary to seize the good opportunity for Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and provincial government to accelerate the high-quality development of higher education,Under the leadership and support of Guiyang Municipal Committee of Education, Jiangxi Cultural Performance Group and Taihao Group,Strengthen the confidence to win the battle,The energy to keep up the good work,Gather strength to overcome difficulties together,Meet new challenges and opportunities with a new attitude,To promote the university towards the goal of integrating industry and education as a demonstration university and first-class private university。

At the meeting, all representatives reviewed in writing the Work Report of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology and the Report of Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology on the collection, use and management of Party fees.。

On behalf of the Education Working Committee of the CPC Guiyang Municipal Committee and the Party Committee of the Municipal Education Bureau, Xiao Wen expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the conference. He fully affirmed a series of achievements made by our school in the past five years, and put forward hopes for the new Party committee and school work to be elected from three aspects:一是It is hoped that the school will elect a new Party committee leading group with strong political ability, high professional level and strict disciplinary style in accordance with the standards of socialist politicians and educators, and unite and lead the school to promote the development of the school at a higher level with a more pragmatic and open, united and cooperative spirit and dare to work hard。二是希望新一届党委坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will fully implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era,Uphold the Party's overall leadership over education,Adhere to the political nature of education,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,围绕The total carrier of "Qianjin Pioneer · You are in action",Further implementation of the "strengthening project",Solid progress was made in the "five ones" action,Comprehensively strengthen the school party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction and discipline construction,Ensure that the Party's educational policies are implemented in schools,To lead the high quality development of school education。三是It is hoped that the school Party committee leadership team should unite and lead all teachers and students and staff to seek truth from facts, but also to explore and innovate, and conduct scientific research and judgment"Time" and "potential",Correctly grasp the "two overall situations" at home and abroad,Around the "four new" focus on the "four modernizations" and "strong provincial capital" strategy,Combined with regional industrial development planning and talent needs,Scientific planning of school development direction,Reasonable layout of professional Settings,To provide more powerful talents and intellectual support for the economic and social development of Guiyang, Guizhou,We will make greater contributions to regional economic and social development。



At the second meeting stage, the delegates reviewed and approved the "Election Methods for the First Congress of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Technology (Draft)" and the list of Chief Vote supervisors and vote Supervisors.。According to the electoral method, through voting and counting of votes,Wang Yinghua, LUO Weidong, RAO Binhua, GUO Linhua, HUANG Xiaoru5 comrades (sorted by surname strokes)Elected as a member of the first Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Technology,Ma Zhiying, Li Hengwen, Wu Yang, Huang Xiaoru, Cao Caixia5 comrades (sorted by surname strokes)Elected as a member of the first Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology。

On the afternoon of October 27, all Party members deliberated and adopted the resolution on the Work Report of the Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology (Revised draft) and the Resolution on the work Report of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology (revised draft).。After successfully completing the agenda of the conference, the first congress of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Institute of Information Science and Technology was successfully closed with the sound of the majestic "Internationale"。

After the closing of the meeting, the school held the first plenary meeting of the first Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Information Science and Technology Institute and the first plenary meeting of the first Discipline Inspection Committee of the Communist Party of China Guiyang Information Science and Technology InstituteRao BinhuaAs Party secretary,Guo LinhuaDeputy secretary of the Party Committee,Huang XiaoruSecretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission。


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