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来源:  作者:  编辑:Party and mass work  日期:2023-09-28  Click rate:8247  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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National excellent teacher representative SymposiumIt will be held in Beijing on September 9。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平致信与会教师代表,向他们和全国广大教师及教育工作者致以节日的问候和诚挚的祝福。习近平总书记致全国优秀教师代表的信在Guiyang Institute of Information Technology引发热烈反响,现在一起来看!

Principal (chief management expert) Tang Jianrong

September 10, 2023 is the 39th Teachers' Day of China and the first Teachers' Day after the Party's 20th victory。The theme of this year's Teachers' Day is: Cultivate the teaching altar, strong state me。

习近平总书记在致全国优秀教师代表的信中说:"Educators and excellent teachers have emerged from the teaching community,They have the ideal belief that they have a heart of great self and serve the country sincerely,The moral sentiment of words is the rule of scholars and behavior of the world,Enlightening the mind and educating people according to their aptitude,Diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation of the cultivation attitude,Love to teach love to live, willing to give the heart of love,Mind the world, the pursuit of culture people,It shows the unique spirit of educators in China。”

Mr. Tao Xingzhi also has a discussion on the spirit of educators in the First Class Educator:"To dare to explore new principles that have not yet been invented is the spirit of creation;To venture into the uncivilized frontier is to open up the spirit。When creating, look deep;When opening, look far。Teachers are the foundation of education, the source of education, and the first resource for education development。党的二十大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视教师队伍建设,教师队伍素质不断提升,结构不断优化,教师队伍建设取得历史性成就,为党和国家培育了大批优秀人才,为我国教育事业发展作出了突出贡献。当下,习近平总书记站在新时代加快建设教育强国、为实现中华民族伟大复兴提供教育支撑的高度,This paper profoundly expounds the core essence, rich connotation and practical requirements of China's unique educator spirit from six aspects,Give the people's teachers a lofty mission in the new era,It points out the direction for further training high-quality teachers and improving the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics。The more time goes forward, the importance of knowledge and talents becomes more prominent, and the status and role of education becomes more prominent。On the new journey of building a strong country and reviving the nation, we must strive to be a "big Mr." who inspires our minds and inherits civilization.。

Department of health management 张丽

Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of education。习近平总书记在重要指示中,从理想信念、道德情操、育人智慧、躬耕态度、仁爱之心、弘道追求六个方面精辟而深刻地总结了教育家精神。Every teacher should strictly demand themselves with the standards of educators, take the initiative to carry out the mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country。As a college teacher, he should always be in the state of learning, constantly self-charging, advancing with The Times, diligent in learning, seeking truth and innovation, and become a practitioner of lifelong learning;More to love teaching, willing to contribute, care for students, can give students help and guidance in all aspects, and be a good teacher and friend of students。We should not forget the original intention, firm faith, teaching and educating people as a noble cause, and strive to do students for learning, for things, and for people"Mr. Big"。

Department of civil Engineering Yang Shifan

Three feet podium to keep the beginning of the heart, the four seasons cultivation。习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表的重要指示精神饱含党和国家对教师的关心和重视,字字嘱托,句句期待,赋予了新时代人民教师崇高的使命和责任。作为一名新时代的高校教师,一是要牢记习近平总书记嘱托,以"Educator spirit" as the guide,In education and teaching work to implement the fundamental task of "moral cultivation",Guide students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life, values;The second is to promote the moral sentiment of words as the rule of scholars and behavior as the norm of the world,Strictly abide by the Ten Principles of Professional Conduct for College Teachers in the New Era,To be a good demonstrator, guide and facilitator of students;The third is to establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education altar and strengthening the country.,The level of teaching and scientific research has been continuously improved,With the continuous improvement of professional ability, the students of your school can be cultivated into valuable pillars。

Department of economic management 孙畅

在第39个教师节来临之际,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表,充分肯定广大教师为国家发展、民族振兴作出的重要贡献,强调了教育事业对党和国家的重要性。As a college teacher, I am willing to undertake the heavy responsibility of cultivating talents, constantly improve my professional quality, innovate education and teaching methods, cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability, and constantly strengthen the study of theoretical knowledge.I believe that under the correct leadership of the Party and the state, the majority of college teachers will be able to bravely shoulder the mission, contribute to the development of education, and make greater contributions to training more outstanding talents!Let us work together to strive for the prosperity and development of education!

Department of digital media 肖兴

2023年9月10日是我国第39个教师节,在教师节到来之际,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表,充分肯定广大教师为国家发展、民族振兴作出的重要贡献。习近平总书记提出教育家精神,不仅体现了对教师们高尚品格的充分认可,更为广大教师群体明确了奋斗的标准和高远的追求目标。As a college counselor,在读到习近平总书记的信后,I feel warm and also feel the responsibility of teaching and educating people,I am deeply aware,A good teacher should have strong ideals and beliefs,To the culture of people,Educate people with literature,Sow the seeds of enlightenment in the minds of students,Let students develop good study habits。In the future education career, I will adhere to educators as an example, vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, with great love to write educational life, for the construction of a strong country, the great cause of national rejuvenation to train more people with both virtue and ability, can shoulder the responsibility of the new era pillars for the goal of continuous progress。

Department of digital media 李霞

在National excellent teacher representative Symposium上,习近平总书记向全国广大教师及教育工作者表达了祝福和期望。As a college teacher, we should keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the countryThe ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education field and strengthening the country" should be confident and self-strengthening, 踔厉 and work hard to make new and greater contributions to the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation。We should write and educate life with great love, keep the world in mind, take the culture of people, and adhere to and promote the common values of mankind。As a college counselor, we should carry forward the spirit of educator from six aspects, such as ideal belief, moral sentiment, educating wisdom, cultivating attitude, loving heart and pursuing broad path。To treat students with patience, care and love, to solve the problems encountered by students in study and life, to think what students think, urgent students。同时,We should also uphold the ideal of serving the country through education,Firmly grasp the fundamental problem of "who to train, how to train, and for whom to train",始终坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑、指导实践,Continue to train socialist builders and successors for the country with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,Create more people who can be useful and can shoulder heavy responsibilities。

Department of health management 徐菁

习近平总书记给教师的致信深刻体现了党中央对教师的重视、关怀和殷切期待,同时也深刻阐释了教育家精神的丰富内涵和实践要求。As an educator in the new era, we should keep in mind the general secretary's exhortation, take educators as an example, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and the country, and train more talents with both virtue and talent for the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation。Fully implement the fundamental task of establishing moral and human rightsThe ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education circle and strengthening the country", and cultivating more socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。习近平总书记的致信,Let us be encouraged,More firm in the ordinary post of quiet forge ahead, focus on the belief of educating people,Keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Consciously practice the spirit of educators,Consciously cultivate good teacher ethics,Strive to become a dedicated, studious and rigorous new era teachers,Devote oneself to teaching and educating people with the concentration of loving education。

Department of economic management Luo Yifu

As teachers, we should vigorously promote the spirit of educators。Let students develop good study habits,Study knowledge attentively;meanwhile,As a college counselor,Stick to your original heart,Forge ahead,Do a good job of guiding students on the way forward,Guide it to action,persevere,Help students define their goals,Correct one's attitude,Let students be positive and optimistic,Brave to explore the socialist builders and successors。


编辑:Party and mass work
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