Bacon cast soul enlightening dream moistening heart fully demonstrates the key course role of moral education  
来源:Department of Ideological and political Education  作者:Penminth  编辑:Department of Ideological and political Education  日期:2023-04-18  Click rate:2490  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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(News network News Contributed/for picture Department of Ideological and Political Education)3月21日,Guiyang Institute of Information TechnologyDepartment of Ideological and political Education组织召开习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上重要讲话发表四周年研讨会,Close "Bacon cast soul,Enlighten dreams and moisten hearts,Fully demonstrate the role of the key curriculum "as the theme,集中重温和领会习近平总书记关于思想政治理论建设的系列重要讲话精神,Deeply understand the political significance and theoretical guidance of the important speech of "March 18",深刻领会用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人的重大意义,Further build consensus in the practice of education and teaching,Enhance the ideological, theoretical, pertinence and affinity of ideological and political courses。

Panmingsi, Qin Weihua, Feng Bingjie, Yin Yang, Zhang Ruzi, Li Xiaojuan, Li Xiaoyan and other comrades who participated in the seminar shared their own experience in ideological and political education and teaching。大家纷纷表示,作为思政课教师一定要贯彻落实习近平总书记的重要讲话精神,切实提高自身素养,坚持"Eight unified", let the ideological and political course become a temperature course, really start the ideological and political theory teaching quality war, keep the ideological work responsibility field in colleges and universities, speak well about the ideological and political course, and contribute to the training of qualified builders and successors。

会议指出,习近平总书记The "March 18" speech is forward-looking, profound and rich in connotation, with strong guidance, pertinence and inspiration. It is a programmatic document for the construction of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities in the new era, and has strong guiding significance for the teaching of ideological and political theory courses and the development of Marxist theory disciplines。今天,大家再次重温和学习研讨习近平总书记“3﹒18”重要讲话,一是深刻认识开设思政课的重大意义,二是准确把握思政课改革创新的方向,三是切实提高思政课教学的实际效果。

Meeting requirements, the new era of ideological and political course teachers must mind"Two big picture", with "the great of the country" in mind,Concentrate on educating people for the Party and the country,按照习近平总书记提出“政治要强、情怀要深、思维要新、视野要广、自律要严、人格要正”的要求,To "speak deeply, thoroughly and vividly" about contemporary Chinese Marxism and the Marxist theories of the 21st century,Do a good job of young students to understand, warm people, guides,Give full play to the key role of ideological and political courses in implementing the fundamental task key courses of moral education and human development,Effectively enhance students' ambition, backbone and confidence,Education guides students to enhance political identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity and emotional identity,Educate and guide students to become good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships and are willing to struggle。

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