Traditional Chinese festival - Winter Solstice
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Key words:

Winter solsticewinter solstice),又称冬节贺冬One of the twenty-four Chinese solar terms and one of the eight major celestial solar terms, relative to the summer solstice。

According to records, in the Zhou and Qin dynasties, November was the first month of the year and the winter solstice was the beginning of the New Year。The Book of Han says:"Winter solstice Yang qi, Jun Dao long, so he……"That is to say, people originally Winter Solstice to celebrate the arrival of the New Year。The ancients believed that since the winter solstice, the heaven and earth Yang began to become stronger, representing the beginning of the next cycle, is a good day。Therefore, the later customs of ancestor worship and family dinners during the Spring Festival often appear in the winter solstice。The winter solstice is also known as"小年"First, it means that the year is approaching and there are not many days left;The second is the importance of the winter solstice。

The Winter Solstice as a festival originated in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang and Song dynasties, and has been celebrated since then。The first month of the Zhou calendar is the November of the Xia calendar, so the first month of the Zhou Dynasty is equal to our present November, so there is no difference between the worship of the year and the greeting of the winter。It was not until Emperor Wudi adopted the Xia calendar that the first month was separated from the winter solstice。Therefore, it can also be said that special"The Winter Solstice Festival"It has existed since the Han Dynasty and flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties。

In the Han Dynasty, the winter solstice is celebrated"冬节"The government will hold a congratulatory ceremony called"贺冬"The official routine holiday, officialdom popular mutual congratulations"拜冬"礼俗。There is such a record in the Later Han Dynasty:"Before and after the winter solstice, the gentleman is quiet, all officials do not do things, do not listen to politics, choose auspicious times and then save trouble。"So on this day, the court will have a holiday to rest, the army is on standby, the border is closed, business travel is closed, relatives and friends give food to each other, visit each other, and have a happy time"Get some rest"Festival of。During the Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties, the winter solstice was called"亚岁"People want to worship their parents and elders;After the Song Dynasty, the Winter solstice gradually became a festival to worship ancestors and gods。

During the Tang and Song dynasties, the winter solstice was the day of offering sacrifices to the ancestors. On this day, the emperor would go to the suburbs to hold a ceremony of offering sacrifices to the ancestors, and the people would worship their parents on this day。

Ming and Qing dynasties, the emperor had a ceremony to the heaven, called it"Winter solstice sky"。There was a ceremony in the palace for officials to present a congratulatory form to the emperor, and they also congratulated each other, just like New Year's Day。

More commonly, in north China, there is a custom of eating dumplings during the winter solstice。As the saying goes:Winter solstice, eat dumplings。The south is to eat dumplings, of course, there are exceptions, such as in Tengzhou and other places in Shandong Province, the winter solstice habit is called the ninth day, the popular custom of drinking mutton soup on the ninth day, meaning to drive away the cold。

Appreciation of poetry:

Every year to the day long for the guest, suddenly poor sorrow mud murder!The river describes my old alone, the horizon custom from blind date。Scepter chenwei snow after Dan beggar, Ming jade to scatter zi Chen。Heart fold at this time without an inch, the road lost where to look三秦

-- Winter Solstice by Du Fu

Handan Yi Li every winter solstice, holding the knee lamp before shadow accompanied by body。Want to sit at home late at night, should also say people who travel。

-- Bai JuyiHandan on Winter Solstice Night Thinking of Home

Incense flowers paper money silver, eight fruits eight elements and eight treasures。The family held a memorial service to remember the martyrs and sacrifice their ancestors。

-- Winter Solstice Festival by Zhang Zhizhen

Fu wonton shape, like chicken eggs, like the chaos of heaven and earth, so in the winter solstice eclipse。

--Records of the Age of Yanjing


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