来源:  作者:  编辑:党群工作  日期:2021-04-30  点击率:7957  [我要打印]  [关闭]





新华社北京April 22, Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised "Regulations on the work of Grass-roots organizations of ordinary institutions of higher Learning of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and issued a notice, requiring all regions and departments to seriously comply with the implementation。

通知指出,《全球十大外围足球平台排行》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,以党章为根本依据,落实新时代党的建设总要求和新时代党的组织路线,对高校基层党组织工作作出全面规范,是新时代高校党的建设的基本遵循。The revision and implementation of the Regulations are of great significance for the full implementation of the Party's educational policy, the implementation of the fundamental task of fostering morality and cultivating people, the construction of a high-quality education system, and the construction of an educational power。

通知要求,各级党委(党组)要切实履行全面从严治党主体责任,把高校党的建设摆在突出位置来抓,坚持和加强党对高校的全面领导,健全高校党的组织体系、制度体系和工作机制,推动高校党的建设与高等教育事业发展深度融合,以高质量的党建引领推动高校为党育人为国育才、实现高质量发展。It is necessary to seriously study the publicity and implementation of the Regulations, so that Party organizations at all levels of colleges and universities, Party members, cadres, teachers and students, especially Party members and leading cadres, deeply understand the spirit of the Regulations, fully grasp the content of the Regulations, and strictly abide by and implement the provisions of the Regulations。The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education should strengthen supervision and guidance together with relevant departments to ensure the effective implementation of the Regulations。各地区各部门在执行《全球十大外围足球平台排行》中的重要情况和建议,要及时报告党中央。


Deliberated and approved by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 5, 2009. Promulgated by the CPC Central Committee on August 13, 2010
Revised by the Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on February 26, 2021 Promulgated by the CPC Central Committee on April 16, 2021)

第一章 总则

第一条 为了深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,贯彻落实新时代党的建设总要求和新时代党的组织路线,坚持和加强党对普通高等学校(以下简称高校)的全面领导,加强和改进高校党的建设,扎根中国大地办好中国特色社会主义大学,根据《全球十大外围足球平台》和有关法律,制定本条例。

第二条 高校党组织必须高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,全面贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,全面贯彻党的教育方针,Education should serve the people, serve the governance of the Communist Party of China, serve the consolidation and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and serve the reform and opening up and socialist modernization,坚守为党育人、为国育才,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。

第三条 高校实行党委领导下的校长负责制。The Party Committee of the University (hereinafter referred to as the Party Committee of the University) leads the work of the university in an all-round way, supports the President to carry out his work proactively, independently and responsibly in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, and ensures the completion of various tasks such as teaching, scientific research and administrative management。

高校党委实行民主集中制,健全集体领导和个人分工负责相结合的制度。All major issues shall be subject to collective discussion and decision by party committees in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual deliberation and decision at meetings.Party committee members shall earnestly perform their duties in accordance with collective decisions and division of labor。

第四条 高校党组织工作应当遵循以下原则:

(1) Adhere to the direction of Party management, Party management of cadres, Party management of talents, and Party management of ideology, lead reform and development, implement the Party's leadership in all aspects of the whole process of running a college or university, and ensure that the Party's educational policies and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are implemented;

2) Adhere to the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, take the Party's political construction as the guide, and run political standards and requirements through the Party's ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, discipline construction and institutional construction, and the fight against corruption;

(3) Adhere to the deep integration of party building in universities with personnel training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchanges and cooperation, and provide ideological, political, and organizational guarantees for the reform, development and stability of universities and colleges, and for the completion of major strategic tasks of the Party and the state;

(4) Adhere to the ideological and political work as an important starting point to carry out the party building in colleges and universities, and take the effectiveness of moral cultivation as the fundamental standard to test the party building work in colleges and universities;

(5) Adhere to strengthening the foundation at the grass-roots level, improve the organizational system, institutional system and working mechanism of the Party in colleges and universities, and comprehensively enhance the vitality of grass-roots Party organizations in colleges and universities。

第二章 组织设置

第五条 高校党委由党员大会或者党员代表大会选举产生,每届任期5年。党委对党员大会或者党员代表大会负责并报告工作。


第六条 In universities with a large scale and a large number of Party members, the Party committee may establish a Standing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Standing Committee) according to the needs of the work and with the approval of the Party organization at a higher level。常委会由党委全体会议选举产生,对党委负责并定期报告工作。设立常委会的党委每半年至少召开1次委员会全体会议,遇有重要情况可以随时召开。

设立常委会的高校党委,一般设党委委员15至31人,常委会委员7至11人;不设常委会的,一般设委员7至11人。According to the actual situation of the school and with the approval of the Party organization at a higher level, the number of Standing Committee members may be appropriately increased or decreased or the number of Standing Committee members may not be established。

第七条 Institutions of higher learning (departments) level units according to the needs of the work and the number of party members, with the approval of the university Party committee, set up the Party's basic committee, general branch committee and branch committee。Primary-level Party committees are elected by the Party members' Congress or Party members' congress, and general Party branch committees and Party branch committees are elected by the Party members' congress。院(系)党组织每届任期一般为5年。

第八条 有正式党员A Party branch with more than 7 members shall set up a Party branch committee;A Party branch with less than 7 formal party members shall have a secretary and, if necessary, a deputy secretary, who shall be elected by the Party members' conference。党支部委员会和不设支部委员会的支部书记、副书记每届任期一般为3年。

第九条 The establishment of party branches in institutions of higher learning (departments) or below shall correspond to institutions of teaching, scientific research, management and service。The Party branch of teachers is generally set up according to the teaching and scientific research institutions set up within the college (department), and the party branch of students is generally set up according to the grade class or discipline specialty。Party branches of teachers and students can be set up depending on major project teams, scientific research platforms or student communities, and pay attention to the establishment of party organizations and party work in the lower grades of the college。管理、后勤等部门的党支部一般按照部门设置。将离退休教职工党员编入党的组织,开展党的活动。


第三章 主要职责

第十条 The Party committee of the university undertakes the main responsibility of managing the party and running the school, taking the direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, grasping the team, leading the team, and ensuring the implementation。主要职责是:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, the resolutions of the Party Central Committee, higher Party organizations and their own organizations, adhere to the socialist direction of running a school, run the school according to law, rely on the teachers and students of the school to promote the scientific development of the school, and train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。


(3) To examine and determine the basic management system of the school, discuss and decide on major issues in the reform, development and stability of the school, as well as in teaching, scientific research and administration。



(6) To fulfill the main responsibility of the school's party style and clean government construction, lead and support the internal discipline inspection organization to perform the responsibilities of supervision and discipline enforcement, and accept the supervision of the discipline inspection organization at the same level and the discipline inspection supervision committee at the higher level and its dispatched discipline inspection and supervision organization。

(7) To lead the ideological and political work and moral education work of the university, implement the responsibility system for ideological work, maintain school safety and stability, and promote the construction of a harmonious campus。


(九)做好统一战线工作。对学校内民主党派的基层组织实行政治领导,支持其依照各自章程开展活动。支持无党派人士等统一战线成员参加统一战线相关活动,发挥积极作用。加强党外知识分子工作和党外代表人士队伍建设。We will strengthen ethnic and religious work, carry out in-depth education on the awareness of building a strong community of the Chinese nation, and resolutely prevent and resist all kinds of illegal missionary and infiltration activities。

第十一条 The party organization of the college (department) level unit shall strengthen its political function, fulfill its political responsibility, ensure the completion of various tasks such as teaching and research management, support the administrative leadership and responsible persons of the unit to carry out their work, and improve the working mechanism of collective leadership, party and government division of labor and cooperation, and coordinated operation。主要职责是:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies as well as the resolutions of higher Party organizations, and to play a role in ensuring and supervising their implementation。

(二)通过党政联席会议,讨论和决定本单位重要事项。召开党组织会议研究决定干部任用、党员队伍建设等党的建设工作。Matters involving the direction of running a school, the construction of the faculty, the vital interests of teachers and staff, etc., shall be studied and discussed by the Party organization before being submitted to the joint meeting of the Party and the government for decision。

(3) Strengthen the construction of the Party organization itself, establish and improve the system of regular working meetings of Party branch secretaries, and specifically guide the work of Party branches。


(5) Do a good job in the education and management of party members and cadres of the unit, and do a good job in the education and guidance of talents and contact services。


第十二条 The Party branch of the faculty and staff carries out its work around the reform, development and stability of the unit, implements the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and plays the role of educating, managing and supervising party members and organizing publicity and condensing services for teachers, students and staff。主要职责是:

(1) To publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies as well as resolutions of higher Party organizations, unite teachers, students and staff, and play a vanguard and exemplary role of Party members in the completion of teaching and research management tasks;

(2) Participate in the decision-making of major issues of the unit, support the administrative person in charge of the unit to carry out work, and conduct political checks on the evaluation of staff titles, post (staff level) promotion, assessment and evaluation;

(3) Do a good job in the education, management, supervision and service of Party members, hold regular organizational meetings, and carry out criticism and self-criticism;




第十三条 The Party branch of students should strengthen ideological and political guidance, build a solid foundation of students' ideals and beliefs, and guide students to study hard, develop comprehensively and grow healthily。主要职责是:


(2) Strengthen the education, management, supervision and service of student party members, hold regular organizational meetings, and carry out criticism and self-criticism。发挥学生党员先锋模范作用,影响、带动广大学生明确学习目的,完成学习任务。

(三)组织学生党员参与学生事务管理,维护学校稳定。Support, guide and help the league branch, class committee and student association to carry out work according to the characteristics of students, and give full play to the leading role of student party members who retain league membership。



第四章 党的纪律检查工作

第十四条 高校设立党的基层纪律检查委员会(以下简称高校纪委)。The discipline inspection commission of a university is elected by the Party members' congress or Party members' congress and works under the dual leadership of the Party committee at the same level and the discipline inspection commission at the higher level。上级纪委在监督检查、纪律审查等方面强化对高校纪委的领导。

Where discipline inspection and supervision institutions are accredited to colleges and universities, the accredited discipline inspection and supervision institutions shall perform the duties of discipline inspection and supervision according to authorization, and supervise the Party committees of colleges and universities on behalf of the superior discipline inspection and supervision committees。

第十五条 高校纪委设立专门工作机构,配备必要的工作人员。


第十六条 高校纪委是高校党内监督专责机关,履行监督执纪问责职责。主要任务是:

(1) To safeguard the Party Constitution and other intra-party regulations, inspect the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, and assist university Party committees in promoting comprehensive and strict Party governance, strengthening the building of Party conduct and organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work。


(3) To supervise the performance of duties and exercise of power by Party organizations and Party members' leading cadres, accept and handle complaints and reports by Party members and the public, and carry out conversation reminders, interviews and letters of inquiry。

(4) To examine and handle relatively important or complicated cases involving violations of the Party Constitution and other rules and regulations by Party organizations or Party members, and to decide or cancel sanctions against Party members in such cases;Conduct accountability or make recommendations for accountability。


Discipline commissions of colleges and universities shall deal with clues and cases of violations of Party discipline in strict accordance with their functions, powers and working procedures, and report the problems and results of handling particularly important or complex cases to the Party committee at the same level and the discipline commission at the higher level。

第五章 党员队伍建设

第十七条 Party organizations in colleges and universities shall build a multi-level and multi-channel system for regular study and education of Party members, strengthen education in political theory and Party history, highlight political education and political training, strengthen education in the Party Constitution, Party rules and discipline, the Party's purpose, revolutionary tradition, situation and policy, and knowledge and skills, and promote it“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,建立和落实不忘初心、牢记使命的制度。

第十八条 严格党的组织生活,坚持开展批评和自我批评,提高"Three meetings and one lesson" quality, open a good democratic life and organizational life, improve the implementation of heart-talk, democratic evaluation of party members, theme Party day and other systems, to ensure that the Party's organizational life is regular, serious and serious。

第十九条 强化党员日常管理,及时转接党员组织关系,督促党员按期足额交纳党费。Strengthen the management and service of mobile party members, and do a good job of graduate party members, overseas study and study of party members' organizational relations and party membership management。关心党员思想、学习、工作和生活,健全党内关怀、帮扶长效机制。搭建党员发挥先锋模范作用平台,健全党员联系和服务群众工作体系。妥善处置不合格党员,严格执行党的纪律。

第二十条 尊重党员主体地位,发扬党内民主,保障党员权利,推进党务公开。Party organizations in colleges and universities shall fully listen to the opinions of party members before discussing and deciding on important matters, and timely inform party members of important situations within the Party。

第二十一条 In accordance with the principles and relevant regulations of upholding standards, ensuring quality, improving structure and exercising caution in development, we should give top priority to political standards, strengthen the education, training and investigation of active Party members, and strengthen the work of developing Party members among high-level talents, outstanding young teachers and outstanding students。建立党员领导干部和党员学术带头人直接联系培养教师入党积极分子制度。将团组织推优作为确定学生入党积极分子的重要渠道。We will establish a continuous training mechanism for active Party members from high school to college and from college to graduate school, and increase efforts to recruit Party members from lower college students。

第二十二条 高校党委应当设立党校。党校的主要任务是培训党员、干部和入党积极分子。

第六章 干部和人才工作

第二十三条 高校党委应当坚持党管干部原则,按照干部管理权限对学校干部实行统一管理。选拔任用干部,必须突出政治标准,坚持德才兼备、以德为先,坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,坚持事业为上、公道正派,坚持注重实绩、群众公认,努力实现干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化,建设忠诚干净担当的高素质专业化干部队伍。

The selection and appointment of middle management personnel of the university shall be conducted by the university Party committee and its organizational departments in accordance with relevant regulations, analysis, deliberation, motion, democratic recommendation, and investigation, fully listening to the opinions of relevant parties, after collective discussion by the university Party Committee (Standing Committee), and handled in accordance with the prescribed procedures。

第二十四条 The party organizations of institutions (departments) of colleges and universities play a leading role in the construction of the cadre team, and together with the administrative leaders of the units, do a good job in the education, training, selection, assessment and supervision of the cadres of the units, as well as the allocation and management of student counselors and class teachers。

The party organization of the unit may make suggestions to the school Party Committee on the allocation of the administrative leading group of the school (department) level unit and the selection of its members, and assist the school Party Committee to organize the department for inspection。

第二十五条 University party committees should establish and improve the system of discovering, training and selecting outstanding young cadres, formulate and implement the plan for the construction of young cadres, and boldly select and use outstanding young cadres who have been tested by practice。统筹做好女干部、少数民族干部和党外干部的培养选拔工作。

第二十六条 高校党委应当坚持党管人才原则,贯彻人才强国战略,实施更加积极、更加开放、更加有效的人才政策,健全人才培养、引进、使用、评价、流动、激励机制,大力弘扬科学家精神,营造潜心育人、潜心科研、激发创造活力的工作环境,用好用活党内和党外、国内和国外等各方面优秀人才,形成人才辈出、人尽其才的良好局面。Strengthen the political guidance and political absorption of talents, improve the work system for Party organizations to contact and serve experts, and constantly improve the ideological and political quality and professional quality of all types of talents。

第七章 思想政治工作

第二十七条 University party committees should firmly grasp the leadership of the Party over the ideological work of the university and lead the ideological and political work of the university in a unified way。发挥行政系统、群团组织、学术组织和广大教职工的作用,共同做好思想政治工作。

第二十八条 高校党组织应当把理想信念教育放在首位,对师生员工进行马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系的教育,推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材、进课堂、进头脑,做好党的基本路线教育,爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义思想教育,党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史教育,中华优秀传统文化、革命文化、社会主义先进文化教育,Education on national conditions, situation and policy, socialist democracy and rule of law, national security and national unity and progress。Integrate the cultivation and practice of socialist core values into the whole process of ideological and political education of college students and the construction of teacher ethics, help the majority of teachers and students to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

第二十九条 Party organizations in colleges and universities should take moral cultivation as the fundamental task, build ideological and political work system, and strengthen the management of ideological positions。Give full play to the main channel role of classroom teaching, run ideological and political theory courses, promote curriculum ideological and political construction, expand the effective way of ideological and political education of college students in the new era, and form a good atmosphere and working mechanism for the whole process of all-round education。

第三十条 思想政治工作应当坚持理论联系实际,定期分析师生员工的思想动态,坚持解决思想问题与解决实际问题相结合,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,区别不同层次,采取多种方式,推动思想政治工作传统优势和信息技术高度融合,增强思想政治工作的针对性、实效性。

第八章 对群团组织的领导

第三十一条 University party committees shall study major issues in the work of mass organizations such as trade unions, Communist Youth leagues, women's organizations, student unions (graduate students' associations), and academic organizations, strengthen the management of student associations, and support them in carrying out their work in accordance with the law and their respective statutes。

第三十二条 The university party committee leads the faculty and staff congress, supports the faculty and staff congress in correctly exercising its functions and powers, and plays an active role in participating in the democratic management and supervision of the university and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the faculty and staff。

第九章 领导和保障

第三十三条 Party committees at all levels and their relevant departments and party groups (Party committees) of relevant state organs shall take the construction of grass-roots party organizations in colleges and universities as an important content of party building work,摆在突出位置,纳入整体部署,坚持属地管理原则,坚持管班子管业务与管党建管思想政治工作相结合,形成党委统一领导,教育工作领导小组牵头协调,纪检机关和组织、宣传、统战、教育工作等部门密切协作、齐抓共管的工作格局。

第三十四条 Party committees at all levels and their relevant departments and party groups (party committees) of relevant state organs shall reasonably set up departments and institutions responsible for the work of party building in colleges and universities, and the education work departments of party committees at all levels shall have internal organs to specifically undertake the functions of party building in colleges and universities, and be fully equipped with strong staff。

University party committees set up offices, organization departments, propaganda departments, United front work departments, teachers' work, students' work, security work departments and other organs according to work needs and in line with the principle of being lean and efficient and conducive to strengthening party building work。

第三十五条 In accordance with the standards of socialist politicians and educators, the Party secretaries and presidents of colleges and universities should be well selected, and outstanding cadres who are politically strong, have good conduct, are proficient in business, forge ahead and dare to take on the leadership positions of the schools。学校行政领导班子成员是党员的,一般应当进入党委常委会或者不设常委会的党委。The secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the minister of organization, the minister of publicity, and the minister of United Front should generally be the member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee or the party committee without a standing committee。

Colleges and universities should, in accordance with the requirements of full-time focus, combination of full-time and full-time, sufficient quantity and good quality, incorporate the construction of party affairs and ideological and political work teams into the overall plan of the construction of school talent teams, and improve the selection, training and incentive mechanisms。Full-time party affairs staff and ideological and political staff shall be fully allocated in the establishment, and the total number of teachers and students is not less than the number of teachers and students in the school1%,每个院(系)至少配备1至2名专职组织员。The position of full-time instructor shall be established according to the ratio of teacher to student not less than 1:200, and the position of full-time ideological and political theory teacher shall be approved according to the ratio of teacher to student not less than 1:350。完善保障机制,为学校党的建设和思想政治工作提供经费和物质支持。

第三十六条 The situation of party building and ideological and political work in colleges and universities should be included in the inspection, as an important basis for the comprehensive evaluation of the school leadership and the selection and appointment of leadership personnel“双一流”建设等工作成效评估的重要内容。开展党组织书记抓基层党建述职评议考核工作,强化考核结果运用。Those who do not attach enough importance to Party building and ideological and political work, or whose implementation is ineffective, shall be reminded and interviewed in a timely manner;For serious problems, in accordance with the relevant regulations, seriously pursue responsibility and accountability, and urge the rectification and implementation of problems。

第十章 附则

第三十七条 本条例适用于国家举办的普通高等学校。


第三十八条 本条例由中央组织部负责解释。

第三十九条 本条例自发布之日起施行。

