Provisional Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Election Work in primary-level Organizations
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Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Election Work in Primary Organizations

Deliberated and approved by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on June 29, 2020 (Promulgated by the CPC Central Committee on July 13, 2020)

Chapter I General provisions

  Article one 为了深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,We will implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,We must ensure that the Party manages itself with full and strict self-governance,Improve the Party's democratic centralism,We will improve the intra-party election system,We will strengthen the political functions of community-level Party organizations,Improve the organizational capacity of grassroots Party organizations,In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant intra-party regulations,Enactment of these Regulations。

  Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the election of Party committees, general branch committees, branch committees (including Party branches without committees) set up by enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, scientific research institutes, sub-district communities, social organizations and other grass-roots units, as well as the Party's grass-roots commission for discipline Inspection。

  Article 3 When the term of office of a committee established by a primary-level Party organization expires, a new election shall be held as scheduled。

  If it is necessary to postpone or advance a general election, it shall be reported to the Party organization at a higher level for approval。The extension or advance of the time limit generally does not exceed1年。

  Article 4 Committees set up by primary-level Party organizations are generally elected by party members' congresses。Membership inIf there are more than 500 members or the Party organizations under their jurisdiction are scattered, a Party member congress may be convened for election with the approval of the Party organization at a higher level。

  Article 5 Full party members have the right to vote, vote and stand for election。A Party member who is placed under probation shall not have the right to vote, the right to vote or the right to stand for election during the period of probation;Probationary party members have no right to vote, vote or stand for election。Where a Party member is detained or arrested in accordance with the law, the Party organization shall, in accordance with its administrative authority, suspend such rights as the right to vote, the right to vote and the right to stand for election。

  Article 6 Elections should fully promote democracy, respect and protect the democratic rights of party members, and reflect the will of the electors。No organization or individual may, by any means, compel electors to elect or not to elect a particular person。

  Chapter Two: The generation of representatives

  Article 7 Deputies to party congresses shall consciously strengthen themselves"Four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", do "two maintenance", abide by the Party Constitution, Party discipline and laws and regulations, have the ability to perform their duties, can reflect the opinions of the election unit, and represent the will of Party members。

  Article VIII The number of delegates is generally100 to 200, up to 300。The specific number of Party members shall be determined by the Party organization convening the Party congress in accordance with the principle of facilitating Party members' understanding of and direct participation in intra-Party affairs, and facilitating discussion and decision on issues, and shall be submitted to the Party organization at a higher level for approval。

  The allocation of deputies shall be determined on the basis of the number of Party organizations under their jurisdiction, the number of party members and the universality of deputies。Optimize the representative structure to ensure the proportion of representatives in production and work。

  Where large state-owned enterprises and institutions of higher learning hold party member congresses, and the second-level enterprises and party organizations directly under the unit belong to other localities or unit party organizations, and the number of party members is large, a certain number of deputies may be appropriately allocated。

  The ninth article The difference of the number of candidates for election is not less than the number of candidates for election20%。

  Article ten The main procedures for generating delegates are:

  (1) Starting from the party branch to recommend nominations。In accordance with the opinions of the majority of party organizations and party members, candidates for deputy candidates shall be proposed。

  (2) The electoral unit shall communicate with the Party organization at a higher level on the candidates recommended by deputy candidates and propose preliminary candidates for deputy candidates。Appropriate measures should be taken to strengthen examination and control, and preliminary candidates for deputy candidates may be publicized within a certain range。

  (3) The electoral unit shall study and determine the preliminary candidates for deputy candidates and submit them to the primary Party committee holding a congress of Party members for examination。

  (4) The electoral unit shall convene a congress of Party members or a congress of party members to determine candidates on the basis of the opinions of the majority of the electors and conduct elections。

  Article 11 The last Party Committee set up the Qualification Examination Group for deputies, which is responsible for examining the procedure for selecting deputies and their qualifications。

  If the selection of deputies does not comply with the prescribed procedures, the original electoral unit shall be instructed to conduct a new election.If a representative is not qualified, the original electoral unit shall be ordered to replace him。

  The qualification examination group shall report the examination to the preparatory meeting of the Party Congress。The representative who has passed the examination is officially qualified。

Chapter III: The formation of the Committee

  Article 12 Candidates for members of committees established by primary-level Party organizations shall be nominated in accordance with the principles of having both virtue and ability, putting morality first and having a reasonable team structure。

  In accordance with the spirit of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of higher Party organizations, the conditions for candidates for members of primary Party organizations in different fields, different types and different levels may be further refined in light of the actual situation。

  Article 13 The difference between candidates for committee members is not less than the number of candidates for election20%。

  Article 14 The selection of members of the general Party branch committee and branch committee shall be made by the previous committee based on the opinions of the majority of Party members, reported to the higher Party organization for examination and approval, and organized party members to incubate and determine the candidates for election at the Party members' congress。

  Article 15 The election of members of primary-level Party committees and approved commissions for discipline inspection,Holding party members' meetings,Candidates shall be proposed by the previous Party committee on the basis of the opinions of the majority party organizations under its jurisdiction,After the examination and approval of the Party organization at a higher level,Organize party members to incubate and determine candidates,Submit to the general assembly of Party members for election;Convening a party congress,Candidates shall be proposed by the previous Party committee on the basis of the opinions of the majority party organizations under its jurisdiction,After the examination and approval of the Party organization at a higher level,Submitted to the Bureau of the General Conference for discussion and adoption,It is submitted by the Presidium of the Conference to delegations (groups) for discussion,The candidate is determined by the majority of the delegates,Submit to the Party congress for election。

  Article 16 For the selection of secretaries and deputy secretaries of committees established by primary-level Party organizations, candidates proposed by the previous committee shall be submitted to the higher Party organization for examination and approval, and then elected at the plenary meeting of the committee。

  The selection of party branch secretaries and deputy secretaries without committees shall be fully incubated by all Party members, and candidates shall be submitted to the Party organization at a higher level for examination and approval before election。

  Article 17 Where a committee has been approved to establish a standing committee, the number of candidates for its standing committee members shall be greater than the number of candidates elected by the previous committeeThe difference between 1 and 2 people is proposed, reported to the higher party organization for examination and approval, and elected at the plenary meeting of the committee。

  Article 18 If a vacancy occurs during the term of office of a committee member, a by-election shall generally be held at a Party members' congress or a Party members' congress。

  When a higher Party organization deems it necessary, it may transfer or appoint a person in charge of a lower Party organization。

Chapter IV: Implementation of elections

  Article 19 When an election is held, the meeting shall be valid if the number of persons present with the right to vote is not less than four-fifths of the number of persons present。

  Article 20 A general meeting of party members shall be held for election, presided over by the previous committee。The party branch without a committee conducts the election, which is presided over by the secretary of the previous party branch。

  A congress of party members shall be convened for election, presided over by the presidium of the congress。Members of the presidium of the Congress shall be nominated by the previous Party committee or delegations (groups) from among the deputies, deliberated and discussed by all the deputies, and submitted to the preparatory meeting of the Party Congress for approval。

  The first plenary meeting of the committee elects members, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Standing Committee, and convenes a party congress, which shall be appointed by the presidium of the congressA newly elected member presides;Where a general meeting of Party members is held, it shall be presided over by a newly elected member recommended by the previous committee。

  Article 21 Before the election, the Party organization of the electoral unit or the presidium of the congress shall, in an appropriate manner, make a realistic introduction to the electors of the candidates' resumes, work achievements and major advantages and disadvantages, and make responsible replies to the electors' inquiries。At the request of the electors, candidates may be organized to meet with the electors and answer the questions raised by the electors。

  Article 22 Elections shall have vote supervisors who are responsible for supervising the whole process of elections。

  The vote supervisors elected by a Party members' congress or a Party members' congress shall be selected by all party members or delegations (groups) from among the party members or delegates who are not candidates and approved by the Party members' congress, Party members' congress or the presidium of the congress。

  The vote supervisors elected by the committee shall be elected from among the members who are not the secretary, deputy secretaries or candidates for membership of the Standing Committee and shall be approved by all the members by vote。

  Article 23 An election shall be held by a vote-taker。A teller shall work under the supervision of a supervisor。

  Article 24 Elections are held by secret ballot。The list of candidates for deputies, members and members of the Standing Committee on the ballot paper is arranged in the order of surname strokes, and the list of candidates for secretary and deputy secretary is arranged in the order approved by the higher Party organization。

  If an elector is unable to fill out the ballot paper, he or she may entrust a non-candidate to do so in accordance with the elector's will。Party members or deputies who are not present for any reason may not entrust others to vote on their behalf。

  Article 25 Electors may vote for or against a candidate or abstain from voting。Those who vote no can choose someone else。

  Article 26 After a vote is cast, the supervisors and countters shall check the number of votes cast, the number of votes issued and the number of votes returned, make a record, which shall be signed by the supervisors and report the number of votes received by the electors。

  Article 27 If the number of votes returned is equal to or less than the number of voters, the election is valid;If there are more voters, the election is invalid and a new election shall be held。

  If the number of votes cast for each ballot is equal to or less than the number of votes cast, a vote is valid; if the number of votes cast is more than the number of votes cast, a vote is invalid。

  Article 28 In the case of differential pre-election, only those who vote in favour of more than half of the number of people who should be present and have the right to vote may be listed as official candidates。

  Article 29 If, in a formal election, the number of votes cast by the electors exceeds half of the number of persons entitled to vote, the electors shall be elected。

  If more than half of the votes are cast in favor of the number of elected persons than the number of eligible persons, the number of votes shall be in order until the number of eligible persons is taken。In the event that the winner cannot be determined by an equal number of votes, the electors who have an equal number of votes shall vote again, and the one who has the most votes shall be elected。

  If the number of candidates who receive more than half of the votes is less than the number of candidates who are eligible for election, a separate election shall be held for the insufficient number of candidates。If the number of electors is close to the number of candidates, the number may be reduced with the consent of more than half of the electors or the decision of the presidium of the General Assembly, and no further elections may be held。

  Article 30 The number of votes received by the electors, including the number of yes, no, abstention and the election of others, shall be reported by the vote supervisors to the previous committee or the presidium of the General Assembly during the preliminary election, and by the vote supervisors to the electors during the formal election。

  Article 31 The list of candidates is announced to the electors by the presiding officer。

  The list of elected delegates to Party congresses and committee members shall be arranged in the order of their surname strokes。

  The list of elected members, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Standing Committee shall be arranged in the order approved by the Party organization at a higher level。

Chapter V Submission and examination

  Article 32 Requests for instructions for convening a Party members' congress or a Party member's congress shall be submitted for examination and approval to the Party organization at a higher level that has the power to examine and approve, in accordance with the Party organization's affiliation。A general meeting of party members shall be held in advance1 month for approval;Where a party congress is held, approval shall generally be submitted four months in advance。

  Article 33 In general, a Party congress or Party congress shall be held when the candidates for a new Party committee, a Commission for Discipline inspection, a standing committee, a secretary, or a deputy secretary are preparedOne month ago, it was reported to the superior Party organization with the authority for examination and approval。

  Article 34 The elected members shall be reported to the Party organization at a higher level for the record;The members, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Standing Committee shall be reported to the Party organizations at higher levels for approval。

  After being approved by the Party committee at the corresponding level, the members, secretaries and deputy secretaries of the Standing Committee elected by the Commission for discipline inspection shall be reported to the Party organization at a higher level for approval。

  Chapter VI Discipline and supervision

  Article 35 We should strengthen leadership over the election work of primary Party organizations,We should give priority to education, warning and prevention,Strict political discipline, organizational discipline and work discipline requirements,Strengthen system awareness, strictly implement the system, and safeguard the authority of the system,We will guide party members and deputies in correctly exercising their democratic rights,We will ensure a smooth and orderly election。

  We will enforce strict governance over the Party, strictly prohibit non-organizational activities such as cliques, soliciting votes for bribes, and cheating, strictly prevent evil, clan, and religious forces from interfering with and disrupting elections, strengthen oversight, inspection, and accountability, and ensure that elections are conducted in a clean manner。

  Article 36 The Party committee and its organizational department at a higher level and the Party Commission for Discipline Inspection at a higher level are responsible for supervising the implementation of these Regulations, and the implementation of these regulations is included in the inspection and supervision work。

  Article 37 In the course of elections, any act that violates the provisions of the Party Constitution and these Regulations must be seriously investigated and dealt with. According to the nature of the problem and the seriousness of the case, Party members concerned shall be criticized, educated and even disciplined, and Party organizations and leading Party officials who fail to perform their duties will be held accountable。

  Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 38 An electoral unit shall formulate election methods in accordance with these Regulations, which shall be implemented after discussion and adoption by the Party members' congress or Party members' congress。

  Article 39 The election of grass-roots party organizations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces shall be prescribed by the Central Military Commission in accordance with the spirit of these Regulations。

  Article 40 The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

  Article 41 These Regulations shall come into force on the date of promulgation。The Provisional Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Election Work in Grass-roots Organizations issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 27, 1990 shall be annulled at the same time。

编辑:Party and mass work
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