Regulations on the Administration of Education of Members of the Communist Party of China
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Regulations on the Administration of Education of Members of the Communist Party of China



Xinhua News Agency BeijingMay 21 (Xinhua) -- Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Education and Management of Members of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to seriously comply with the implementation。

The circular pointed out that the education and management of party members is the basic and regular work of Party building。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视加强党员教育管理工作,推动形成全党从严从实抓党员教育管理的良好态势。《全球十大外围足球平台》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,以党章为根本遵循,总结吸收实践创新成果,对党员教育管理的内容、方式、程序等作出规范,是新时代党员教育管理工作的基本遵循。

The circular stressed that the formulation and implementation of the Regulations are of great significance for improving the quality of the construction of Party members, stimulating the vitality of Party organizations, promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth, consolidating the long-term governance foundation of the Party, and realizing the great governance mission of the Party。

Every Party member, regardless of his or her position, must accept the education and management of the Party organization in accordance with the requirements of the Party Constitution and the Regulations, the circular said。Party committees and Party groups at all levels should take the education and management of party members as a major political responsibility, take effective measures to strictly implement the Regulations, make them more targeted and effective, and prevent formalism。It is necessary to do a good job in the publicity, interpretation and study and training of the Regulations, so that Party organizations at all levels, the majority of Party members, especially the leading cadres of Party members, deeply understand the spirit of the Regulations, fully grasp the content of the Regulations, and strictly implement the provisions of the Regulations。The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee should strengthen supervision and guidance together with relevant departments to ensure the effective implementation of the Regulations。All regions and departments shall promptly report to the Party Central Committee the important information and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations。

The full text of the Regulations on the Administration of Education for CPC Members is as follows。

Act 1 总则

Article one 为了深入To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,加强党员教育管理工作,提高党员队伍建设质量,保持党员队伍的先进性和纯洁性,根据《全球十大外围足球平台排行》和有关党内法规,制定本条例。

Article 2 The education and management of Party members is the basic and regular work of Party building。Party organizations shall strengthen the education and management of party members and guide them to uphold the lofty ideal of Communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics"Four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", achieve "two maintenance", strengthen the party spirit, improve quality, earnestly fulfill obligations, correctly exercise rights, and give full play to the vanguard role。

Article 3 党员教育管理工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era,Adhere to the integration of education, management, supervision and service,We will promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning education,Continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of party member education and management,Strive to build a team of Party members who are qualified in politics, discipline, morality, and function。

Article 4 The education and management of party members shall follow the following principles:

(1) Insist that the Party should manage the Party, comprehensively and strictly govern the Party, implement strict requirements in the whole process and all aspects of the education and management of Party members, and Party members' leading cadres take the lead in accepting education and management;

(2) Adhere to the Party's political construction as the guide, highlight the Party spirit and political theory education, guide Party members to abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules and discipline, never forget the original aspiration, remember the mission;

(3) Focusing on the center and serving the overall situation, paying attention to the quality and effectiveness of Party member education and management, and ensuring the implementation of the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies, and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee;

(4) Insist on proceeding from reality, strengthen classified guidance, respect the principal position of Party members, and give full play to the role of Party branches in direct education, management, and supervision of Party members。

Act 2 To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Article 5 把用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装全党作为党员教育管理的首要政治任务,引导党员充分认识To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era的重大意义,自觉学懂弄通做实。

Article 6 组织党员读原著、学原文、悟原理,深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的核心要义、基本精神、实践要求,掌握贯穿其中的马克思主义立场观点方法,增强政治自觉、理论自信、情感融入。建立以To study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era为中心内容的党员教育教材体系。

教育引导党员把学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想同学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、The important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on development should be closely integrated, and the ideological consciousness and theoretical level of Marxism should be constantly raised。

Article 7 We should combine concentrated education with regular education,Combine organizational training with personal self-study,Adopt centralized rotation training, Party committee (Party group) theoretical learning center group learning, theoretical preaching, organizational life, online learning training and other methods,形成习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习教育长效机制,Promote party members to learn deep understanding, into the mind into the heart。

Article VIII Promote the Marxist style of study that combines theory with practice,Guide Party members to put themselves in, put their responsibilities in, and put their work in,Practice what you learn and combine knowledge with practice,Raise political standing,Strengthen responsibility,reinforcement,Do one's job,自觉做习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想坚定信仰者和忠实实践者。

Party members and leading cadres should adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements, study comprehensively, systematize, penetrate, and follow up studies, consciously use them to arm the mind, guide practice, promote work, and play an exemplary role in driving。

Act 3 Basic tasks of party member education

The ninth article We will strengthen education in political theory, highlight the study of the Party's innovative theories, organize Party members to study the Party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy, learn the basic principles of Marxism and basic knowledge of the Party, guide Party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, enhance their Party spirit, and strive to master and consciously apply Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods。

Article ten Give prominence to political education and training, strictly exercise political life within the party, educate party members to speak clearly about politics, raise their political consciousness and political ability, strictly observe political discipline and political rules, and always preserve the political nature of Communists“四个服从”,在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致。

Article 11 We will strengthen education in the Party Constitution, Party rules and Party discipline, guide Party members to remember the oath they took to join the Party, adhere to the criteria for qualified Party members, consciously observe Party discipline, take the lead in practicing core socialist values, cultivate noble moral sentiments, and foster a good ideological style, study style, work style, life style and family style。We will strengthen education in the Constitution, laws and regulations, and guide party members to respect the law, abide by it and use it。

Article 12 We should strengthen education on the Party's purpose, guide Party members to practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, implement the Party's mass line, improve their ability to work with the people, and maintain close ties with and serve the people。

Article 13 We will conduct education on revolutionary traditions, guide Party members to study the history of the Party, the country, the history of reform and opening up, the development of socialism, and fine traditional Chinese culture, remember the Party's struggle, carry forward the Party's fine traditions, inherit the red gene, practice Communist values, and inspire patriotism。

Article 14 To carry out situation and policy education, focus on the implementation of major decisions of the Party and the state and promote the implementation of major tasks, publicize the Party's line, principles and policies, interpret the situation of the world, the situation of the Party, respond to the concerns of party members, guide party members to correctly understand the situation, and unify their thoughts and actions to the requirements of the Party Central Committee。

Article 15 Pay attention to knowledge and skills education, according to the requirements of party members' post duties and work needs, organize and guide party members to learn and master professional knowledge, scientific and technological knowledge, practical technology, etc., to help Party members improve their comprehensive quality and ability to perform their duties, and enhance their service skills。

Act Four The main ways of daily education management of party members

Article 16 Party branches shall use itThe "three meetings and one lesson" system provides regular education and management for Party members。Party members shall participate in Party members' congresses, Party group meetings and party classes on schedule, conduct study and exchange, and report on their thoughts and work。Leading cadres of Party members shall participate in dual organizational life。

Party branches shall be carried out monthlyA theme Party day, close to the party members' thoughts and work practice, organize party members to concentrate on learning, organizational life, democratic discussion and volunteer services。

Party members shall pay membership fees on time。Party organizations shall do a good job in collecting, using and managing party fees。

Article 17 Party branches are held at least every yearAn organizational life can also be convened at any time according to the needs of the work, generally in the form of party members' meetings, party branch committee meetings or party group meetings。

Article 18 Party branches are generally held every year1 Democratic evaluator party member。Party branches hold party members' meetings, and organize party members to evaluate according to the procedures of individual self-evaluation, mutual evaluation and democratic evaluation。The meeting of the Party branch committee or the party member assembly shall put forward the evaluation opinions on the basis of the evaluation and the daily performance of party members。

Democratic evaluation party members may be combined with the organization of the meeting。

Article 19 Grass-roots party organizations should pay attention to the analysis of the ideological and psychological status of party members, party organizations should often talk with party members, targeted ideological and political work。

Article 20 City and county party committees or grass-roots party committees shall organize centralized rotational training of party members every year, mainly relying on county party schools (administrative schools) and grass-roots party schools。According to the key tasks of career development and Party building, in combination with the central work of the respective departments and units in the region and the actual situation of party members, the content and methods of training shall be determined。Party members generally spend no less time in intensive study and training every year32学时。

Article 21 Party organizations shall, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, organize Party members to seriously participate in centralized study and education within the Party, guide party members to focus on the theme of study and education, in-depth study of the Party's innovative theory, and find solutions to their own outstanding problems。

Provincial Party committees and industry system party organizations may, in accordance with the ideological status of party members and the needs of party building, carry out thematic learning and education in a timely manner。

Article 22 Party organizations shall give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members,Combine the reality of different groups of party members,By setting and learning from the examples around you,Set up demonstration posts and responsibility areas for Party members,Set up posts and define responsibilities, promise to fulfill commitments, etc,To guide Party members to do their jobs well,Work in practice, walk in the forefront,Strive for the best,We have the courage to act responsibly in contacting and serving the people and completing major tasks,It can be seen in ordinary times, stand out in critical moments, and be excluded in critical moments。

Encourage and guide Party members to participate in voluntary services。Party members shall actively participate in voluntary service activities carried out by Party organizations and may also carry out voluntary service activities on their own。

Article 23 Party organizations shall adhere to the unity of strict education and management and enthusiastic concern for and love for Party members, and encourage them to care for and help them in politics, thought, work and life。

In view of the actual conditions of veteran party members, such as their health, residence and family, flexible methods are adopted to provide education, management and services, and to organize them to participate in Party organizational life and play their role within their capabilities。For Party members who are old and infirm, unable to move, seriously ill or even disabled, there are no mandatory requirements for organizing activities and carrying out learning and education, and Party organizations give more care and care by sending students to their homes and visiting condolences。

Chapter Five Party membership and party member organization relationship management

Article 24 A probationary party member who has been approved by the Party branch Party member assembly and approved by the primary Party committee shall obtain Party membership as of the date of adoption。

For Party members who go abroad for private reasons and settle abroad for a long time, study abroad is more thanParty members who have not returned within five years shall generally be suspended from the Party。The decision to suspend Party membership shall be made by the Party organization that retains its organizational relationship in accordance with relevant regulations。

Losing contact with the party organizationParty members who have not been contacted for more than six months through various means shall be suspended from the Party。The decision to suspend party membership shall be made by the Party branch or the Party organization at a higher level in accordance with relevant regulations。Those who are really unable to make contact after two years of suspension of party membership shall be removed from the Party according to their own withdrawal。

If a Party member whose membership has been suspended meets the conditions, his or her membership may be restored in accordance with the prescribed procedures。Those who are advised to withdraw from the Party, persuaded but not removed from the Party, removed from the Party on their own, removed from the Party, or expelled from the Party, in principle cannot be restored to their Party membership, and those who meet the conditions may re-join the Party。

Article 25 The organizational relationship of party members refers to the membership relationship of Party members to the primary party organizations。

Every Party member must be incorporated into a branch, group, or other specific organization of the Party。Party members who have fixed work units and have established Party organizations in their units are generally incorporated into the party organizations of their units。Party members who do not have fixed work units, or whose units have not established Party organizations, are generally incorporated into Party organizations such as their regular residence or public employment and talent service agencies, parks, and buildings。

A Party member's work unit or habitual residence has changed, or goes out to study, work or liveIf it has been over 6 months and the location is relatively fixed, the organizational relationship should be transferred。Primary-level party committees, which have the power to examine and approve probationary party members, may directly transfer and accept organizational relationships among party members throughout the country。When a Party organization accepts the organizational relationship of a Party member, it may, if necessary, check the files of a Party member in an appropriate manner。For Party members whose organizational relations have been transferred but who have not yet been accepted, the original Party organization shall still be responsible for management。Party organizations shall not refuse to transfer or accept party members without cause。


Article 26 For party members who do not have personnel files, the grass-roots party committee with the authority to examine and approve probationary party members shall establish party files, which shall be kept by the party committee or the party committee organization department at or above the county level。

Where conditions permit, electronic management of Party member archives shall be implemented。

Act 6 Supervision and organization of Party members

Article 27 Party organizations shall strictly organize life, listen to the opinions of the masses, check the work of party members, and so on,To supervise Party members' compliance with the Party Constitution, Party rules and discipline, especially political discipline and rules,Compliance with the Constitution, laws, regulations and moral norms,Life in the organization,Fulfilling the obligations of Party members, contacting and serving the masses, and playing a pioneering and exemplary role。

Article 28 If a party member is found to have a tendency to think, work, life, style and discipline, and if the masses have an adverse reaction to it, the person in charge of the party organization should promptly remind and talk, catch small and prevent small problems。

Article 29 For Party members who do not participate in the life of the Party organization in accordance with the regulations, do not pay Party fees on time, move to work and live in other places and do not take the initiative to maintain contact with the Party organization, and there are other acts that are not consistent with the requirements of the Party, and the circumstances are relatively minor, the Party organization shall take appropriate ways to criticize and educate them in a timely manner to help them improve。

Article 30 For Party members who lack the revolutionary will, do not fulfill the obligations of party members, do not meet the requirements for Party members, but who are able to correctly understand their mistakes, are willing to accept education and management, and are determined to correct them, the Party organization shall make corrections within a time limit, and the time limit for correction shall not exceed1年。Party members who have been given corrective treatment within a time limit shall take measures to help educate them。

Article 31 A Party member under any of the following circumstances shall be removed from the party in accordance with the prescribed procedures:

(1) Those who lack ideals and convictions, waver in their political stand, or have lost the qualifications to become party members shall be expelled;

(2) Those who believe in religion and have not changed through the help of Party organizations in education, shall be advised to quit the Party, and those who do not quit shall be removed from the party;

(3) Those who propose to quit the Party because of ideological degeneration, but still insist on quitting the Party after education, shall be expelled;

(4) Those who, in order to achieve their personal goals, threaten to quit the Party and refuse to change after education, shall be advised to quit the Party, and those who refuse to quit shall be removed from the party;

(5) Those who have not changed after the expiration of the time limit for correction, shall be advised to quit the Party, and those who do not resign shall be removed from the party;

(6) Without justification, continuousThose who do not participate in Party organizational life for six months, or do not pay membership fees, or do not do work assigned by the Party will be expelled according to their own withdrawal from the Party。

Party members who violate Party discipline shall be subject to Party discipline sanctions in accordance with the Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China。

Act 7 Management of mobile party members

Article 32 Grassroots party organizations should strengthen the management of mobile party members and go outMobile party members who have been more than 6 months and have not transferred organizational relations should maintain regular contact, follow up and do a good job in education, training, management services and other work。In places where mobile party members are relatively concentrated, the party organization of the expat place can rely on the park, chamber of commerce, industry associations, and offices abroad to establish a mobile party organization。

Local party organizations shall assist in the daily management of mobile party members。According to the way that one party of the organizational relationship belongs to and participates in the life of multiple organizations, the mobile party members can participate in the organizational life at the nearest location。Party and mass service centers in townships, streets, villages, communities, and industrial parks shall be open to mobile party members。Mobile party members may participate in the democratic evaluation in the party organization or the party organization of the mobile party members in the place of migration。

For the mobile party members who have the conditions to transfer organizational relations, the party organizations in the outgoing and the incoming places should do a good job in connection with the transfer work。

Article 33 Rural Party branches should specify a special person responsible for maintaining contact with mobile party members。Township party committees should grasp the basic situation of mobile party members, guide and urge party branches to strengthen daily education management。Take advantage of the opportunity for mobile party members to return home and organize them to participate in organizational life or education and training。Mobile party members with good political quality and the ability to get rich should be included in the village reserve force training in a timely manner。

Urban community Party organizations shall guide mobile Party members living in other places to report to the Party organizations of their places of residence, consciously participate in the activities of the Party organizations of their places of residence, and accept the management of the Party organizations。To guide and help Party members who have settled in other places to transfer organizational relations in a timely manner。

The party organizations of public employment and talent service institutions shall establish and improve the party organizations of mobile talent members, straighten out the organizational relationship of mobile talent members, strengthen and improve the daily education and management of mobile talent members。

Article 34 Party organizations in colleges and universities shall continue to perform their administrative duties for mobile party members of college graduates whose organizational relationship is retained at the university。The retention period of party members' organizational relationship generally does not exceed2 years, timely transfer to meet the conditions of the transfer of organizational relations。

For Party members who go abroad to study (environment), the party organization of the original university or work unit shall retain its organizational relationship and contact it at least every six months1次。Party members who go abroad to study and study will resume their organizational life in accordance with regulations after returning。

Act 8 Party member education management informatization

Article 35 To meet the requirements of the development of The Times, we should make full use of Internet technology and information technology to improve the education and management of party members, promote the deep integration of traditional advantages of grass-roots party building with information technology, and constantly improve the modernization level of education and management of Party members。

Article 36 Overall planning and resource integration,Improve the information base of Party members,We will strengthen the construction of a national Party member management information system,We will promote the innovative development of modern distance education and audio-visual education for party members and cadres,Promote the integration of Party members' education and management websites and mobile clients,Establish an online platform for party spirit education base,Create a network position for the organic integration of party affairs, government affairs and services。

Article 37 Stick to the combination of online and offline,Rely on the party member education management information platform,Party member information management, Party organization activities guidance and management, mobile party member management services, development of party member management and party fee management and other business applications,To provide party members with online learning and training, transfer organizational relations, participation in party affairs and care and assistance services。

Pay attention to the use of information data, the status of the party members and the education and management of party members in real time analysis and judgment, timely detection of problems, and continuous improvement of work。

Article 38 Party members should take the initiative to learn and use the network, rely on various party members' education and management information platforms, actively participate in online learning and training, seriously participate in the activities of Party organizations, and consciously accept the education and management of Party organizations。Disseminate the Party's theory, line, principles and policies to the masses through the Internet, listen to the masses' opinions, contact and serve the masses。

Party organizations shall educate and guide Party members to strictly regulate online behavior, have the courage to fight against erroneous online remarks, and shall not produce, publish or disseminate information that violates Party discipline rules and state laws and regulations。

Act 9 Organizational leadership and job security

Article 39 Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee,Led by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee,The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, the Central Publicity Department, the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance), the Working Committee of the Central and State institutions, the Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education, and the Party Committee of the SASAC under The State Council attended the meeting,Establish a national coordination group for the education and management of Party members,To be responsible for the planning, deployment, organization, coordination, inspection and guidance of the education and administration of Party members throughout the country,The office of the coordination group is located in the Organization Department of the Central Committee。Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish coordinating organs for the education and administration of Party members。We will establish and improve the operating mechanism of the coordinating body for the education and management of Party members, and give full play to its functional role。

The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee is mainly responsible for the overall coordination of the education and administration of party members, the organization and arrangement of the centralized and regular education of party members, and the specific guidance of the education and administration of Party members。

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission are mainly responsible for the discipline and style education of Party members, guiding the supervision of Party members, and investigating and punishing Party members' violations of Party discipline and work-related violations and crimes。

The Central Propaganda Department is mainly responsible for the political theory education, situation and policy education of party members, guiding and coordinating the compilation of educational materials for Party members, and organizing advanced and typical study and publicity of Party members。

The Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance) is mainly responsible for the training of leading cadres of Party members, and guides local Party schools (administrative colleges) to include the education and training of party members in their teaching plans to ensure class hours and teaching quality。

The Working committees of the Central and State organs are mainly responsible for guiding Party organizations at all levels of the central and state organs to do a good job in the education and administration of party members。

The Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education is mainly responsible for guiding the macro-level education and management of party members in colleges and universities。

The Party committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is mainly responsible for the education and management of party members in the enterprises under its supervision。

The organization department and discipline inspection and supervision organs of local party committees at all levels, the propaganda Department of the Party Committee, the Party school (administrative college), the working committee of the organ, the education working committee, and the Party committee of the SASAC shall undertake the tasks of the education and management of party members according to their functions and responsibilities。

Article 40 Local party committees and party groups (Party committees) at all levels shall lead the education and management of party members of their respective departments and units in their respective regions, implement the guidelines, policies and deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee on the education and management of party members, regularly study the education and management of party members, analyze the status of the party members, and propose targeted work measures。

Grass-roots party committees perform the basic duties of education and management of party members, promote the implementation of work arrangements for higher-level party organizations, organize the centralized training of party members, organizational relationship management, commendation and encouragement, care and help, organization and disposal, and disciplinary actions, and guide the party branches under their jurisdiction to do a good job in daily education and management of party members。The Party branch shall perform relevant work duties in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant regulations within the Party。The Party group shall implement the requirements and tasks of the Party branch regarding the education and administration of Party members。

Article 41 Grass-roots party committees in townships, streets, state-owned enterprises, colleges and universities shall, in accordance with regulations, have a certain number of full-time and part-time organization members, who shall be organized by party committees at or above the county level to conduct business guidance and management, and undertake the work of guiding and urging the development of party members and the education and management of party members。

The Party committee at or above the county level selects and hires lecturers for Party member education from among outstanding party school teachers, secretaries of grass-roots party organizations, advanced model figures, party workers, experts and scholars, practical and technical personnel, and retired cadres。

We will strengthen the construction of county-level Party schools (administrative schools) and community-level Party schools。Party schools (administrative schools) at the county level shall take the centralized training of party members as an important task。Party member education lecturers will be organized and arranged in a planned way to give lectures at the grassroots level。We will give full play to the role of Party and mass service centers, party members and cadres education and training bases, and civilization practice centers in the new era。

We will strengthen the planning for the construction of teaching materials for the education and training of Party members nationwide, and organize the compilation of basic teaching materials for the education of party members nationwide。All regions, departments and units may, in light of actual conditions, develop party member education materials with their own characteristics and practical effectiveness。

Article 42 The funds for the education and management of party members shall be included in the local financial budgets at all levels, allocated according to the actual number of party members, and focus on ensuring that grass-roots Party organizations such as rural areas, communities, non-public economic organizations and social organizations, public employment and talent service agencies carry out the education and management of Party members, so as to form a stable funding guarantee mechanism。The party fees retained by party committees at all levels are mainly used to educate and train party members and support grass-roots party organizations to carry out organizational life。We will strengthen financial support for the education and administration of Party members in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas。

Article 43 Party committees and Party groups at all levels shall strengthen the inspection and assessment of the education and administration of party members。Every year, the grass-roots party committee regards the education and management of party members as an important part of the work report to the higher party organization。In the review and assessment of the grassroots party building work, the party organization responsible for the education and management of party members were evaluated。Party organizations at higher levels shall, in carrying out annual assessment and tenure assessment, examine the education and management of Party members at lower levels。

Those who are derelict in their duties in the education and administration of Party members shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant provisions。

Act 10 附则

Article 44 Provisions on the administration of education for Party members in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Forces shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with these Regulations。

Article 45 The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 46 Since these regulationsEffective May 6, 2019。

编辑:Party and mass work
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