Regulations on the Work of Branches of the Communist Party of China (Trial Implementation)
来源:  作者:  编辑:Party and mass work  日期:2018-12-06  Click rate:8051  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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CPC Central Committee Issues Regulations on the Work of Communist Party of China Branches (Trial)


In October 2018, the CPC Central Committee issued the Regulations on the Work of CPC Branches (for Trial implementation) and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly comply with them。

  The circular pointed out that the Party branch is the party's basic organization, the Party's fighting fortress in the grass-roots organizations of society, and the basis for all the Party's work and combat effectiveness, and is responsible for directly educating, managing, supervising and organizing the masses, propagating the masses, gathering the masses, and serving the masses。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视党支部建设,要求把全面从严治党落实到每个支部、每名党员,推动全党形成大抓基层、大抓支部的良好态势,取得明显成效。At present, to promote the great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream, we must implement the Party's organizational line in the new era, put the construction of Party branches in a more prominent position, strengthen the standardization and standardization of Party branches, and constantly improve the quality of Party branch construction。

  通知指出,《全球十大外围足球平台排行》以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻党章要求,既弘扬The glorious tradition of "the branch is built on the link" reflects the new practices and new experiences created by the grassroots, and makes a comprehensive norm for the work of the party branch, which is the basic observance of the construction of the Party branch in the new era。The formulation and implementation of the Regulations are of great significance for strengthening the construction of the Party's organizational system, promoting the extension of comprehensive and strict Party governance to the grassroots, comprehensively improving the organizational capacity of Party branches, strengthening the political functions of Party branches, and consolidating the organizational foundation of the Party's long-term governance。

  The notice stressed that paying attention to party branches and grasping party branches is an important sign of political maturity of party members and leading cadres。Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should firmly establish political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness,Earnestly grasp the Party branch as the basic content of the Party's organizational system construction, the basic task of governing the Party, and the basic standard for testing the effectiveness of party building work,Take strong measures,We will promote the implementation of the Regulations and see tangible results。It is necessary to do a good job in the study, publicity and implementation of the Regulations,Use newspapers, radio, television, mobile phones, Internet and other media,Through special seminars, intensive training and other ways,Make Party organizations at all levels, the majority of Party members, especially Party branch secretaries, deeply understand the spirit of the Regulations,A comprehensive grasp of the content of the Regulations,Conscientiously enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of implementing the Regulations。It is necessary to strengthen the training of party members and leading cadres, incorporate the "Regulations" into the learning content of the Party Committee (Party Group) theoretical learning Center group and the educational curriculum of the Party school (administrative college), and improve the ability of the leadership at all levels to grasp the work of the Party branch and promote the construction of the Party branch。We must strengthen supervision and inspection, and seriously hold accountable those who fail to implement the Regulations。The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall, together with relevant departments, strengthen supervision and supervision to ensure that all provisions are implemented。

The circular requires all regions and departments to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner important information and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations。








The full text of the Regulations on the Work of Branches of the Communist Party of China (Trial Implementation) is as follows。

Chapter I General provisions

  Article one In order to uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership, carry forward"The branch is built on the connection" glorious tradition,Implement the requirement that the Party should supervise the Party and exercise comprehensive and strict self-governance,Comprehensively improve the organizational capacity of party branches,Strengthen the political functions of party branches,Give full play to the role of party branches as fighting fortresses,Consolidate the Party's organizational foundation for long-term governance,In accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China and relevant intra-party regulations,Enactment of these Regulations。

  Article 2 The Party branch is the basic organization of the Party, the basic unit for the work of the Party organization, the fighting fortress of the Party in the grass-roots organizations of society, and the basis for all the work and combat effectiveness of the Party. It is responsible for directly educating, managing and supervising Party members, organizing, propagating, gathering and serving the people。

  Article 3 Party branch work must follow the following principles:


  2. Give top priority to the Party's political building and firmly establish it“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,做到“四个服从”,旗帜鲜明讲政治,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。

  3) Adhere to the Party's purpose and mass line, organize and guide Party members and the masses to listen to and follow the Party, and become the backbone of Party members and the masses。

  4. Adhere to democratic centralism, promote intra-party democracy, respect the principal position of Party members, strictly enforce Party discipline, improve the ability to solve their own problems, and enhance vitality。

  5. Focus on the central task and serve the overall situation, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and ensure the implementation of the Party's line, principles, policies, decisions and arrangements。


Chapter 2 Organization setting

  Article 4 The establishment of the party branch is generally based on units and regions, and the main way is to form a separate branch。Enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, scientific research institutes, communities, social organizations, companies (and middle) of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force, as well as other grass-roots units, all have full Party membersIf there are more than three members, a Party branch shall be established。

  The number of party members in the branch generally does not exceed50人。

  Article 5 In light of the actual situation, the establishment of Party branches will be innovated, so that the Party's organization and the Party's work will be fully covered。

  Large scale, cross-regional farmer professional cooperation organizations, professional markets, commercial blocks, commercial buildings, etc., meet the conditions, should set up a party branch。

  Insufficient full party membershipA unit of three persons shall establish a joint Party branch in accordance with the principles of adjacent regions, similar industries, appropriate scale and ease of management。The united Party branch covers generally no more than 5 units。

  为期Projects and work projects of more than 6 months, which meet the conditions, shall set up a party branch。

  If there are more mobile party members, and the work place or residence is relatively fixed and concentrated, the party organizations from the outflow place should flow into the local party organizations, and the party branches of mobile party members should be established relying on the parks, chambers of commerce, industry associations, and offices abroad。

  Article 6 The establishment of the party branch is generally applied by the grass-roots unit, and the township (street) or the grass-roots party committee of the unit holds a meeting to study and decide and approve, and the approval time is generally not more than1个月。

  After the examination and approval of the grass-roots party committee, the grass-roots unit holds a Party member conference to elect a Party branch committee or a Party branch secretary or deputy secretary without a committee。The approval and election results shall be reported by the grass-roots party Committee to the organizational department of the higher Party Committee for the record。

  According to the needs of the work, the Party committee at a higher level may directly make the decision to establish a Party branch in a grass-roots unit。

  Article 7 For Party branches that no longer meet the requirements for establishment due to changes in the number of party members or the units or regions where they belong, the higher party organizations shall adjust or cancel them in a timely manner。

  The adjustment and cancellation of the party branch is generally reported by the Party branch to the township (street) or unit grass-roots party committee for approval, or it can be directly decided by the township (street) or unit grass-roots Party committee, and reported to the higher party committee organization department for the record。

  Article VIII A temporary Party branch may be established with the approval of the Party organization at a higher level if the organizational relationship of Party members is not transferred to a temporary party branch temporarily established to carry out a certain task。

  Temporary Party branches mainly organize party members to carry out political study, educate, manage and supervise party members, educate and train active party members, etc. Generally, they do not develop party members, punish party members, collect party fees, elect delegates to party congresses and replace party members。

  The secretary, deputy secretary and members of the provisional Party branch shall be appointed by the Party organization that approved its establishment。

  After the temporary organization is abolished, the temporary Party branch will be abolished naturally。


Chapter three basic tasks

  The ninth article The basic tasks of the Party branch are:

  (1) To publicize and implement the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies, and to publicize and implement the resolutions of the Central Committee, higher Party organizations and their own Party branches。Discuss and decide on or participate in the decision on the important matters of the department or unit in the region, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, unite and organize the masses, and strive to complete the tasks undertaken by the department or unit in the region。

  (二)组织党员认真学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,学习党的路线方针政策和决议,学习党的基本知识,学习科学、文化、法律和业务知识。We will do a good job in ideological and political work and ideological work。

  (3) To educate, manage, supervise and serve Party members, give priority to political education, improve the quality of Party members, strengthen their ideals and convictions, enhance their Party spirit, strictly organize Party activities, carry out criticism and self-criticism, safeguard and enforce Party discipline, supervise Party members in earnestly fulfilling their obligations, and ensure that their rights are not infringed upon。We will strengthen and improve management of mobile party members。Care for and help party members and veteran party members in need。We will do a good job in collecting, using and managing party fees。Properly handle unqualified party members in accordance with regulations。

  4) To maintain close ties with the masses, publicize the Party's policies to the masses, constantly understand the masses' criticisms and opinions on Party members and the Party's work, understand the masses' demands, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, do their ideological and political work well, and pool the wisdom and strength of the masses。To lead the trade unions, Communist youth leagues, women's organizations and other group organizations of the respective departments and units in the region, and support them to carry out their work independently and responsibly in accordance with their respective statutes。

  (5) To educate and train activists who want to join the Party, do a good job of regular recruitment of party members, put political standards first, strict procedures, strict discipline, and develop party members of pure political character。To discover, train and recommend outstanding talents among Party members and the masses。

  (6) To supervise that Party members, cadres and any other functionaries strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the State, strictly abide by the financial and economic regulations of the State and the personnel system, and may not usurp the interests of the State, collectives and the masses。

  (7) Seeking truth from facts to put forward opinions and suggestions on Party building and Party work, and promptly report important information to Party organizations at higher levels。To educate party members and the masses to consciously resist undesirable tendencies and resolutely fight against all violations of discipline and law。

  (8) To inform Party members and the masses of the Party's work in accordance with regulations, and to make public relevant intra-Party affairs。

  Article ten Party branches in different fields undertake different key tasks according to the reality:

  (1) The village Party branch shall comprehensively lead all kinds of organizations and various work under the village, carry out work around the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, organize and lead the farmers to develop the collective economy, take the road of common prosperity, lead village-level governance, and build a harmonious and beautiful countryside。Party branches in poor villages should mobilize and lead the masses to win the battle against poverty。

  (2) The community Party branch shall comprehensively lead all kinds of organizations and work under the community, carry out work focusing on consolidating the Party's governance foundation in the city and improving the well-being of the people, lead the grassroots social governance, organize and integrate the resources of the jurisdiction, serve the community, maintain harmony and stability, and build a better home。

  (3) Party branches in state-owned enterprises and collective enterprises shall ensure and supervise the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the State, carry out work centering on the production and operation of the enterprise, participate in the decision-making of major issues of the enterprise according to regulations, serve the reform and development, gather the workers and the masses, build the enterprise culture, and create first-class performance。

  (4) Party branches in colleges and universities to ensure and supervise the implementation of the Party's educational policy, consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology in colleges and universities, strengthen ideological and political guidance, build a solid foundation for students' ideals and beliefs, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, and ensure the completion of various tasks in teaching and research management。

  (5) The Party branches of non-public economic organizations shall guide and supervise the enterprises to strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the State, unite the workers and the masses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties in accordance with the law, build an advanced culture of enterprises, and promote the healthy development of enterprises。

  (6) Party branches in social organizations guide and supervise social organizations to practice in accordance with law and in good faith, educate and guide workers and the masses to enhance political identity, guide and support social organizations to participate in social governance in an orderly manner, provide public services, and assume social responsibilities。

  (7) The Party branch in the public institution to ensure the correct direction of supervision and reform and development, participate in important decisions, serve the growth of talents, and promote career development。The Party branch, which plays a leading role in public institutions, discusses and makes decisions on major issues。

  (8) Party branches in Party and state organs at all levels carry out their work around service centers and team building, play their role in education, management and supervision of Party members, and assist the administrative heads of their departments in completing tasks and improving their work。

  (9) The Party branch of mobile Party members shall organize mobile party members to carry out political study, live a good organizational life, conduct democratic evaluation, guide party members to fulfill their obligations as party members, exercise their rights as party members, and give full play to their roles。For the democratic evaluation of mobile party members whose organizational relationship is not in the Party branch, the party branch where the organizational relationship is located shall be notified。

  (10) The Party branch of retired cadres and employees shall publicize and implement the Party's line, principles and policies, organize, in accordance with the actual situation of Party members, participate in learning, carry out Party organizational life, listen to opinions and suggestions, and guide them to play their role in light of their own actual conditions。


Chapter IV: Working mechanism

  Article 11 The Party branch Party members' conference is the decision-making body of the party branch, attended by all party members, and generally held every quarter1次。

  The functions and powers of the Party branch members' congress are as follows: to hear and examine the work reports of the Party branch committees;Party branch elections shall be carried out in accordance with regulations,To recommend candidates to attend party congresses at higher levels,To elect deputies to party congresses at higher levels;To discuss and vote on the admission of probationary party members, the conversion of probationary party members to full status, the extension of the reserve period or the cancellation of probationary party membership;To discuss and decide on the commendation, organization and disposition of Party members and disciplinary measures;Decide on other important matters。

  Important matters of the village and community, as well as matters closely related to the interests of the masses, must be discussed at the Party branch party members' meeting。

  The subject matter of the Party branch party members' meeting shall be fully discussed before it is put to a vote。A vote may be taken only if more than half of the party members with the right to vote are present, and if more than half of the party members with the right to vote are present, it shall be adopted。

  Article 12 The Party branch committee is the leading body of the daily work of the party branch。

  Party branch committee meetings are generally held every month1, can be convened at any time as needed to discuss important work of the party branch, make decisions, etc。A Party branch committee meeting can only be held if more than half of its members are present。Important matters shall generally be discussed at a meeting of the Party branch committee before being submitted to the Party members' assembly for decision。

  Article 13 Party branches with a large number of party members or where the work place and residence of Party members are relatively scattered shall, in accordance with the principle of facilitating the organization and carrying out activities, be divided into several party groups and set up party group leaders。The leader of a Party group is appointed by the party branch and can also be recommended by members of the Party group。

  The Party group mainly implements the work requirements of the Party branch and completes the tasks arranged by the party branch。

  Party group meetings are usually held every month1, organize party members to participate in political study, heart-to-heart talks, and carry out criticism and self-criticism。

  Article 14 The Party branch Party member conference and the Party branch committee meeting shall be convened and presided over by the Party branch secretary。If the secretary is unable to attend the meeting, he may entrust the deputy secretary or a member to convene and preside over it。The Party group meeting is convened and chaired by the party group leader。


Chapter Five: Organizational life

  Article 15 Party branches shall strictly implement the Party's system of organizational life, regularly, conscientiously and solemnly carry out criticism and self-criticism, and enhance the political, contemporary, principled and combative nature of political life within the Party。

  Leading cadres of Party members shall take the lead in participating in the organizational life of their Party branches or Party groups。

  Article 16 Party branches shall organize party members to attend Party members' congresses, Party group meetings and party classes on schedule, and regularly convene Party branch committee meetings。

  "Three meetings and one lesson" should highlight political learning and education, highlight the exercise of party spirit, take "two learning and one doing" as the main content, combine the thoughts of party members and the actual work, determine the theme and specific ways, so that the form is diverse and the atmosphere is solemn。

  Party lessons should be based on party members' ideology and work practice, respond to issues of general concern, pay attention to people around them and enhance their appeal。Party members and leading cadres should regularly give party lessons to grass-roots party members, and the secretary of the Party Committee (Party group) should at least give lectures every yearOne party class。

  The party branch is relatively fixed every month1 day to carry out the theme Party day, organize party members to study, live organizational life, democratic discussion and volunteer service。Before the theme Party day is carried out, the party branch shall carefully study and determine the theme and content;After the implementation, we should pay attention to the organization and implementation of agreed matters。

  With the consent of the Party organization, Party members who may not transfer organizational relations may be included in a Party branch or Party group and participate in organizational life。

  Article 17 Party branches are held at least every yearAn organizational meeting, usually scheduled in the fourth quarter, can also be held at any time according to work needs。Organizational life is generally held in the form of party branch party members' meetings, party branch committee meetings or party group meetings。

  Organizing life should determine the theme, study carefully before the meeting, talk, listen to opinions;At the meeting, problems were investigated, criticism and self-criticism were carried out, and the direction of rectification was clarified;After the meeting, corrective measures were formulated and implemented one by one。

  Article 18 Party branches are generally held every yearA democratic evaluation of party members, the organization of party members against the criteria for qualified party members, against the oath to join the party, and in connection with individual actual party spirit analysis。

  Party branches hold party members' meetings, and organize party members to evaluate according to the procedures of individual self-evaluation, mutual evaluation and democratic evaluation。In Party branches with a large number of party members, individual self-evaluation and mutual evaluation of party members can be conducted within the scope of party groups。The meeting of the Party branch committee or the party member assembly shall put forward the evaluation opinions on the basis of the evaluation and the daily performance of party members。

  Democratic evaluation party members may be combined with the organization of the meeting。

  Article 19 Party branches should often carry out heart-to-heart talks。Among Party branch members, between party branch members and party members, and between party members and party members, heart-to-heart talks are generally no less than each year1次。Heart-to-heart talks should be candid, exchange ideas, exchange opinions, and help improve。

  Party branches shall pay attention to analyzing the ideological and psychological status of party members。For Party members with major family changes, major difficulties, and outstanding physical and mental health problems, the Party branch secretary shall help them to do a good job of psychological counseling;For Party members who are punished and have adverse reactions, the Party branch secretary shall do a targeted job in ideological and political work。


Chapter VI Party branch committee construction

  Article 20 card-inA Party branch with more than 7 members shall set up a Party branch committee。The Party branch committee is composed of 3 to 5 members, usually no more than 7 members。

  The Party branch committee shall have a secretary, organization committee, publicity committee, discipline inspection committee, etc., which may be set up when necessary1 Deputy Secretary。

  Insufficient full party membershipA seven-member party branch shall have a secretary and, if necessary, a deputy secretary。

  Article 21 Village and community party branch committee each term5 years, other grass-roots units of the party branch committee generally each term of 3 years。

  The Party branch committee is elected by the Party branch Party members' conference, the Party branch secretary and deputy secretary are generally elected by the Party branch committee meeting, and the Party branch secretary and deputy secretary without a committee are elected by the Party branch Party members' conference。The elected Party branch members shall be reported to the Party organization at a higher level for the record;Party branch secretaries and deputy secretaries shall be reported to higher party organizations for approval。Party branch secretary, deputy secretary, member vacancy, should be timely by-election。When it is truly necessary, the Party organization at a higher level may appoint a Party branch secretary or deputy secretary。

  We will establish a sound mechanism for reminding and supervising party branches to change their positions on schedule。According to the party organization's affiliation and the cadre's administrative authority, the higher party organization generally advances the expiration of the term of office of the Party branch6 months in the form of a letter or telephone notice to remind you to prepare for the transition。For the need to extend or advance the change of the term, should be carefully reviewed, strict control, extension or advance period generally not more than 1 year。

  Article 22 The secretary of the Party branch presides over the overall work of the party branch, urges other members of the Party branch to perform their duties and play their role, does a good job in the self-construction of the Party branch committee, and reports the work to the Party branch committee, the Party member conference and the higher party organization。

  The deputy Party branch secretary assists the Party branch secretary in carrying out the work。Other members of the party branch shall carry out their work according to the division of responsibilities。

  Article 23 Party branch secretaries should have good political quality, love the party's work, have a certain level of policy theory, organization and coordination ability and mass work skills, dare to take on, willing to contribute, take the lead to play a vanguard role, have high prestige among party members and the masses, and generally should haveAt least 1 year of party experience。

  Article 24 The Party organization at a higher level shall, in light of the actual conditions in different fields, highlight the political criteria, and adopt a variety of ways to select qualified outstanding Party members to serve as party branch secretaries in accordance with organizational procedures。

  Villages and communities should pay attention to the selection of Party branch secretaries from villagers with strong ability to bring wealth, demobilized veterans, business workers, rural teachers, rural doctors, social workers, college village officials, retired cadres and staff。If there is no suitable candidate, the Party organization at a higher level may select Party branch secretaries across regions or from organs, enterprises and public institutions。According to the needs of the work, the superior party organization can select excellent cadres to serve as the first secretary of the Party branch in the village or community, guide and help the Party branch secretary carry out the work, and mainly undertake the responsibilities and tasks of building the party branch, promoting the work of the center, serving the people, and improving the level of governance。The qualified Party branch secretary of a village or community may serve as the director of the villagers' committee or the residents' committee through legal procedures。

  The secretary of the party branch of government organs, state-owned enterprises, public institutions is generally the main person in charge of the department and the unit, and can also be other person in charge of the department and the unit。According to the needs of the work, the Party organization at a higher level may select Party members and cadres to serve as full-time Party branch secretaries。

  Non-public economic organizations and social organizations generally select Party branch secretaries from the management, and should pay attention to the selection of Party branch secretaries from the business backbone。If there is no suitable candidate, the Party branch secretary may be selected by the Party organization at a higher level。

  Strengthen the construction of the reserve team of Party branch secretaries, pay attention to the cultivation of outstanding party members as reserve talents for Party branch secretaries, and establish a reserve talent pool for Party branch secretaries in villages, communities and other fields。

  Article 25 Party organizations at higher levels shall regularly train party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries and other members。

  Party branch secretary training is included in the education and training plan for party members and cadres, and the new Party branch secretary should be trained。The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee organizes demonstration training for Party branch secretaries, and local, industry and system generally carry out rotation training for all Party branch secretaries in different levels according to party organization affiliation。Party branch secretaries should attend at least once a year1 centralized rotation training organized by party organizations at or above the county level。Pay attention to overall arrangements, prevent frequent participation in training, and ensure that the Party branch secretary does a good job in daily work。

  The training of Party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries and other members shall highlight the Party's basic theories, basic policies, basic knowledge and basic requirements for party affairs, the Party's fine traditions and style of work, Party regulations and Party discipline。Pay attention to giving play to the role of excellent party branch secretaries。

  Article 26 Pay attention to the selection of township and neighborhood leaders from outstanding village and community Party branch secretaries, admission of civil servants and recruitment of public institution personnel。

  Cultivate and establish advanced models of party branch secretaries, and commend and praise excellent Party branch secretaries。

  Article 27 Members of Party branch committees shall consciously accept the supervision of higher Party organizations, Party members and the masses, and strengthen mutual supervision。

  The Party branch secretary shall report to the party organization at a higher level and the Party branch party member conference every year, accept the evaluation and assessment, and the assessment results shall be used as an important basis for evaluation and selection。

  Article 28 Establish a continuous rectification mechanism for weak and lax Party branches。For those who are not suitable for the post of Party branch secretary, deputy secretary and member, the Party organization at a higher level shall make timely adjustments。Where there are problems such as soliciting votes for a general election and buying votes, interference and infiltration by clan, religion and evil forces, the higher party organizations shall deal with them in a timely and serious manner。


Chapter VII: Leadership and guarantee

  Article 29 Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should regard the construction of party branches as the most important basic construction, regularly study and discuss, strengthen leadership and guidance, and earnestly fulfill the main responsibilities。The county party committee should conduct at least a special study every year1 Party branch construction work。

  The secretary of the Party committee (Party group) at all levels shall take the lead in establishing contact points for the work of the party branch, taking the lead in in-depth investigation and research at the grassroots level, discovering and solving problems, and summarizing and popularizing experience。

  Article 30 The Party committee organization department should often analyze and judge the construction of party branches, strengthen classified guidance and supervision and inspection, expand the increase of advanced party branches, improve the level of middle party branches, and rectify late party branches。Strengthen the standardization and standardization of party branches。Grass-roots party committees should generally be equipped with full-time and part-time organizations to strengthen the specific guidance for the construction of party branches。

  Party committee organizations at all levels should pay attention to understand and master the daily performance of party members and cadres through the party branch, and the cadre inspection should listen to the views of the party branch where the object of investigation is located。

  Village and community party branch secretaries shall be incorporated into the record management of the organization department of the county Party Committee。

  Article 31 The work of village and community party branches is included in the inspection and supervision work of county Party committees。

  Article 32 The construction of party branches should be included in the important content of the review and assessment of the grassroots party building work of Party secretaries at all levels, as an important basis for judging their performance of political responsibility to govern the Party。If the party branch construction is ineffective and the work is not implemented, the Party committee at the higher level and its organizational department should be interviewed。If there are serious problems in the construction of party branches and Party members and the masses respond strongly, they shall be held accountable in accordance with the provisions。

  Article 33 Party organizations at all levels shall provide necessary conditions for Party branches to carry out their work and provide funding guarantees。Strengthen the ability of village and community party branch operating funds, implement the remuneration of village and community party branch secretaries, and establish a normal growth mechanism according to the level of local economic development。Provide financial support for the work of Party branches of non-public economic organizations and social organizations。Strengthen the construction of grassroots Party organizations in villages, communities and parks, actively use modern technology and information means, and give full play to the comprehensive functions of office discussions, party activities, and providing convenient services。

  Party fees managed by party committees at or above the county level shall be allocated to party branches in accordance with a certain proportion each year, focusing on supporting Party branches in poor villages, party branches in difficult state-owned enterprises, party branches in non-public economic organizations and social organizations, party branches of mobile party members, and party branches of retired cadres and workers。


Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 34 Village and community Party grass-roots committees and general branch committees shall be implemented in accordance with these Regulations。

  Article 35 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant provisions in accordance with these Regulations。

  Article 36 The Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

  Article 37 Since these regulationsEffective October 28, 2018。Where other provisions concerning Party branches are inconsistent with these Regulations, these Regulations shall apply。



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