The Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China issued a notice on the Implementation Outline of the Project to Improve the Quality of Ideological and Political Work in Universities
来源:Ministry of Education  作者:CPC Department of Education  编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education  日期:2022-11-02  Click rate:1967  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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Implementation outline of the Project to improve the quality of ideological and political work in colleges and universities

  To earnestly study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party,We will further deepen the implementation of the National Conference on Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities and the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities under the New Situation,We will vigorously improve the quality of ideological and political work in colleges and universities,The Implementation Outline of the Project to Improve the Quality of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Outline) is formulated.。

  First, the goal principle

  1. Overall objective。坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will closely promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one" plan and the "four-pronged comprehensive" strategy,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,Give full play to the educational advantages of socialist education with Chinese characteristics,Take Lider as the foundation,Take ideal and belief education as the core,Guided by core socialist values,To comprehensively improve the ability of personnel training as the key,Strengthen the foundation, highlight key points, establish norms, and implement responsibilities,The quality system of ideological and political work in colleges and universities with perfect contents, sound standards, scientific operation, strong guarantee and remarkable results should be built in an integrated way,Form a whole-process all-round education pattern,Effectively improve work affinity and pertinence,Strive to train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty,We will strive to train new people to take on the great responsibility of national rejuvenation,Constantly create a new situation of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era。

  2. Basic principle。(1) Adhere to the orientation of education and highlight the value guidance。Comprehensively coordinate the education resources and strength in all fields of school running and management, all aspects of education and teaching, and all aspects of personnel training, promote the organic combination of knowledge transfer and ability training with the education of ideals and beliefs, values and moral concepts, and establish and improve the long-term mechanism of systematic education。(2) Adhere to the rules, the courage to reform and innovation。Follow the law of ideological and political work, the law of teaching and educating people and the law of student growth, adhere to the teacher-student as the center, grasp the ideological characteristics and development needs of teachers and students, optimize the content supply, improve the work method, innovate the work carrier, and activate the internal power of ideological and political work in colleges and universities。(3) Adhere to problem-oriented and pay attention to precise policies。Focus on key tasks, key groups, key areas, key regions, weak links, strengthen advantages, make up for weaknesses, strengthen classification guidance, focus on teaching according to aptitude, and strive to solve the imbalance and insufficiency in the field of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and constantly improve the sense of gain of teachers and students。(4) Adhere to synergy and strengthen the implementation of responsibilities。Strengthen the Party's leadership over ideological and political work in colleges and universities, implement the main responsibility, and establish a responsibility system with unified leadership by party committees, division of responsibilities by departments, and coordinated participation by all staff。Strengthen supervision and assessment, seriously pursue responsibility and accountability, and turn "soft indicators" into "hard constraints"。

  2. Basic tasks

  Give full play to the education function of curriculum, scientific research, practice, culture, network, psychology, management, service, funding, organization and other aspects, excavate the education elements, improve the education mechanism, optimize the evaluation and incentive, strengthen the implementation guarantee, and effectively build"Ten" education systems。

  1. Curriculum education quality improvement system。Vigorously promote the classroom teaching reform with the goal of "curriculum ideology and politics",Optimize the curriculum,Revision of professional textbooks,Perfect teaching design,Strengthen teaching management,To sort out the ideological and political education elements and the ideological and political education functions carried by each professional course,Integrate into all aspects of classroom teaching,To realize the organic unity of ideological and political education and knowledge system education。

  2. Scientific research and education quality improvement system。Give full play to the function of scientific research and education,Optimize scientific research processes and procedures,We will improve the evaluation criteria for scientific research,Improve academic evaluation methods,Promote the translation and application of achievements,Guide teachers and students to establish a correct political direction, value orientation, academic orientation,Cultivate the ideal pursuit of sincere service to the country, the scientific spirit of daring to be the first, the enterprising consciousness of pioneering innovation and the rigorous and realistic style of scientific research。

  3. Practice education quality improvement system。Adhere to the combination of theoretical education and practice, integrate all kinds of practice resources, strengthen project management, enrich practice content, innovate practice forms, expand practice platforms, improve support mechanisms, and guide teachers and students to enhance practical ability and establish family feelings in personal participation。

  4. Culture education quality improvement system。Pay attention to educating people through culture and culture,We will carry out in-depth education in fine traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture, and advanced socialist culture,We will promote the prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,Firmly grasp the leadership of ideological work in universities,We will practice and promote core socialist values,Optimize the school spirit,Flourishing campus culture,Cultivate university spirit,Build a beautiful environment,Nourish the soul of teachers and students, cultivate the conduct of teachers and students, and lead the social fashion。

  5. Network education quality improvement system。We will vigorously promote online education,Strengthen the construction and management of campus network culture,Expand network platform,Enrich network content,Build a strong network team,Purifying cyberspace,Optimization result evaluation,We will promote a high degree of integration of traditional advantages in ideological and political work with information technology,Guide teachers and students to strengthen network awareness,Establish network thinking,We will enhance cyber literacy,Create network cultural products,Spread the main theme and promote positive energy,Protect the spiritual home of the Internet。

  6. Psychological education quality improvement system。Adhere to the combination of cultivating mind and cultivating morality,We will strengthen humanistic care and psychological counseling,In-depth construction of education and teaching, practical activities, consulting services, prevention and intervention, platform protection of "five in one" mental health education pattern,Strive to cultivate rational, peaceful, positive and healthy mentality of teachers and students,Promote the coordinated development of teachers' and students' mental health quality with ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality。

  7. Manage education quality improvement system。Combine the strict requirements of standardized management with the educational methods of spring weathering and rain and wetting things silently,Strengthen education legislation,Abide by university rules,Improve school rules and discipline,Convention on sound self-regulation,Strengthen education on the rule of law,We will comprehensively promote law-based education,Promote the modernization of education governance capacity and governance system,Strengthen the function of scientific management to safeguard moral cultivation,Vigorously create a well-managed, well-managed, clean and healthy education environment。

  8. Service education quality improvement system。It combines solving practical problems with solving ideological problems, focuses on teachers and students, takes care of teachers and students, serves teachers and students, grasps the growth and development needs of teachers and students, provides targeted services, enhances supply capacity, actively helps solve reasonable demands of teachers and students in work and study, educates and guides people in caring, helping and serving people。

  9. Quality improvement system for subsidizing education。"Help the poor" and "help the wise","Help the poor" and "help the will" combine,Establish a developmental funding system featuring state funding, school grants, social donations and student self-help,To construct a long-term mechanism of funding education which integrates material help, moral infiltration, ability expansion and spiritual encouragement,Realize the organic integration of gratuitous aid and paid aid, explicit aid and implicit aid,Form a virtuous circle of "solving difficulties - educating people - becoming talented - giving back",Strive to cultivate the students self-reliance, honesty and trustworthiness, gratitude, courage to take good quality。

  10. Organization education quality improvement system。Combine organizational construction with educational guidance,Strengthen the educational responsibilities of various organizations in colleges and universities,Enhance work vitality, promote work innovation, expand work coverage, and improve radiation capacity,Give play to the leadership core role of university party committees, the political core role of college (department) party organizations and the basic-level party branch fighting fortress role,Give full play to trade unions, Communist Youth League, student union, student associations and other organizations to contact and serve, unite and unite teachers and students as a bridge,Ideological and political education throughout all work and activities,Promote the all-round development of teachers and students。

  Iii. Main contents

  onePromote curriculum education as a whole。深入推动习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材、进课堂、进头脑。We will improve curriculum management, curriculum standards and teaching plan evaluation systems, implement college curriculum systems and education and teaching innovation plans, promote the offering of philosophy and social science courses for all students to improve their ideological morality, humanistic quality and cognitive ability, and innovate the system for building ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities。Revise all kinds of professional textbooks,Strengthen the classroom teaching design,We will promote the study of Marxist theory and the compilation and revision of textbooks for construction engineering and ideological and political theory courses,Develop curriculum education guidance,Fully explore and use the ideological and political education elements contained in each course,As a necessary chapter of the textbook handout, the important content of classroom teaching and the key knowledge of students' assessment。We should give full play to the main role of professional teachers in curriculum education, improve the management and operation system of curriculum education, and regard curriculum education as an important link of teachers' ideological and political work, as an important aspect of teaching supervision and teacher performance evaluation。Strengthen the use of textbooks and classroom teaching management, establish a catalogue of core curriculum textbooks for philosophy and social sciences majors, develop and introduce management measures for the selection and selection of textbooks, establish a national award system for excellent textbooks, formulate guidance opinions on classroom teaching management in colleges and universities, and clarify discipline requirements for classroom teaching。Cultivate and select a number of "disciplinary education model courses" and establish a number of "curriculum Ideological and political research centers"。

  2. We will strengthen scientific research and education。Improve the scientific research links and procedures, guide the ideological value through the whole process of topic design, scientific research project, project research, and application of results, and take ideological and political performance as the bottom line requirements for the formation of scientific research teams。We will improve the evaluation criteria for scientific research,Improve academic evaluation methods,We will improve academic evaluation standards and methods for evaluating scientific research achievements with Chinese characteristics,Build an academic integrity system integrating education, prevention, supervision and punishment,We will curb the tendency of academic research and scientific research to produce poor results,Organize the preparation of academic norms and academic ethics reading books for teachers and students,Hold relevant lectures for undergraduates,Public courses will be offered to graduate students。We will improve the selection and promotion mechanism for outstanding achievements, serve national and regional economic development, and promote the ideological and cultural development of the whole society。Cultivate scientific spirit and innovative consciousness among teachers and students,Implementation of research and innovation team training support plan, science and education collaborative education plan, industry-university-research collaborative education plan and other projects,Guide teachers and students to actively participate in scientific and technological innovation team and scientific research innovation training,Keep abreast of the latest developments in science and technology,Cultivate team spirit and sense of cooperation in tackling key problems collectively and jointly。Strengthen the publicity and education of the advanced deeds of academic celebrities and excellent academic teams。Vigorously cultivate Huang Danian teachers' teams in colleges and universities across the country, and cultivate a number of scientific research and education demonstration projects and demonstration teams。

  3. We firmly promoted practical education。Integrate practice resources, expand practice platforms, and establish various forms of social practice and entrepreneurial practice bases relying on high-tech development zones, university science parks, urban communities, rural townships, industrial and mining enterprises, patriotic education places, etc。Enrich practical content,Innovative practice form,Social practice activities such as social investigation, productive labor, social welfare, voluntary service, scientific and technological invention, and work-study have been extensively carried out,We will carry out traditional and classic programs such as "three trips to the countryside" and "Volunteer Service Plan for the Western Region" for good college students in summer,Organize and implement the mission of keeping The Times in mind,书写人生华章”“百万师生追寻习近平总书记成长足迹”“百万师生重走复兴之路”“百万师生‘一带一路’社会实践专项行动”等新时代社会实践精品项目,We will explore ways to evaluate and certify volunteer services for teachers and students。Further promote the reform of practical teaching, formulate practical teaching standards by classification, and moderately increase the proportion of practical teaching. In principle, the practical teaching of philosophy and social sciences majors shall not be less than 15% of the total credits (credit hours), and that of science, agriculture and medicine majors shall not be less than 25%。We will strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship education, develop specialized courses, improve the curriculum system, implement the "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan for College students," and support students in setting up innovation and entrepreneurship associations。Improve the support mechanism,We will promote the organic integration of practical teaching of specialized courses, social practice activities, innovation and entrepreneurship education, volunteer service, and military training,We will form an overall pattern for promoting practical education,Build a collaborative system of practical education featuring "overall planning by the Party committee, solid promotion by the government, extensive participation by the society, and strong implementation by colleges and universities"。We will foster and build a number of demonstration bases for education, innovation and entrepreneurship。

  4. We will deepen cultural education。We will promote education in fine traditional Chinese culture,Implementation of the "Chinese Classics Reading Project" and "Chinese Traditional Festival Revitalization Project",Cultural activities such as "Respecting outstanding traditional Chinese Culture" and "Opera on campus" were carried out,Show a number of sports art and cultural achievements,A number of cultural heritage bases will be built,To guide the introduction of elegant art, intangible culture, and excellent national and folk culture to teachers and students。Excavate the connotation of educating people of revolutionary culture,Carry out the "Revolutionary Cultural and Educational Resource Library construction Project",Carry out educational activities with the theme of "Inheriting the Red gene and taking on the task of Rejuvenation",Organize, arrange and perform a number of stage plays based on revolutionary pioneers, song and dance music with revolutionary spirit as the theme, and Internet works with revolutionary culture as the connotation;Make effective use of major anniversaries and key cultural infrastructure to carry out revolutionary cultural education。To carry out advanced socialist culture education, carry out the theme education activities of socialist core values for college teachers and students, promote and display a number of typical cases of socialist core values education, and select and publicize a number of advanced examples of practicing socialist core values。Vigorously promote campus culture,Innovative campus culture brand,Excavate the educational function of school history, school spirit, school motto and school song,Promote the construction of the campus culture of "one school, one product",Guide colleges and universities to build characteristic campus culture;Implement the Action Plan for the Promotion of Original Cultural Classics in Universities,Support teachers and students in expanding the influence and radiation of original works of art such as opera, dance, music, film and television;Educational activities on the theme of "My Chinese Dream" have been carried out extensively,Select and display a number of outstanding achievements in the construction of campus culture。Build beautiful campuses, make and publish lists of outstanding cultural and natural landscapes in colleges and universities, and promote the construction of mountains, rivers, gardens, forests, roads and pavilions on campuses to achieve harmony and unity in use, aesthetics and educational functions。Extensively carry out the creation of civilized campuses, select "National civilized campuses", and build universities into socialist spiritual civilization highlands。

  5. Innovation promotes network education。Strengthen the overall planning of work, build a network of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, build platforms for information release, work exchange and data analysis, and strengthen the co-construction and mutual sharing of information management systems for ideological and political work in colleges and universities。Strengthen the awareness of network, improve the ability of network construction and network pipe network, strengthen the education of teachers and students' network literacy, compile the Guide for College teachers and students' Network Literacy, guide teachers and students to enhance the awareness of network security, abide by the code of network behavior, and develop a civilized network lifestyle。Expand the network platform, give play to the role of the national college campus website alliance, promote the national construction of "e-ban" and Chinese college students online, select and display a number of campus network name station name column, and lead the construction of campus network new media matrix。Enrich network content, carry out network culture construction activities such as "College Students Network Culture Festival", "selection and exhibition of excellent works for College network education", "Network civilization into campus", and promote and display a number of "network famous works"。Optimize the evaluation of achievements, build a "University network culture research evaluation center", establish an evaluation and certification system for network culture achievements, and promote the inclusion of excellent network culture achievements in the statistics of university scientific research achievements, as a condition for the evaluation and recruitment of teachers' job titles, as a basis for teachers' and students' awards。Cultivate network strength, implement the "Network education master Cultivation support Plan" and "Campus good netizen cultivation and selection plan", and build a network work team with strong politics, fine business and hard style。

  6. Vigorously promote psychological education。Strengthen knowledge education, integrate mental health education courses into the overall teaching plan of schools, organize the compilation of college students' mental health education model textbooks, develop and construct online courses such as "College Students' Mental Health", and achieve full coverage of mental health knowledge education。Publicity activities have been carried out, brand activities such as the "May 25" College Students' Mental Health Festival have been held, and media such as the Internet, radio, wechat public account and APP have been fully utilized to create a good atmosphere for mental health education and improve the mental health ability of teachers and students。Strengthen counseling services, improve the level of mental health education counseling and service centers, and equip teachers specializing in mental health education according to the teacher-student ratio of no less than 1:4000, and each school has at least two professional teachers。Strengthen preventive intervention,Promote the application of "China College Students Mental Health Screening Scale" and "China College Students Mental Health Network Assessment System",Improve the coverage and scientificity of mental health quality assessment;Establish a "four-level" early warning and control system for schools, departments, classes and dormitories,Improve the work plan for psychological crisis intervention,Establish referral diagnosis and treatment mechanism,Make work more forward-looking and targeted。Improve job security, develop guidance opinions on mental health education for teachers and students in colleges and universities, ensure per student funding input and dedicated site area for psychological counseling, build mental health education quality expansion training bases inside and outside schools, and cultivate and build a number of "demonstration centers for mental health education in colleges and universities".。

  7. Effectively strengthen management and education。We will improve the system of laws and regulations on education, accelerate the drafting (revision) of educational regulations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of teachers, students and employees。We will improve the system of law-based governance and education,Revised and improved in combination with university statutes, school regulations and self-discipline conventions,Research and sort out the education elements of each management post in colleges and universities,Prepare job description,Make clear the content and path of management and education,We will enrich and improve the system of conventions for different positions and groups,Guide teachers and students to cultivate consciousness and strengthen self-discipline。We will strengthen the management of the ranks of cadres, select and strengthen leading cadres and leading groups at all levels in accordance with the requirements of socialist politicians and educators for good cadres, formulate a five-year plan for training management cadres, and improve the ability of all types of management cadres to educate people。Strengthen the management of the ranks of teachers, strictly enforce the political assessment of the recruitment of teachers and the introduction of talents, strengthen the investigation and punishment of all kinds of violations of teachers' ethics and academic misconduct in accordance with the law and regulations, and promptly correct bad tendencies and problems。Strengthen the management of the use of funds, formulate funding budgets in a scientific way, and ensure that the investment of educational funds is education-oriented。Strengthen the guarantee function, improve the evaluation index system of running schools according to law, and carry out in-depth activities to establish running schools according to law。Bring the function of education into the scope of assessment and evaluation of management posts as a condition for award evaluation。Cultivate a group of "management education demonstration posts", guide management cadres to use good management mode and management behavior to influence and train students。

  8. Continue to deepen services and educate people。Strengthen the education requirements, study and sort out the education functions carried by various service positions, and as the job responsibility requirements, reflected in the employment, training, assessment and other links。In the logistics support services, continue to carry out themed education activities such as "food saving, water saving and electricity saving" and "Energy saving Publicity Week", promote the construction of energy-saving campuses in colleges and universities, vigorously build green campuses, implement the quality improvement plan for logistics employees, and effectively improve the level of logistics support and service education ability。In the library and material services, the literature and information resource system and service system should be constructed, service space should be optimized, user experience should be emphasized, collection utilization rate and service efficiency should be improved, information quality education should be carried out, teachers and students should be guided to respect and protect intellectual property rights, and information security should be maintained。In medical and health services, health education and teaching plans have been formulated, health education activities on infectious disease prevention, safety emergency and first aid have been carried out, and teachers and students have been cultivated in public health awareness and health behavior。In the security service, strengthen the construction of civil air defense and physical defense, comprehensively carry out safety education, improve security efficiency, and cultivate teachers and students' safety awareness and legal concept。Strengthen the supply capacity, build a comprehensive campus information service system, and fully meet the reasonable needs of teachers and students in study, life and work。Strengthen supervision and assessment, implement the service target responsibility system, and take service quality and education effect as the basis and standard for evaluating the effectiveness of service posts。Select a number of advanced models of service education and cultivate a number of "service education demonstration posts" in universities。

  9. We will comprehensively promote subsidized education。Strengthen the top-level design of funding work, establish funding management norms, improve the management of work-study programs, and build a precise funding work system that includes funding objects, funding standards, fund allocation, and fund release。Accurately identify students from families with financial difficulties, improve the working mechanism for the identification of four-level financial assistance, use home visits, big data analysis and heart-to-heart talks, reasonably determine the identification criteria, establish files for students from families with financial difficulties, and implement dynamic management。Adhere to the orientation of financial aid and education, in the process of scholarship selection and distribution, comprehensively examine students' comprehensive performance in academic performance, innovative development, social practice and moral quality, and cultivate students' spirit of struggle and sense of gratitude。In the process of national grant application and distribution, we will carry out inspirational education and gratitude education in depth, and cultivate students' consciousness of loving the Party, loving the country and loving socialism。In the process of handling national student loans, we should carry out in-depth integrity education and financial common sense education to cultivate students' legal consciousness, risk prevention consciousness and contract spirit。In the implementation of work-study activities, efforts are made to cultivate students' enterprising spirit of self-improvement, innovation and entrepreneurship。In the grassroots employment, enlistment tuition compensation loan compensation and other work links, cultivate students to establish a correct view of talent and employment。Innovative forms of funding education, the implementation of the "development-funded education Action Plan", "ability and literacy cultivation plan for students from poor families", the launch of thematic education activities such as "Student aid, Dream, and integrity Campus Tour", and the organization of national scholarship winners to serve as "student aid publicity ambassadors"。Cultivate and construct a number of "development-funded education demonstration projects", and select and display excellent cases and advanced people for subsidized education。

  10. Actively optimize organizational education。Give full play to the education guarantee function of party organizations at all levels, further rationalize the leadership system and mechanism of university party committees, clarify the responsibilities and decision-making mechanism of university party committees, improve and perfect the principal responsibility system under the leadership of university party committees, and promote party organizations at all levels to consciously assume the main responsibility of managing the Party, running schools, and educating talents。We started to implement the evaluation of party building work in colleges and universities, and comprehensively promoted the secretaries of party organizations in schools and colleges (departments) to review and comment on party building at the grassroots level。Implement the cultivation project of "double leaders" for teachers' Party branch secretaries, and carry out demonstration training at the central and local levels。Implement the "Plan to Compete for the Standard of Party Building at the grassroots level in Universities",Carry out the theme education of "Never forget the original intention and remember the mission",Select and cultivate the benchmark of party building work in 100 institutes (departments) across the country,We will foster and build a number of advanced primary-level Party organizations,Train and select a group of outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding Party workers,Create an exemplary online garden for party building,Select and display a number of outstanding work cases of party building。Give full play to the educational bond function of various group organizations,Promote trade unions, Communist Youth League, student union and other group organizations to innovate the carrier and form of organizational mobilization and leading education,Better represent teachers and students, unite teachers and students, and serve teachers and students,Support all kinds of teachers and students' associations to carry out healthy and colorful activities with distinct themes,Give full play to the cohesion, guidance and service role of teaching and research department, academic echelon, class and dormitory in the growth of teachers and students。Cultivate and build a number of civilized societies, civilized classes, civilized dormitories。

  Iv. Implementation guarantee

  1. Strengthen reform drive。Promote the comprehensive reform of "three full education", and select some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and colleges and universities with a good foundation for the comprehensive reform of "three full education"。At the provincial level,Integrate education resources,Give full play to the educational functions of natural resources, red resources, cultural resources, sports resources, scientific and technological resources, national defense resources and resources of enterprises and institutions inside and outside the school,Drive support for building a "three-in-one education Community" in the region,A cooperative education mechanism combining school, family and social education will be formed。At the school level,It is based on the "Ten education systems" covered by the "Implementation Outline",Systematically sort out and summarize the education elements of each group and each position,And as responsibility requirements and assessment content into the overall system design and specific operation links,Promote all faculty and staff to focus their work on educating people,Effectively open up the last kilometer of "three full education",Form an integrated education system and model that can be transformed and promoted。

  2. Build work platform。We will build an innovation and development center for ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and rely on some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and universities to build a number of theoretical and practical research centers to promote theoretical innovation and practical exploration in party building, ideological and political education, ideological work, and maintenance of security and stability。Build provincial university network ideological and political work center,We will support all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) in building their own centers for online ideological and political work,Promote the integration of network construction and management resources,Carry out in-depth research and analysis of Internet ideology, research and guidance of online public opinion, investigation of ideological and political conditions of teachers and students, and creation and production of online cultural products,To coordinate and promote "e-class" and Chinese college students online nationwide co-construction and sharing。We will build training and research centers for ideological and political workers in colleges and universities,Relying on some provincial (autonomous regions, municipalities) education departments and colleges and universities construction team training and research centers,We will focus on strengthening theoretical armed forces and improving political guidance,Organize and carry out online and offline training, advanced visit and study, academic degree education, curriculum system research and development, ideological and political library construction and other work,Continuously improve the coverage and benefit rate of training and research,Promote the translation and application of theoretical research and practical exploration results。

  3. Build a strong work force。We will improve the evaluation and evaluation mechanisms for teachers, put political standards first, and strictly enforce the system of teacher qualifications and access。In the teaching evaluation, job (title) evaluation, evaluation and reward of teachers, the ideological and political performance and education function play as the primary indicators, guide the majority of teachers not to forget the original intention of moral education, keep in mind the mission of talent training, and devote more energy to teaching and education work。Strengthen the construction of specialized forces, and promote the implementation of the central government's policy requirements and quantitative indicators on the construction of ideological and political work teams and party affairs work teams in colleges and universities。Vigorously cultivate leading talents, and in the "Changjiang Scholars Award Program", increase slanted support for high-level talents in ideological and political education related fields。We will intensify training efforts, carry out national demonstration training for ideological and political work teams in colleges and universities, and select key teams to participate in overseas study visits and on-the-job doctoral programs。Strengthen project support and guidance, implement the "Support Plan for Young Outstanding Talents in Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities", support the publication of theoretical and practical research monographs, cultivate a number of high-quality projects in ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and build a number of studios of famous teachers in ideological and political work in colleges and universities。

  4. Strengthen organizational support。The Ideological and Political Work Committee of the University was established to strengthen work coordination, decision-making consultation and evaluation supervision。Set up a special fund for ideological and political work in colleges and universities to ensure the smooth implementation of all items in the Implementation Outline。We will improve the quality evaluation mechanism for ideological and political work in colleges and universities, study and formulate an evaluation index system for ideological and political work in colleges and universities, innovate evaluation methods, and explore the introduction of third-party evaluation institutions。Strengthen the supervision and assessment of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and incorporate the strengthening and improvement of ideological and political work in colleges and universities into the scope of college inspection, "double first-class" construction, teaching and scientific research evaluation, as an important content of the work assessment of Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres。In light of the actual situation, all localities and universities have incorporated the implementation of the Outline into their overall development plans and annual work plans, clarifying the road map, timetable and responsible persons。


作者:CPC Department of Education
编辑:Ministry of Ideology, Politics and Education
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