The fourth Party branch of the students of the Department of Economic Management will carry out the thematic organization of the party history study and education
来源:  作者:  编辑:Department of economics and management  日期:2022-04-26  Click rate:3326  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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News network news (for pictures and contributions/ Department of Economic Management students Fourth Party Branch)In order to further strengthen the study and education of Party history and enhance the cultivation of Party spirit,4月26At noon, Mr. Xie Wenqiang, secretary of the branch, was inB307Led all Party members of the Fourth Party Branch of the Department of Economic Management students to study the Party history knowledge of the new democratic period, the social revolution and socialist modernization construction period and several important conferences。


(The picture shows the conference site)

   中国共产党的诞生是多少英雄儿女用无数鲜血换来的。Careful study of Party history is not only the inheritance of our Party's fine traditions, but also constantly strengthening the cultivation of every member comrade。自1840After the Opium War,China has tried many ways to save itself,From the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom,Hundred Days' Reform to the Xinhai Revolution,From the old peasant uprising to the bourgeois reform movement,They all ended in failure,Only the revolutionary cause led by the Communist Party of China has succeeded,Therefore, the Communist Party of China not only represents the will and aspirations of the people,It conforms to the law of historical development。


(The picture shows the Party secretary teaching class)

Finally, Xie Wenqiang, the secretary of the branch, stressed: learn the compulsory course of Party history well,We must love the Party,In the party for the party,Let the original mission not fade,We should actively pursue the footprints of Party history,Grasp the historical context and historical law of the Party,Firm belief,Always follow the party,As young student party members, we should be good learners of Party history,Even more, we must be good witnesses and inheritors of the history of the Party。To take on the heavy responsibility of The Times, the new journey of the future hopes that we will live up to expectations and forge ahead。

编辑:Department of economics and management
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