Association Association of Human Relations Association introduction
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Key words:

Introduction of Human Relations Association of Mingde College, Guizhou University


一、Association background

People's communication and communication ability has become an increasingly important quality in the process of survival, life and development of every member of society。Especially in our country higher education in the process of high speed development,Strengthen the cultivation of college students' good interpersonal and communication skills,It can not only create a good learning and living environment for them to successfully complete their studies,And it can lay a solid foundation for their smooth integration into society as soon as possible after graduation,This is also the health and success of college students,The most basic condition for the healthy development of career and the necessary quality for the success of future career。Good communication ability can not only enhance the charm of college students' communication, cultivate their self-confidence and open psychological quality, and then enhance their adaptability to the learning and living environment, but also make them easy to obtain the pleasant cooperation and help of others, which is the passport for them to integrate into society as soon as possible and become successful。Among them, interpersonal and communication skills include the ability to express, argue, listen and design, which is related to a person's knowledge, ability and moral character, is an important embodiment of personal quality。Therefore, colleges and universities should take precautions and pay attention to the cultivation and education of college students' communication ability during school。At present, many newly graduated college students lack communication skills. Sometimes they cannot write a notice clearly, nor can they express their thoughts very clearly. Therefore, they are reluctant to participate in communication, which brings a lot of inconvenience to their normal life and work。


二、Purpose of the association

     Institute to"Know yourself, challenge yourself;Beyond self, realize self "as the purpose,To further enrich the students' after-school cultural life,Improve the language expression ability of today's college students,Strengthen the cultivation of college students' good interpersonal and communication skills,Improve students' interpersonal relationship;We provide a communication platform for every student who is eager to communicate,Create an active second family atmosphere,It is not strange for students to come to a new environment,Highlight the school's charm;And cultivate students' communication skills and expression skills,Improve the overall quality of students。


三、Association spirit

The association aims to cultivate students' communication ability, expand students' interpersonal relationship, and enrich students' extracurricular activitiesIt mainly helps those who are indifferent to interpersonal relations, people who are afraid to interact with others, and people who lack communication skills, providing them with a platform for exercise and an opportunity to improve themselves。And to improve the students' communication ability and expand the students' interpersonal relationship as the primary task, so that every student can gain something。


四、Institutions and their functions

The association shall have a presidentThere are four vice presidents (one executive president, one executive president, one financial president, one logistics president) to assist the president in handling the affairs of the Association, supervise the implementation of various affairs, and take charge of the affairs of various departments。

会长:To preside over the overall work of the Association,Grasp the development direction of the association;Seriously organize and participate in various associations, societies or other university competitions,Coordinate and organize the work of various departments,Assign specific tasks to each department,Formulate the annual work plan of the association and make work summary,Communicate with the association and report the work situation。

Assistant Guild Master:Take charge of all departments, coordinate the work of all departments, give full play to all departmentsTo ensure the timely completion of activities, mainly responsible for external communication, competition activities and internal management of the association。

Executive Chairman:Head of all activities

Executive Chairman:Connect with major associations to expand the association's network and lay the foundation for the future development of the Association (including online invitation of guests)

Chief Financial Officer:Financial controller,Income from expenditure of all property of the Association,As well as the later activities of the loan responsible person to manage the association's property,That is, financial declaration, approval, disclosure and other work,Assist the President's Council staff in notifying;Responsible for the collection and management of fees for members of the association;Responsible for the budget and summary of various activities;

Logistics Director:Responsible for the association's inherent assets, association materials rental and storage, event venue layout


Organization Department:

Responsible for the archives management of the association (association charter, member information, other information, etc.);

Responsible for the planning, application and organization of various activities of the association;

Responsible for the association work plan formulation and work summary;

Planning Department:

Responsible for event planning,

Coordinate the relationship between various departments,

Responsible for activity detailed planning, poster design, activity material summary, task allocation of each department, etc

Public relations department:

Responsible for external contact, recruit new members, organize activities and other matters;

To be responsible for the fellowship work between the Association and universities and other associations in the university city;

Responsible for the docking of competitions every year;

Responsible for the sign-in notification of various activities;

Responsible for external publicity and sponsorship of the association;

Responsible for the internal supervision and evaluation of the association, personnel deployment, etc.;

Publicity Department:

Responsible for publicity, photo taking, activity poster production, etc.;

Responsible for the venue layout of association activities;

To be responsible for the notification of the specific time, place and content of the association's activities;


五、Safety emergency plan:

(I) General Provisions:

 In order to further implement the work spirit of the Communist Youth League Mingde College Committee of Guizhou University on campus safety education,Effective prevention,Timely control and proper handling of various public emergencies in the community,Enhance the safety awareness of the association,Improve self-rescue ability,Ensure the normal operation of association activities,The Association has formulated the safety plan for this association activity。

(2) Working principles:

1, adhere to the principle of people-oriented。To maintain the fundamental interests of the association members, protect the life and property safety of the association members as the basic foothold, and actively prevent and minimize the impact of various safety accidents on the activities of the association。

2, adhere to prevention, timely control。Strive for early detection, early reporting, early control, early resolution, to control sudden unsafe incidents in the bud, to minimize the loss caused by the incident。

3. Adhere to the principle of unified leadership, hierarchical responsibility, timely response, and effective measures to strengthen cooperation。

4, after the occurrence of unsafe incidents, immediately notify the hospital, security department and timely report to the Youth League Committee of the hospital, the federation of societies, in order to quickly and efficiently respond to emergencies。


六、Emergency plan and measures:

(A) fire accident emergency plan:

In the event of a fire accident, the following measures should be taken:

1、在向119 Fire command center alarm, immediately report to the Youth League committee, association office, security department。Cut off the power supply quickly。

2, emergency relief and other personnel quickly evacuate the activity personnel, evacuate to a safe area。

3. Actively cooperate with fire fighting personnel。

4, while fighting the fire, effective isolation measures should be taken to prevent the spread of the fire。

(2) Emergency plan for electric shock accident:

In case of electric shock, the following measures should be taken immediately:

1. Cut off the power immediately。

2, rescue the electrocution, and immediately implement rescue, while dialing "120" and report to the school hospital。

3, immediately report to the Youth League Committee, association office, security department。

4. If it causes a fire, first cut off the power supply and then rescue。

(3) Emergency plan for traffic safety accidents:

In the event of a traffic safety accident, it is necessary to timely report to the relevant departments and the Youth League Committee of the hospital, if there is an injured person, first rescue or send to the hospital, protect the accident scene, intercept the vehicle and relevant personnel, encounter passers-by in time for help, witnesses and parties shall not leave the scene, to testify truthfully to ensure that law enforcement is just and fair。

(4) Crowding and stampede emergency plan:

1. Make reasonable activity process and steps before the activity, compare the activity locations, and select the safest place for the activity。

2, in the event of a stampede, the first time to ensure that the order of the activity site returned to normal, to determine whether there are casualties。

3, if found injured personnel, timely notify the school hospital or call 120, and send someone to escort the injured to treatment。

4. Maintain the order of the scene until all personnel are safely evacuated。

(5) Emergency plan for other injury accidents:

1, in case of accidental injury to the body of the association and activity personnel, the injured should be sent to the school medical room in time or call 120;

2, timely report to the Youth League Committee and association federation;

3. Properly handle accidents。

(VI) Safety responsibilities of Association activities:

    The activities of the association must have planning and security plans, and the responsible departments of the association will carry out the division of labor and implement everyone's responsibilities。The organization of activities should be carefully arranged, taking into account all aspects。Inspect the event venue, facilities, etc., in advance to ensure safety and eliminate security risks。


Vii. Sources of Association expenses

The fund of the association is mainly self-financing, and can accept the sponsorship of relevant units or individuals, that is, its main sources are:

1. President's own expenses

2. Event sponsorship

3. Support from school funds

4、There is no fee for membership。In principle, no other fees shall be charged except the fees charged for dinner;

5、Obtain funds through social sponsorship and other means, but prohibit all for-profit activities on campus purely commercial sales;


八、Association activity development


1、The association held activities and fellowship competitions with other associations of the university

2、Activities will also be held within the association to encourage more members to participate and provide a platform for exercise

3、Communication activities with other universities,

4、The competitions held within the association, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school;


The association will lead its members to participate in various activities and competitions, giving them a chance to exercise and improve their communication skillsAnd expand their relationships。



Guizhou University Mingde College human Relations Association

September 7, 2019

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