Guizhou University Mingde College news network information release system
来源:  作者:  编辑:admin  日期:2011-10-09  Click rate:3656  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

In order to better improve the information release work of Mingde College of Guizhou University, ensure that the website can better serve teachers and students, so that the news content can be handled in a timely and effective manner, this system is hereby formulated. It is hoped that all members of the news network can earnestly implement, strictly abide by, and assist each other to jointly build a rich and efficient news network。

1. Under the leadership of the head of the news network press corps, the division of labor and cooperation should strive not to miss any valuable news。

2. Remember to be accurate in your news collection and writing。

3. When editors publish news information, the news content must serve the laws and regulations of the country, and must not contain remarks that are detrimental to national development and ethnic harmony。

4. Editors should publish news information on time and ensure the accuracy of the published news information。

5. After approving the news to be published, the editor publishes the news according to the background procedures of the website。

6. Editors should make data backup after news release。

7. The editor shall have the right to review the manuscript and determine the selection and order of publication of the manuscript according to the circumstances。

8. Editors have the right to modify the manuscript according to the needs of the news network backstage。

9. The copyright of the news published by the news network belongs to the news network. If reproduced elsewhere, it must be indicated that the manuscript is from the news network。

10. Editors should pay attention to copyright issues when reprinting news content from other websites. If they agree to reprint, they must indicate the source of the manuscript。

11. Reporters and editors must be responsible for their manuscripts。



 Party Committee Propaganda Department, Mingde College, Guizhou University

October 8, 2011


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