Guizhou University Mingde College Student Status Management Implementation Rules (Latest version)
来源:  作者:  编辑:Student affairs office  日期:2018-07-26  Click rate:11247  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

Act 1    

Article one  These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning and the Regulations on the Administration of Students in Mingde College of Guizhou University, in order to protect the legitimate rights of students, maintain the normal education and teaching order of the University, and promote the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence and physical ability。

Article 2  This regulation applies to the management of regular higher education undergraduate students with official student status during the school, and is the learning norm and standard that undergraduate students of our school must abide by。

Article 3  The basic study period of undergraduate major is4-5 years, by the school according to the needs of talent training in the training program to determine。

Article 4  Students can choose to extend their study years but stay in schoolThe maximum number of years of study shall not exceed the basic number of years of study plus3 years (including suspension and retention)。


Act 2  Admission and registration

Article 5  All new students admitted by the school according to the national enrollment plan and regulations must come to the school to complete the enrollment procedures within the prescribed time limit with the admission letter and the relevant requirements of the school。Students who are unable to enroll on time for any reason should ask for leave from their department with relevant certificates. The leave should generally not exceed two weeks。Those who do not ask for leave or do not arrive after the deadline for leave will be deemed to have given up the admission qualification except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure factors。

Article 6  After the new students are enrolled, the school will review them within three months in accordance with the national enrollment regulations。Those who pass the re-examination shall be registered and obtain the school status。Those who fail to pass the re-examination shall be dealt with according to the circumstances of the school, until the admission qualification is cancelled。Those who practice favoritism for personal gain shall, once verified, be disqualified from admission, and those who have obtained school registration shall have their school registration cancelled and be returned to their original place of residence before enrollment。If the circumstances are egregious, report to the relevant departments for investigation。

Article 7  New students who have diseases unfit to study in school after physical examinationIf it is certified by the second-class A or above medical unit designated by the school that short-term treatment can meet the health standard, the applicant shall apply for admission for one year after examination and approval by the school。Those who retain admission qualifications do not have school status, and do not enjoy the various treatment of current students and suspended students。Students who retain the admission qualification must apply for admission to the school within one month before the beginning of the next academic year with the certificate of the second-class A hospital or above. After the school rechecks and passes the examination, they can go through the admission procedures with the new students of the next year;Those who fail to pass the re-examination or do not go through the admission procedures within the time limit will be disqualified from admission。

Article VIII  At the beginning of each semester, students must pay all the fees according to the relevant regulations of the school, and present the payment voucher and student ID card to the student's school (department) for enrollment registration。Students from poor families may apply for loans or other forms of financial assistance and register after going through the relevant procedures。For those who cannot register as scheduled,Apply for leave or suspension of registration procedures。Those who do not register and do not go through the suspension of registration procedures do not enjoy the normal learning treatment of students in school。


Act 3  Course attendance, performance assessment and record

The ninth article  During the period of study, students will participate in the training program and teaching arrangementsClassroom teaching, experiment, practice, assessment, social investigation, production labor, military training, current affairs and political learningVarious learning activities。Those who cannot attend for some reason must ask for leave in advance. Those who fail to attend without leave or leave without permission will be punished as truancy. The theoretical teaching and experiment of truancy will be calculated according to the actual class hours, and the concentrated practice will be calculated on a daily basis4 Class hours calculation。

Article ten  In order to ensure the quality of training, all courses need to be assessed。The assessment methods are divided into two categories: examination (written test, oral test), and the teaching and research office determines the assessment categories and methods of the course according to the training program and the characteristics of the course。

Article 11  The course grades are assessed by a percentage system or a five-level scoring system (excellent, good, medium, pass, fail)。The examination course can adopt the percentage system, and the examination course can adopt the percentage system or the ranking system。

Article 12  The total score of each course is comprehensively assessed by the final assessment score and the regular score, of which the proportion of the normal score is generally30-60%, practical courses should be based on process assessment, can appropriately reduce the proportion of final assessment results, the specific assessment methods by the teaching and research office research determined and clearly stipulated in the teaching syllabus, teachers at the beginning of the course teaching announced to students。

Article 13  The students' assessment results are recorded in the educational administration system and teaching archives, and are included in their student records。All courses, regardless of the assessment method, are required to obtainA score of 60 or above is required to obtain credit for the course。Students who disagree with the results can apply for a review within one week after the results are published。

Article 14  The courses and credits taken by students in other universities under the inter-University Exchange and Cooperation Agreement will be recognized or replaced by the school (department) and the academic affairs department of the student。

Article 15  Students' experience and achievements in participating in activities such as innovation and entrepreneurship, social practice, publishing papers, obtaining patent authorization, etc., can be converted into creditsIn accordance with the provisions of the training program, the academic results are counted

Article 16  Students who miss exams without reason, violate discipline in assessment and cheat in the course, the score is counted as zero, and are indicated in the student score registration form"Missing an exam," "violating discipline," or "cheating.。Those who violate the rules of examination or cheat will be given criticism, education and corresponding disciplinary sanctions according to the Regulations on Student Disciplinary Violations of Mingde College of Guizhou University。

Article 17  Under any of the following circumstances, the examination qualification of the course will be cancelled, the score will be counted as zero, and the make-up examination can not be taken, but can only be re-taken:

(1) Absence of more than one-third of classes without reason;

(2) missing more than one-third of the homework without reason;

(3) In the course involving experiments, students have not completed the required experiments or have completed the required experiments but have not obtained qualified results。


Act Four  Re-take make-up, deferred and failed courses

Article 18  Those who fail the normal examination of the course may take a make-up examination once。The make-up examination is usually arranged one week before the beginning of the next semester。When recording the results, the results of the examination and the make-up examination are recorded at the same time, and shall be marked accordingly。

Article 19  Students who are unable to take the regular examination for any reason may apply to the College (department) and the academic Affairs Department for suspension of the examination before the examination begins with a valid certificate。The assessment of courses approved for delay may be carried out together with the make-up examination at the beginning of the next semester, and the score shall be recorded according to the current examination。Courses that have been delayed and failed can only be retaken。Neither make-up examination nor retaking course examination can be deferred。

Article 20  During the examination period, students who participate in various conferences or sports, entertainment, science and technology competitions organized by the school or approved by the school and are unable to participate in the examination may apply for suspension of the examination or exemption from the examination80 points calculation, there are special provisions according to the provisions of the document identified。

Article 21  Re-take failed courses:

(1) Students who have failed the required courses and have not obtained credits after make-up examination,Must apply to re-take the failed course and take the exam;Failed the elective,You can re-enroll in a failed course,They may also apply to the college (department) and the educational administration department for elective courses of the same type or replace them with other courses of the same type that have been studied and passed;

(2) Indicate when the score of re-taking the failed course is recordedThe word "repair";

(3) Re-enrollment of failed courses generally adopts the mode of follow-up classes, and in special cases, the educational department of the school will arrange group classes at its discretion;

 () In principle, the total number of credits of failed courses and normal courses taken by each student in one semester should not exceed40学分。


Chapter Five  No listening, no repair

Article 22  Students with excellent grades or who can effectively prove that they have basically mastered the teaching content of a course,A waiver request can be made to your department,After the school (department) and the course opening school (department) review and sign the opinions submitted to the educational administration department for approval,You may not take the theory part of the course,But must participate in the course experiment, practice and assessment,Those who pass the test will get credits for the course,Those who fail to pass are deemed to have failed the current examination。

In a semester, the credits of the courses that are exempt from attendance shall not exceed one third of the total credits taken in the semester。Waivers should be completed within two weeks after the start of each semester。

Political theory, moral education, physical education, practical teaching links shall not apply for exemption。

Article 23  Students can apply for exemption if there is a conflict with the schedule of other courses, but they should complete the corresponding homework and experimental practice as required by the course teacher and participate in all aspects of the assessment。The application for exemption should be submitted within two weeks after the re-arrangement of the failed course, subject to the review of the course teacher and the student's school (department), and reported to the educational administration department for the record. The overdue application will not be accepted。

Article 24  Students who are unable to attend physical education classes due to illness or physical defects shall apply by themselves, fill in the application for physical education and health class with the relevant hospital certificate, and be enrolled in the physical education and health class after the approval of the school (department), physical education Teaching and research Office and educational administration department。Students with disabilities can be exempted from military training (excluding military theory teaching) after going through relevant procedures.。


Act 6  Suspension, retention and return to school

Article 25  Students who are unable to participate in normal studies for some reason may submit a written application for suspension, which shall be reviewed and signed by the school (department) of the student, submitted to the school's department in charge of student status and the competent leader for approval and go through the suspension procedures。

Article 26  The duration of the suspension is generally one year, and those who cannot resume their studies can apply for renewal of the suspension, but the cumulative period shall not exceed two years。

Article 27  Students who are suspended from school should go through the relevant procedures to leave school and pay their own travel expenses。During the suspension period, students shall retain their student status, but shall not enjoy the treatment of students studying in school, nor shall they enjoy scholarships or student loans。If any accident occurs during the suspension period, the responsibility shall be borne by the student and his/her guardian。

Article 28  Students who enlist in the Chinese People's Liberation Army (including the Chinese People's Armed Police Force) may retain their school status until one year after discharge。

Article 29  Students who need to suspend their studies because of studying abroad at their own expense, starting a business, participating in social practice, etc., can retain their student status for two years after their application, the examination and approval of the school (department) and the educational administration department。Students who retain their school status are treated as suspended students。

Article 30  The student's suspension or retention of school status expires,One week before the start of the semester, the applicant should submit an application to the school (department) and submit the proof of normal admission,Approved and signed by the school (department) of the student,After the approval of the department in charge of the school and the leaders in charge,Go through the registration procedures for re-entry,And according to the credits obtained in the corresponding classes to study。Those who fail to go through the procedures for re-enrollment one month after the deadline will be expelled from school。

Article 31  During the suspension period, if a student violates the laws and regulations of the state and is sentenced to criminal punishment, his/her qualification to resume school will be revoked and he/she will be expelled from school。

Article 32  Students are not allowed to apply for other schools during the period of retention of admission qualification, retention of school status and suspension。Otherwise, he will be dismissed from school。


Act 7  Change majors and schools

Article 33  Students who have one of the following circumstances are allowed to apply for a change of major:

(一)Students do have expertise, I apply, by院(Recommended, by transfer院(Assessment consent, apply for schoolAfter the approval of the competent department and the competent leader, transfer to the major to study and better give play to their expertise;

(二)Students are found to have some kind of disease or physical defect after admissionThe designated second-level A or above hospital proves that the student cannot study in the original major, but can still study in other majors in the school;

(三)经学It is determined that students have some special difficulties and cannot continue to learn without changing their major;

(四)Rank ahead of my major20% of the top students。

Article 34  The transfer of majors across disciplines must comply with the policies and regulations of the education authorities, and the credit difference between the courses taken by the students and the previous courses transferred to the major must not exceed30 credits, more than the transfer must be downgraded。

Article 35  The time to apply for a change of major is generally one year after entering the school, that is, the second academic year beginsIn 1-2 weeks, students should fill in the application form for major transfer and submit it to the school (department) where the original major is located and the department where the proposed major is located to sign the opinions respectively, and then submit it to the student status management department for review, and the responsible leader will sign and agree to handle it according to relevant regulations。Students may only change their major once while studying at the university。

Article 36  Students who quit school to start a business or return to school after retirement need to change their major due to their own circumstances and meet the above requirements for changing their major,予以Give priority to。

Article 37  According to the development and change of the social demand for talents, the university may adjust the major of the students when necessary with the consent of the students。

Article 38  In principle, the total number of students transferred or transferred each year does not exceed the total number of students of the major20%。

Article 39  The courses and credits of transfer students shall be recognized as follows:

(1) Among the courses and credits taken by the original major, the course requirements and credits are not lower than those of the same or similar courses transferred to the major, and the grades and credits of the corresponding courses transferred to the major can be replaced by the academic affairs department。

(2) If there are no identical or similar courses in the transferred professional training program, and the school (department) determines that they can be classified as professional courses, the educational administration department shall review and replace the corresponding compulsory or elective courses of the major。

(3) Other courses shall be identified by the educational administration department according to the General development course according to the transfer to professional training program。

(4) The courses and training links that cannot be replaced in the transferred professional training program shall be repaired according to the requirements of the transferred professional training program。

Article 40  Students admitted according to the national and provincial enrollment regulations,Generally should be in本校Finish school。In case of illness or special difficulties,Unable to continue at this school as a learner,Can be based onRegulations on the Administration of Students in Ordinary Institutions of Higher LearningApply for transfer。One of the following is the case, no transfer:

(一)Enrolled less than one semesterOr a year before graduation的;

(二)The score of the college entrance examination is lower than the admission score of the corresponding year in the same place where the student intends to transfer to the relevant major of the school;

(三)Transferring from the next batch of schools to the previous batch of schools, or from the low educational level to the high educational level;

(四)When recruiting students, it is determined to be directed and commissioned training;

(五)Should be withdrawn from school;

(六)Otherwise without justificationOr does not comply with the relevant state regulations on transfer的。

Article 41  Students transfer schools,With the consent of the two schools, the transfer school shall report to the provincial education administrative department of the place where the transfer is justified方可Go through the transfer procedures;The inter-provincial transfer scholars shall be transferred from the provincial education administrative department to the provincial education administrative department, and go through the transfer procedures after the transfer conditions are confirmed。The administrative department of education at the provincial level where the residence registration must be transferred shall copy the relevant documents to the public security department at the location of the school。

Article 42  Students from other schools require transfer to our school. Unless the above conditions are met, the difference between the credits of the courses taken in the original school and the credits of the previous courses to be transferred to the corresponding major in our school shall not exceed30 credits, otherwise you must drop one grade to transfer。The missing courses after transfer shall be made up in accordance with the relevant regulations of our Institute。


Act 8  Demotion and dropout

Article 43  Under normal circumstances, students progress to upper grades by school year。In any of the following cases, they will be downgraded and enrolled in the next grade。

(a) After the end of the first year of admission, students have obtained fewer credits than20的;

(2) Students of other grades who have accumulated more credits for failed courses30的。

Article 44  Students can be demoted up to three times during their time in school。If a student has been downgraded twice, the cumulative credit of the failed course still exceeds30 students will be warned to drop out。

Article 45  Students who have been demoted should attend the required courses according to the training plan newly assigned to the class。Courses for which credit has been obtained before can be exempted;Courses that have not received credit must be retaken or taken off to obtain credit。

Article 46  In any of the following cases, students shall be expelled from school:

(A) has been repeated three times, and again to meet the requirements for repetition;

    (二) Above the county levelThe hospital confirmed the illnessAccidental disabilityThose who are unable to complete their studies within the prescribed period of time

(C) suspension orExpiration of retention of school statusWithin a month提出复学申请;

(4) Those who do not report for more than two weeks at the beginning of each semester, or fail to participate in the teaching activities prescribed by the college for two consecutive weeks during the teaching process;

(五)Failure to register for more than one semester without reasonAnd fails to go through the formalities of suspending registration

(6) I apply to drop out

Among them, students who are expelled from school for Article 1, if the students themselves apply in writing to continue to study the courses of this major, they can retain their school status and continue to participate in the courses. If they fail to obtain the required credits after reaching the maximum number of years of study, they will be dismissed。

Article 47  The department of Educational Affairs shall put forward the opinions on the treatment of the student status and go through the relevant formalities after the examination and approval of the school。Demotion and withdrawal due to failure to obtain the required credits will be dealt with at the beginning of each academic year1 or 2 weeks。

Article 48  If students have any objection to the processing of school status, they can submit a written reconsideration application to the educational Affairs department of the school within one week after the delivery of the notice, which will be verified by the educational affairs department of the school. If the verification is correct, the original decision will be implemented, and if there is any mistake, it will be reported to the Dean's office for reconsideration。

Article 49  对作退学The school shall issue a notice of withdrawal and send it to the student. If the notice cannot be sent to the student due to special circumstances, it shall take effect after being announced in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 50  Students who voluntarily apply for withdrawal shall fill out the application in their school (department)"Student status processing joint Form" (attached with relevant materials), and sign the specific review opinions, approved by the educational administration department, reported to the dean in charge of the approval before implementation。

Article 51  Matters related to students' withdrawal from school shall be handled according to the following provisions:

(1) Students who withdraw from school shall go through the procedures of withdrawing from school within one week after receiving the notice of withdrawal, and their files and household registration shall be returned to the place of family residence;

(b) Students must pay the outstanding fees (including the return of books, materials, equipment, etc.) before they can go through the withdrawal procedures;

(3) The school will issue a certificate of withdrawal to the student after he/she completes the procedures for withdrawing from school。Exceeding the prescribed time limit by two without reasonFailure to perform formalities学院Reissue any证明

(4) From the date when the notice of withdrawal is officially issued, all the treatment of students who withdraw from school shall be suspended。

Article 52  Students who are approved to withdraw from the school (departmentResponsible for urging students to go through the procedures for leaving school and leave school within a time limit。

Article 53  dropoutIt shall be cancelled by the educational department学籍No return to school。


Act 9  Graduation, completion, associate's and degree

Article 54  Any student with official school status who meets the following requirements during the permitted years of study will be allowed to graduate and issued a graduation certificate。

(1) Have completed all kinds of courses and practical links stipulated in the professional training program and passed the grades;

    (B) moral, intellectual, physical and other aspects of qualified, to meet the requirements of graduation。

Article 55  At the end of the permitted study period, students with official school status who have completed all the courses (including practical teaching links) stipulated in the professional training program, but have not met the requirements for graduation, shall be given a certificate of completion, and the completed students cannot be awarded a degree。

Article 56  If the student has not reached the maximum number of years of study allowed by the training program at the time of completion, he/she can return to the school two months after leaving the school, within the maximum number of years allowed, apply for the failed course to re-enroll, and pass the course, and be issued a new graduation certificate;The date of the renewal of the graduation certificate shall be filled in according to the renewal time。If you have reached the maximum number of years of study at the time of completion, or the maximum number of years of study has expired and you have not applied to re-enroll in the failed course, or you still fail after studying, you will not be allowed to renew your graduation certificate。

Article 57  A student with official school status who has not completed all the courses required by the training program and has withdrawn from school after studying for more than one year and obtaining a number of credits will be issued an associate degree。

Article 58  No certificate of any kind shall be issued to students without school status。Only realistic proof of study will be issued。

Article 59  The graduation certificate cannot be replaced if it is lost. The school can only issue a graduation certificate, which has the same effect as the graduation certificate。

Article 60  Any undergraduate student who has obtained graduation qualifications and meets the requirements stipulated in the implementation Rules for the granting of bachelor's degrees of the university in the year of graduation may be awarded the corresponding bachelor's degree after examination and approval by the academic degree Evaluation Committee of the University。


Act 10    

Article 61  This provision comes from20181If the original provisions are inconsistent with this article, these implementation Rules shall prevail。

Article 62  The educational Affairs Department of the University shall be responsible for the interpretation of these regulations。

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