Guizhou University Mingde College Students Moral, Intellectual and Physical Comprehensive Assessment Method (Latest version)
来源:  作者:  编辑:Student affairs office  日期:2018-07-26  Click rate:9782  [I want to print]  [关闭]


Key words:

Act 1    

Article one  These Measures are formulated in order to fully implement the Party's educational policy, strengthen educational management and evaluation, deepen educational reform, improve the quality of education, train students to become senior specialized personnel with all-round development of morality, intelligence and body, and become qualified builders and reliable successors of the socialist cause。

Article 2  Comprehensive assessment is to reflect and evaluate students' achievements and progress, help students find out the gap, and encourage students to keep improving。Comprehensive assessment adheres to the principles of comprehensiveness, education, objectivity, feasibility and seeking truth from facts。

Article 3  The results of the comprehensive evaluation are used as assessment"Scholarship" is an important basis for selecting advanced individuals such as "excellent students", "three good students", and "excellent student cadres", and serves as the main reference for students to join the Party, graduate employment, and career recommendation。

Article 4  The comprehensive assessment takes the academic year as the unit, including the students' moral education, intellectual education, literary and cultural performance。It consists of moral education assessment score, intellectual education assessment score and literary test score。Each item is divided into a number of sub-items, moral, intellectual, physical three individual points, ranking。


Act 2  Moral education evaluation

Article 5  Moral education assessment score: By moral education practice performance score, conduct performance grouping。The score will be scored by the class evaluation team formed by the counselor (class teacher) as the leader。

Article 6  Moral education practice performance: this score20分。It includes participating in various ideological education activities, social practice and public welfare labor。Each school year more than two times to get 15 points in the basic points, do not meet the requirements will not be given points, participate in more times, outstanding performance by the counselor (class teacher) at the discretion of the bonus, the maximum is not more than 5 points。

Article 7  Conduct performance: This score is based on points80 points, according to the class review team to add or subtract points。After the extra points, the cumulative score is not more than 100 points, after the deduction, the cumulative score is not less than 0 points。80% of the students' total score is included in the moral education assessment score。Students whose total score does not reach 90 points will be disqualified from the evaluation award;Students who fail to achieve the basic score will be notified and criticized by the whole school。

(1) Abide by the rules and regulations of the school and maintain the normal order of the school。

1, timely stop, report, expose student violations, plus 5-10 points;

2. If a critic is reported by the school, 4 points will be deducted. If a critic is reported by the school (department), 2 points will be deducted。

3, where the warning and the above points, should be reduced: warning minus 25 points, serious warning minus 30 points, demerit minus 35 points, detention minus 40 points。Students who are subject to disciplinary measures organized by the Party or the league shall have their points reduced by reference to disciplinary measures。Those expelled from league membership and Party membership will be reduced by 50 and 60 points respectively。

Points reduced for the same cause (event) shall be recorded in the highest item, and points reduced for different causes (event) shall be added up。

(2) Respect teachers, unite students, respect each other, and prohibit cliques。

1. Those who contradict, insult, threaten and other behaviors that do not respect faculty or obey school management will be reduced by 5-10 points;

2, deliberately harm the interests of others, affect the harmonious coexistence between students, minus 2-4 points;

3, there are cliques, trouble and other bad behavior, minus 5-10 points。

(3) Mingli honesty, insist on seeking truth from facts in the exam, and prohibit fraud;Be willing to help others and dare to fight against bad behavior。

1, collect money, help others, brave, dare to fight against bad behavior, plus 5 ~ 10 points;

2, unlawfully claiming other people's property (small amount), private opening of other people's letters and other violations of the rights and interests of others, minus 2-5 points;

3. Those who do not abide by the discipline of the examination room, disobey the management and disturb the order of the examination room will be reduced by 5-10 points;

4. For those who fail to pay the relevant fees stipulated by the school on time for no reason, 2-5 marks will be deducted;

5, homework, experiment (practice) report, course design, graduation thesis (design) and other plagiarism, minus 2-5 points。

(4) Thrift in life, against waste, students do not compare with each other;Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited on campus。

1, smoking in public places on campus, minus 1-3 points;

2, drinking on campus, trouble, minus 2-5 points。

(5) Keep public places clean and hygienic, and abide by the rules of dormitory civilization;Protect and cherish public property, protect public facilities, and strive to save water and electricity。

1. If the dormitory hygiene is praised by the school, each member will be added 0 each time.5 points;Those who are rated as civilized dormitories at the university level and the college (department) level will receive 4-6 points for each member。

2, take good care of public property and campus environment, have actual performance, plus 2-5 points;

3, do not pay attention to public health, litter, litter, spitting, minus 1-2 points;

4. Those who play football in the dormitory corridor, play online games, shout loudly and heckle in the student dormitory after lights out;Students who violate the regulations of dormitory management by using illegal high-power electrical appliances, unauthorized accommodation, feeding pets, returning late, etc., will be reduced by 2-5 points;

5. If the student dormitory is notified by the school or the school (department) because of "dirty and disorderly", each member will lose 2 points, and the head of the room will lose 3 points。

6. Those who do not rent houses outside the school will lose 10 points。

7, deliberately damage books, vandalism, damage to the campus environment, minus 2-5 points。

6. Cultivate a healthy and progressive lifestyle。Abide by the social ethics of the Internet, do not watch or disseminate reactionary, obscene books and products;No gambling。

1, watch on campus, spread reactionary, obscene books and products, minus 5-10 points。

2, the campus playing mahjong, gambling and disguised gambling behavior, minus 5-10 points。

(7) Pay attention to personal conduct, clean and dignified appearance, language civilization;The communication between male and female students is generous and decent。

1, students in classrooms, libraries, office buildings and other public places to wear slippers and dress poorly, girls in public places wearing exposed, heavy makeup and other phenomena, minus 2-5 points。

2, vulgar language, use coarse words, swear words to insult, abuse others, minus 2-5 points。

3, in public places between men and women inappropriate, disorderly behavior, minus 2-5 points。

(8) Strictly abide by classroom discipline, create a good learning atmosphere, and maintain the normal teaching order in the classroom。

1. Students who do not observe classroom discipline, use communication tools, sleep, chat, read newspapers, eat, enter and leave the classroom at will and other behaviors that affect classroom teaching order will be reduced by 2 points each time。

2, do not abide by the school system, late for class, leave early, minus 3 points each time。

3. Students who are absent from class without reason (including evening self-study) will lose 5 points for every 1 class hour;

(9) To cultivate and establish a collective consciousness, strengthen the collective concept and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation;Love labor, enthusiasm for public welfare, actively participate in social practice activities。

1, obey the organization, care about the collective, and actively serve the students, as appropriate, plus 2 ~ 5 points。

2, for social service, selfless dedication to others, such as donations, donations, charity performances, unpaid blood donation, heroism, rescue and disaster relief, recovery of money, rescue of the disabled, deeds can be added 1 to 5 points as appropriate。(More than 3 points must be awarded at the school level and above)。

3. For those who do not participate in activities required by the class, school (department) and school for no reason, 1-3 points will be reduced each time, and 3-5 points will be reduced each time that causes a certain impact。

(10) Abide by social morality, abide by public order, cherish and care for the image of the school。

1, maintain the image of the school, with actual performance and specific actions, plus 5-10 points。

2, do not abide by social ethics, do not abide by public order, affect the reputation of the school, the image, minus 5-10 points。

3, the campus disturbance, disturbing the order, minus 5-10 points。

4, do not accept the inspection of the guard staff, unreasonable, minus 2-5 points。

5, do not abide by the canteen dining order, minus 1-2 points。

(11) Other points for conduct。Students who meet the following conditions will be awarded extra points by the class review panel:

1, where outstanding performance, in this year won the national, provincial, university, college (department) honorary title and commendation respectively plus 4 points, 3 points, 2 points, 1 points。2 points and 1 points are added to those who are commended by the school and the school (department)。The highest number of awards won, not added up。

2, where this year rated as the national, provincial, university, school (department) advanced collective of the main person in charge and the main backbone are added 4 points, 3 points, 2 points, 1 points, the remaining members can be added 1 point。The highest number of awards won, not added up。

3, seriously participate in military training and pass one time plus 1 points, excellent individuals plus 2 points。

4, main student cadres (school, school (department) Youth League committee (General branch) secretary, deputy secretary,Chairman and vice Chairman of the Student Union of the university and the college (department),The leader of the campus civilization construction service team, the vice leader, the vice president of the university student Association Federation, the director and deputy director of the University Student Work-study Center) plus the position score is 3 points;monitor,League branch secretary,School, school (department) Youth League committee (league branch), school, school (department) student union, campus civilization construction service team, school student association federation, school student work-study center department principal and deputy principals, school art troupe and other official student association leaders plus posts score 2 points;One point is added to the above organizations, student associations and other student leaders and dormitory leaders in the class committee。Take the highest item and do not add up。

5, this academic year did not serve as a student leader, but the performance is better in all aspects, and for the class, the school (department), the school work has made greater contributions, the school work proposed major improvement suggestions are adopted, can add 1 to 2 points as appropriate。


Act 3  Intellectual education evaluation

Article VIII  The intellectual education assessment score consists of academic achievement score, reward score and subdivision。

The ninth article  The academic score is calculated by the average score, according to the average score of each subject, and its calculation formula:

Academic performance= S (Ai*ai)/S ai

其中Ai is the compulsory course and limited elective course test score uniformly arranged within the academic year plan, ai is the course credit, S stands for summation。

Auxiliary (optional) courses are not counted in this grade。Good score in the examination95 points, good score 85 points, medium score 75 points, pass score 65 points, fail score 55 points。Retaking or make-up courses are not calculated according to the retaking score, but according to the original score, and deferred courses are calculated according to the corresponding academic year。

Article ten  Intellectual bonus points (10分)。

(1) Winners who participate in national, provincial (city), school, school (department) single-subject business competitions and scientific and technological achievements exhibitions will be awarded points according to the following criteria。



奖  类

级  别

First prize

(1st place)

The second prize

(2nd place)

The third prize

(3rd place)

Encouragement award


National level





Provincial (city) level or above










School (department) level





(2) Publish papers in academic journals (conferences) at the university level or above (must be the first author), according to the university, province (city), national and international respectively3, 5, 8, 10 points;Non-academic articles published in regular newspapers can refer to the bonus points, the maximum is not more than 3 points。

(3) Actively participate in the organization of scientific and technological, cultural and other activities, achievements can be added2至4分。

(4) Actively participate in science and technology promotion, science and technology poverty alleviation, expand scientific research products and achievements for the school, contact scientific research projects, and achieve actual benefits2至8分。

All the above items should be formally certified and approved by the relevant departments before scoring points。

Article 11  Minus points for academic performance。

(A) Exam discipline violation, cheating, in addition to the moral education assessment minus points, also in this assessment10分。

(2) Failure to observe the teaching order and repeated violations of classroom discipline will be deducted in this section5分。


Act Four  Stylistic assessment

Article 12  Stylistic assessment consists of stylistic performance and stylistic rewards and subtractions。

Article 13  Stylistic expression (50分)。

(1) School-level sports team members, art troupe members, etc. shall be added after approval by the competent authorities10 points, school (department) team members added 5 points, did not follow the requirements to participate in the activity will not be added。

(2) In good health, sick leave for each course shall not exceed one semester8 credit hours plus 10 points。

(三)Those who take an active part in sports are added20分;

(四)Sports achievement plus20分;

(五)Active participation in class, school (department), school sports activities plus2-8分。

Article 14  Literary awards (50分)。

(1) The top eight winners in sports, art, art, speech and other sports competitions at the university level or above will be added respectivelyFrom 3 to 10 points, 10, 8 and 6 points will be added to the first, second and third prizes, and 2 points will be added to the encouragement awards。Participate in various kinds of school (department) awards plus 2-5 points;

(2) Actively participate in the organization of cultural and sports activities, achievements can be added2-5分;

(3) For winning collective projects, each member plus one third of the bonus points for individual winners。

(4) The top eight winners in all kinds of sports and sports competitions at the provincial level and above will be added respectively8 to 15 points, won the first, second and third prizes, plus 15, 12 and 8 points respectively, encouragement awards plus 5 points。

(5) breaking school or provincial or national records in sports competitions, respectively10 points, 15 points, 20 points。The highest prize will be awarded for several categories of activities, and the cumulative score of each category will not exceed 50 points。

All the above items should be formally certified or approved by the relevant department before scoring points。

Article 15  Those who do not participate in the class, school (department), school required to participate in the cultural and sports activities, each time reduced5 points, and 10 to 15 points for serious consequences。


Chapter Five  Measures for the implementation of comprehensive evaluation

Article 16  The comprehensive assessment is carried out by a combination of self-assessment, class assessment, head-teacher (counselor) review, college (department) review and school review。

(1) Each student must fill in the additional points according to the assessment content in a realistic manner, and pass the class assessment team and the class teacher (counselor) for review。

(2) Each class shall set up a comprehensive assessment group, led by the class teacher (counselor), and composed of main student cadres and student representatives。The task of the assessment team is to score the moral education performance of students, review the assessment results, sort out and summarize the assessment results, and announce the comprehensive assessment results to students。If there is a mistake, students canIf any objection is raised within 3 days, the assessment team will correct it and report it to the school for approval。

Article 17  The total score of comprehensive assessment is: moral education assessment score×30%+ intellectual education score ×60%+ style score ×10%。

Article 18  If the same competition result or a paper wins multiple awards, only the highest score is counted and used once;The highest of two or more penalties for a single mistake。Results to two decimal places (rounded)。

Article 19  Those who cheat in the comprehensive assessment score, once found, in addition to giving criticism and education, will be dealt with according to relevant regulations。In addition, the total score of its comprehensive assessment is reduced5分。


Act 6    

Article 20  What is referred to in these provisions"Below" and "above" include this paragraph unless otherwise specified。

Article 21  The student Affairs Department shall be responsible for the interpretation of these measures。

Article 22  These Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation。


编辑:Student affairs office
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