Mingde College of Guizhou University Chemical Accident Emergency Plan (Trial)
来源:  作者:  编辑:Dong Xiuyun  日期:2016-11-24  Click rate:79488  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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Mingde College of Guizhou University Chemical Accident Emergency Plan (Trial)


In order to strengthen the effective control of chemical accidents, minimize the harm degree of accidents, ensure the life and property safety of teachers and students, and protect the environment, this plan is formulated in accordance with the Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations on the Safety Administration of Hazardous Chemicals of The State Council and other laws and regulations。

Chemical accident refers to the fire, explosion, poison leakage and other accidents caused by natural, man-made, technical or equipment reasons in the production, storage, operation, transportation, use and disposal of hazardous chemicals。

First, working principles

1.Put people first, prevent first。

2.Unified command, hierarchical management。

3.Each assumes his own responsibility and works together。

4.Full preparation, quick response。

5.Scientific decision-making, decisive measures。

6.Reduce impact and reduce losses。

2. Organization

The College set up a leading group for chemical accident emergency work,The group leader shall be the leader of the institute in charge,The deputy leader is the main person in charge of the General Office, Security Section and chemical engineering Department of the hospital,Members of the General Office, organization and Personnel Department, Student Department, General Affairs Department, Security Department, Youth League Committee, hospital, logistics group leaders and chemical engineering department。

The Department of Chemical Engineering has established a corresponding leading group for chemical accident emergency work, headed by the department chairman and the secretary of the General Party Branch。

Iii. Main tasks

(1) Accident prevention system

1.The experimentalists should do a good job of daily inspection。Every time before the laboratory is opened for use, it is necessary to check all kinds of hardware facilities such as circuits, electrical appliances, waterways, gas, multimedia equipment, etc., to discover security risks in time, and to deal with them in time and report them in time。All water, electricity and coal switches should be turned off at the end of work every day to ensure laboratory safety。

2.The laboratory director urges the laboratory staff to carry out daily inspection work, and do a good job of regular inspection work, and the problems reflected by the laboratory staff should be coordinated and solved in time。

3.The management of all kinds of experimental equipment and chemicals in the laboratory shall be carried out in strict accordance with the relevant regulations of the college。No one is allowed to borrow anything without permission。Experimentalists should often check the safety of experimental equipment and chemicals, and timely clean up expired drugs。The management of toxic drugs should be strictly managed, and the leader of chemical teaching and research and the experimenter must be present at the same time to open the toxic drug storage cabinet。Always check the safety of the storage cabinets for toxic items。Report any abnormal situation to the responsible person immediately。

4.Through teacher learning, teaching and research activities, educational chemistry and biology teachers must teach students how to correctly use experimental equipment in classroom teaching。Before entering the laboratory, you must take a laboratory preparation course。When teachers carefully explain to students how to correctly use experimental equipment, they should teach students how to protect themselves, how to rescue each other, and how to safely evacuate the laboratory in the event of an emergency。

5.A working fire extinguisher is always available in the laboratory to ensure24Hourly uninterrupted water supply, often pay attention to close the gas valve。

(2) Emergency handling of accidents

The emergency treatment process of chemical accidents generally includes alarm, emergency evacuation, on-site first aid, overflow or leakage treatment and fire control。

1.Accident alarm

1.1  报警

When a sudden hazardous chemical leak or fire explosion accident occurs, the site personnel in the case of protecting their own safety, timely check the accident site, and immediately report to the college chemical accident emergency work leading group and"119”、“120”报警。The alarm content should include: the time and place of the accident, the name of the chemical and the amount of leakage, and the nature of the accident(Spills, explosions, fires)The degree of danger, whether there are casualties, and the name and contact number of the police。

1.2  Rescue team

After receiving the alarm of the accident, the leading group of chemical accident emergency work of the college shall report to the leading group of the college at the first time, and shall promptly organize a professional emergency rescue team. On the basis of doing a good job of their own protection, the rescue teams shall quickly implement the rescue within their capacity and control the development of the accident。Pay attention to the protection of the accident site for accident investigation。

2.Emergency evacuation

2.1  Set up a warning area

After the accident, a warning zone should be established according to the spread of the chemical leak or the scope of the flame radiation heat involved, and traffic control should be implemented on the main campus road leading to the accident site。

Warning signs should be set up at the border of the warning area and special personnel should be on guard。Except for fire and emergency personnel, other personnel are forbidden to enter the warning area。When the spilled chemicals are flammable, fire should be strictly prohibited in the area。

2.2  Emergency evacuation

Quickly evacuate the personnel in the warning area who have nothing to do with the emergency treatment of the accident to reduce unnecessary casualties。

Attention should be paid to emergency evacuation:

1If the accident substance is toxic, it is necessary to wear personal protective equipment and have corresponding monitoring measures。

2) should shift to the wind;Designate special personnel to guide and escort evacuees to the safety zone, and set up guard posts on the evacuation or evacuation route to point out the direction。

3Don't stay in low-lying areas。

4To find out if there are people left in the contaminated area and the fire area。

In order for the evacuation to proceed smoothly, each workshop should have at least two unimpeded emergency exits with clear signs。

3.First aid on the spot

At the scene of the accident, chemicals may cause injuries to the human body: poisoning, asphyxiation, frostbite, chemical burns, burns, etc., during first aid, both patients and rescue workers need to carry out appropriate protection。

When someone on site is injured by chemicals, the following treatment should be carried out immediately:

1Quickly remove the victim from the scene to fresh air。

2Give oxygen when breathing is difficult;Artificial respiration should be performed immediately when respiration stops;Cardiac arrest, immediate cardiac massage。

3When the skin is polluted, remove the contaminated clothes and rinse with running water in a timely, thorough and repeated manner;When the head and face are burned, pay attention to cleaning the eyes, ears, nose and mouth。

4When frostbite occurs, it should be quickly rewarmed。The method of rewarming is to use40°C42°CSoak in constant temperature hot water to raise its temperature to close to normal;When gently massaging the frostbitten area, care should be taken not to chafe the skin on the injured area to prevent infection。

5When burns occur, the patient's clothes should be taken off quickly, washed with water to cool down, and the wound surface should be covered with a clean cloth to avoid contamination of the wound surface;Don't break the blister arbitrarily。When the patient is thirsty, he or she can drink an appropriate amount of water or salty beverages。

6Oral, according to the nature of the material, symptomatic treatment。

7After on-site treatment, should be quickly escorted to the hospital for treatment。

4.Leakage control

Improper handling of flammable chemical leakage may turn into fire and explosion accident at any time, and fire and explosion accident often expand due to the spread of leakage accident。Therefore, to successfully control the leakage of chemicals, it is necessary to plan in advance and have a full understanding of the chemical properties and reaction characteristics of the chemical。

4.1  Precautions for leakage treatment:

1Personnel entering the site must be equipped with necessary personal protective equipment。

2If the spill chemicals are flammable and explosive, fire should be strictly prohibited。

3It is strictly forbidden to act alone during emergency treatment, with a guardian, and with water cannon and water cannon cover if necessary。

4.2  Leakage control

Further dispersal of chemicals can be eliminated by controlling spills or leaks。Specific methods are as follows:

1Stop the operation test by closing the relevant valve。

2After a leak occurs in the container, measures should be taken to repair and plug the crack to prevent further leakage of chemicals。Successful containment depends on several factors: the danger of approaching the leak point, the size of the leak hole, the actual or potential pressure at the leak point, and the characteristics of the leaking material。

4.3  Disposal of leaks

After the leakage is controlled, the on-site leakage should be covered, contained, diluted and treated in a timely manner, so that the leakage can be safely and reliably disposed of to prevent the occurrence of secondary accidents。

There are four main ways to dispose of spills:

1Containment: If the chemical is a liquid, it will spread everywhere when it leaks to the ground and is difficult to collect and deal with。To do so, embankments need to be built or diverted to a safe place。For the liquid leakage in the tank area, the rainwater valve should be closed in time to prevent the outflow of materials along the open ditch。

2Dilution and coverage: In order to reduce air pollution, water guns or fire hoses are usually used to spray mist water to harmful vapor clouds to accelerate the diffusion of gas to high altitudes and make it spread in safe areas。When this technology is used, a large amount of contaminated water will be generated, so the sewage discharge system should be dredged。For combustibles, large amounts of water vapor or nitrogen can also be placed on site to disrupt combustion conditions。For liquid leakage, in order to reduce the evaporation rate of the material to the atmosphere, foam or other covering items can be used to cover the leaked material, forming a covering layer on its surface to inhibit its evaporation。

3Containment (collection) : For large leaks, you can choose to use a diaphragm pump to pump the leaked material into the container or tank truck;When the amount of leakage is small, it can be absorbed and neutralized by sand, adsorption materials, and neutralizing materials。

4Waste: Transport collected spills to waste disposal sites for disposal。The remaining small amount of material is flushed with fire water, and the flush water is discharged into the oily sewage system for treatment。

5.Fire control

Dangerous chemicals are prone to fire and explosion accidents, but different chemicals and in different circumstances when the fire, its rescue methods are very different, if improper disposal, not only can not effectively extinguish the fire, but will make the disaster further expanded。In addition, because the chemicals themselves and their combustion products are mostly toxic and corrosive, it is easy to cause poisoning and burns。Therefore, fighting dangerous chemical fire is an extremely important and very dangerous work。

5.1  Matters needing attention

In the event of a chemical fire, the fire extinguishing personnel should not fight the fire alone, the exit should always be kept clean and unimpeded, the right extinguishing agent should be selected, and the safety of personnel should also be considered when extinguishing the fire。

5.2  对策

5.2.1  Incipient fire

Appropriate mobile fire extinguishers should be used to control the fire before it grows out of control。Quickly close the upstream and downstream valves of the fire site, cut off all materials entering the fire accident site, and then immediately use the existing various fire fighting equipment and equipment to extinguish the initial fire and control the fire source。

5.2.2  Take protective measures around facilities

In order to prevent the fire from endangering adjacent facilities, it is necessary to take timely cooling protection measures and quickly evacuate materials threatened by the fire。Some fires may cause flammable liquid outflow, then the use of sandbags or other materials to build embankments to intercept the flowing liquid or dig trenches to guide the material to a safe place, in addition, with felt, sea grass curtain to block the well, Yin wellhead and other places to prevent the spread of flame。

5.2.3  扑救

Fighting dangerous chemical fires must not be blind action, should be for each class of chemicals, choose the right fire extinguishing agent and fire extinguishing method to safely control the fire。Chemical fire fighting should be carried out by professional fire brigade。Other personnel should not act blindly, after the fire brigade arrives, introduce the material and media, and cooperate with the rescue。

Leakage plugging or isolation measures should be taken when necessary to prevent the expansion of secondary disasters。

When the fire is out, it is still necessary to assign supervision, clean up the scene, and eliminate the residual fire。

The emergency treatment process is not carried out step-by-step in the above order, but according to the actual situation as much as possible at the same time, such as hazardous chemical leakage, should be cut off as far as possible at the same time as the alarm and so on。

Fourth, laboratory chemical accident rescue contact number

College Security Division




Department of Chemical Engineering office




Fire rescue




First aid center






编辑:Dong Xiuyun
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