Disciplinary Provisions for Students of Mingde College of Guizhou University (Trial)
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Act 1   

Article one  To further strengthen management,To maintain the normal teaching and life order of the college,Establish a good school spirit, study style,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of students in school,Protect students' physical and mental health,Educate and promote the majority of young college students to be strict with themselves,Consciously abide by laws and regulations,Make them become qualified socialist builders and reliable successors with ideals, morality, culture and discipline,In accordance with the relevant spirit of the Provisions of the Ministry of Education on the Administration of Students in ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning, the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examinations and the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China,Combined with "Mingde College Student Management Regulations of Guizhou University",Make this provision。

Article 2  These regulations apply to students receiving full-time general higher education in Mingde College of Guizhou University。

Article 3  The disciplinary measures given to students shall adhere to the principles of openness, fairness and justice, with due procedure, sufficient evidence, clear basis, accurate characterization and appropriate punishment。

Act 2  Types and application of disciplinary action

Article 4  Types of disciplinary action:

(1) Warning;

(2) serious warning;

(3) record demerits;

(4) being placed on probation;

(5) Expulsion from school。

Article 5  Violators of school rules and discipline may be given a lighter punishment or exempted from punishment under any of the following circumstances:

(1) take the initiative to admit mistakes, have a sincere attitude, and actively make up for the losses caused by violations of discipline, and achieve results;

(2) those who have conducted in-depth inspections and obtained understanding from others;

(3) Having made meritorious contributions by voluntarily reporting or exposing violations of discipline by others;

(4) Those who play a secondary or auxiliary role in the common violation of discipline;

(5) Disciplinary violations have not been discovered and take the initiative to account to the school;In the course of the school's investigation of disciplinary violations, he/she voluntarily reports information not yet known to the school。

Article 6  Violators of school rules and discipline shall be severely punished under any of the following circumstances:

(1) The attitude of admitting mistakes after violating discipline is not good, refusing to admit mistakes;

(2) Organizers of various disciplinary violations;

(3) retaliating against relevant personnel;

(4) violating discipline outside school and damaging the reputation of the school;

(5) The nature of the violation of discipline is bad;

(6) coercing or inducing others or abetting others to violate discipline;

(7) forging, destroying or hiding evidence or preventing others from exposing, reporting or providing evidence。

Article 7  The person who receives the punishment shall, from the date of the announcement of the punishment, be given the following treatment:

(1) Cancellation of the qualification for evaluation of excellence awards within one academic year;

(2) Those who serve as student leaders shall be removed from their respective posts;

(3) Students are not allowed to apply for student financial assistance such as bursaries and temporary hardship grants within one year, and the remaining funds of the financial assistance will be stopped for students who have been assisted。

Article VIII  The probation period is usually one year。Students who are placed on probation retain their school status,To see the effect,The college may depend on the actual performance of the student,Early or late release of "probation",deferred,The college made a decision to extend the "probation period",Provisions for postponing and rescinding are made by the end of the term,It shall be deemed to be automatically discharged;A student who acts out during detention,May apply for early release of the probation period;A student commits another violation of discipline while under probation,Give expulsion from school。Students who do not cancel the probation period at the time of graduation will be treated as graduation when they leave the school. After the probation period expires, the college can issue a new graduation certificate by applying for it。

Act 3  Disciplinary body and authority

The ninth article  "Dean's Office of Mingde College of Guizhou University" is the highest body of the college to give disciplinary measures to students, responsible for the examination and approval of students' detention and expulsion。

Article ten  "Mingde College of Guizhou University Student Disciplinary Punishment Leading Group" is the leading institution of the college to give students disciplinary punishment. It is responsible for the review and report of students' opinions on the punishment of probation and expulsion, the approval of demerit punishment, and the organization of relevant personnel to investigate and deal with disciplinary violations。

 The "Mingde College of Guizhou University Student Disciplinary Punishment Leading Group" is led by the leader of the school in charge of student work, the school leader in charge of teaching and security work as the deputy leader, and is composed of the students Department, teaching and research Department, Youth League Committee, Security Department and other functional departments of the college。

Article 11  The Student Affairs Department is the daily institution of the College to give students disciplinary sanctions. Under the guidance of the disciplinary disciplinary leading group, it is responsible for the review and report of the opinions of students receiving demerit demerit and above, the examination and approval of warning and serious warning, the preparation of disciplinary decision and the investigation and handling of disciplinary incidents。

Article 12  Each department has set up a working group on student discipline violation, which is composed of the secretary of the General Party branch of each department, the dean of the department, the student counselor, and the student representative。Cooperate with the Student Affairs Department to conduct investigation on disciplinary violations, and submit preliminary opinions on disciplinary actions to report。

Act Four  Disciplinary violations and disciplinary actions

Section 1 Acts disturbing social order and disciplinary measures

Article 13  Reactionary statements and acts that violate the Constitution or oppose the four fundamental principles during the student's time at school;Organizing or inciting disturbances, disturbing social order, undermining stability and unity;According to the nature and seriousness of the case, students shall be given demerit notes, detention or expulsion from school。

Article 14  Any of the following acts that impair the order of social administration shall be given corresponding sanctions:

(1) Those who produce, sell, rent or disseminate words, pictures or audio and video products with obscene content shall be given punishments of detention or above according to the seriousness of the circumstances;

(2) Those who engage in prostitution, whoring and other pornographic activities shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given punishments of detention or above;

(3) Those who scribble, write, draw or paste on buildings, public equipment or other public places shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given demerit demerit;If the consequences are serious or bad in nature, he shall be given the punishment of detention or above;

(4) Those who ingest or inject drugs shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given punishments of detention or above;

(5) Those who commit rogue acts in public places shall be given demerit demerit or more according to the seriousness of the circumstances;

(6) Violation of fire safety management laws and regulations,Unauthorized use of, damage to fire control equipment and equipment,In addition to compensation for damages,Give a punishment of serious warning or above;fire-causing,In addition to compensation for damages,Give a demerit record or above;fire-causing,In addition to compensation for damages,Depending on the degree of harm caused,Give the punishment of probation or expulsion from school;

(7) Those who organize, coerce or induce others to participate in pyramid schemes or disguised pyramid schemes shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given demerit demerit;Those who participate in pyramid schemes or disguised pyramid schemes shall be given punishment of warning。

Article 15  Those who are punished by judicial and public security organs and have a clear conclusion shall be given the following punishments according to their circumstances:

(1) Those who are punished with a public security warning or a public security fine shall be given a serious warning to detention;

(2) Those detained by public security shall be given the sanction of probation to expulsion from school;

(3) Students who violate state laws and constitute a criminal offense shall be expelled from school。

Section 2 Acts violating personal rights and disciplinary measures

Article 16  Those who fight shall, in addition to bearing civil compensation, be given the following punishments:

(1) Those who use verbal insult, provocation or other means to provoke others and cause fights shall be given punishments above severe warning;

(2) Those who hit others shall be given demerit demerit or above or expelled from school according to the seriousness of the circumstances;

(3) assembling a crowd to affray, and the participants shall be given punishments of serious warning or above;The invitees and planners shall be placed on probation or expelled from school;Those who start to beat others shall be given demerit demerit;Those who fail to report their knowledge during the investigation shall be given a heavier punishment of one level;

(4) In the name of "fighting", taking sides with one party, resulting in the development of fighting, resulting in adverse consequences, shall be given demerit;

(5) Armed brawlers,Depending on the seriousness of the case,Be given the sanction of detention or above;Fighting with a controlled knife,No matter the extent of the injury,All shall be given the punishment of detention or above;Providing a weapon for a fight,But without consequence,Give demerit or probation,Those who cause the consequences shall be given the punishment of probation or expulsion from school;

(6) the fight has been terminated, and the person who picks a fight and retaliates against the beating after the fight shall be given a heavier punishment of one level according to the above provisions;

(7) Anyone who beats a staff member of the college shall be given the punishment of probation or expulsion from the school。

Article 17  Whoever threatens the safety of others or interferes with the normal life of others by writing threatening letters, making harassing telephone calls, sending harassing text messages, etc., shall be given punishments of serious warning or above according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 18  Those who tease or insult others or fabricate or spread false facts or bad information shall be given punishments of serious warning or more according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 19  Those who conceal, destroy, discard, unlawfully claim or open other people's mail shall be given the following punishments according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 20  Those who steal, peep, secretly take photos or spread the privacy of others shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given the following penalties。

The third segment  Violations of public or private property and disciplinary measures

Article 21  Those who damage public or private property shall be given the following sanctions:

(1) Those who negligently damage public or private property, if the circumstances are serious, causing certain impact, in addition to compensation for losses, shall be given a warning;

(2) Intentional damage to public or private property has not yet constituted a criminal offender, in addition to compensation for losses, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances and the degree of harm caused, shall be given demerit demerit or punishment of school suspension or expulsion if the circumstances are egregious and the consequences are particularly serious。

Article 22  Those who commit such acts as theft, fraud, embezzlement, extortion, snatching or gathering crowds to rob public or private property, and are handed over to the Academy without criminal or public security punishment by the public security organ, shall be given the following punishments:

(1) Theft for the first time and the value of the crime500If the circumstances are less than one yuan and the circumstances are relatively minor, the punishment of serious warning shall be given;Those with greater criminal value and bad circumstances shall be given demerit demerit;Those who steal repeatedly (more than twice, including twice), regardless of the value of the crime, shall be given the punishment of detention or expulsion from school;

(2) Those who provide information or tools for the crime of theft, or participate in guarding, harbouring or distributing stolen goods shall be equally punished as those who commit theft;Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, he shall be given the sanction of serious warning;

(3) Those who embezzle or defraud other people's property shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given demerit demerit;

(4) Participants in extortion and mass robbery shall be given demerit demerit;The main participants in the robbery and looting shall be given the punishment of probation or expulsion from school;Those who assemble a crowd to rob shall be given the sanction of expulsion from school;

(5) Misappropriating other people's or units' accounts, various types of telephones and passwords, causing economic losses or adverse effects, shall be given demerit demerit。

Article 23  Misappropriation or misappropriation of public funds, not enough600If not, he shall be given the sanction of serious warning;If the circumstances are serious, he shall be given the sanction of having demerit demerit but not more than being placed under observation。

Fourth quarter  Conduct and disciplinary action in violation of school education and teaching management regulations

Article 24  Students who do not participate in the teaching activities stipulated by the college without reason in one semester and reach the following class hours shall be punished as follows:

(1) Students who are absent from classes without reason in one semester shall be punished as follows according to the number of accumulated class hours:

1Cumulative absenteeism reached20-29Give warning during class hours;

2Cumulative absenteeism reached30-39Give severe warning during school hours;

3Cumulative absenteeism reached40-49Demerit points for class hours;

4Cumulative absenteeism reached50-59School hours shall be placed on probation;

5Cumulative absenteeism reached60If the school hours exceed, advise them to withdraw from school, otherwise expelled from school。

(b) Leave the school for two weeks without leave or fail to participate in the teaching activities stipulated by the college for two weeks, as a punishment of withdrawal or expulsion;

Those who do not participate in or leave the school without any reason for the collective activities organized by the college or department, such as sports meeting, political study, party and league organization life, social practice, etc., will be treated as truancy。

Article 25  Those who have any of the following behaviors in the examination shall be given corresponding disciplinary actions respectively。

(1) Candidates who have any of the following acts shall be identified as test violations, given a warning or more, and the following penalties:

1Those who do not participate in the exam according to the designated seat or change or move the seat without the consent of the invigilator, and do not obey the supervision of the invigilator to correct, shall be given a warning;

2After the invigilator clears the room, if there is information related to the test content found in his seat, he shall be given a serious warning or more.

3Those who, without the consent of the invigilator, use their own answer sheets, draft paper, or borrow stationery, draft paper, or talk with each other shall be given punishments above serious warning;

4Those who fail to stop answering the examination papers at the prescribed end time according to the requirements of the invigilator shall be given the sanction of serious warning;

5Those who take test papers and draft papers out of the examination room shall be given demerit demerit;

6Those who bring electronic equipment or communication tools into the examination room and fail to close and put them in the designated place as required by the invigilator shall be given demerit demerit;

7Those who enter and leave the examination room without the consent of the invigilator shall be given demerit demerit;

8After handing in the examination papers, those who stay in and around the examination room and do not leave after being advised will be given punishments above serious warning according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

(2) Those who have any of the following acts shall be identified as cheating in the examination and shall be given the punishment of probation:

1Plagiarizing text materials related to the content of the test or the answers to questions of others;

2Pass notes, exchange test papers, answers, scratch paper;

3Glancing, whispering, exchanging secret signals or gestures during the exam;

4Where another person takes the exam or takes the exam on behalf of another person;

5Other exam-related materials or information obtained by improper means;

(3) Students who commit any of the following acts shall be given the sanction of expulsion:

1Organize cheaters;

2Rob others' test papers, answers or force others to provide convenience for their own plagiarism;

3Stealing test papers, stealing scores, cheating again in exams;

4Breaking the discipline of the examination room, threatening and intimidating the invigilator teachers, obstructing the examination room administrators;

5Cheating in exams, and intentionally destroying test papers or related materials;

6Others who obtain exam-related materials or information by improper means have serious cheating behaviors。

(4) If disciplinary violations are not detected on the spot, and are reported afterwards, verified by investigation, and the evidence is sufficient, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the above provisions。

Article 26  Those who plagiarize or copy the research results of others shall be given the sanction of academic probation or expulsion according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 27  Those who, on behalf of others, write graduation theses (graduation projects), course theses and other academic assessment materials shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given the sanction of probation or expulsion from school。

Article 28  Those who violate the regulations on the management of classrooms, laboratories, libraries and computer rooms, do not listen to dissuasion, hinder others' study, work and other activities, but have not caused serious consequences, shall be given a warning;If the consequences are serious, he shall be given demerit demerit。

The fifth segment  Conduct and disciplinary action for disturbing the order of campus life

Article 29  Those who have any of the following acts of disturbing school public order shall be given corresponding punishments respectively:

(1) Those who organize or incite class strikes or make trouble shall be given demerit demerit or above according to the seriousness of the circumstances;

(b) In violation of the relevant regulations of the management of public places of the college, causing damage to greening, environmental health and public facilities, the circumstances are serious or repeated teaching and failure to change, to give a warning or more punishment;

(3) maliciously dialing the special emergency telephone, the college urgent use of the duty telephone, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, given a serious warning;

(四)Those who drink alcohol in public places on campus shall be given warning or serious warning according to the seriousness of the circumstances;Those who make trouble after drinking, affect campus stability and disrupt campus order shall be given demerit demerit;

(5) heckling, Shouting, throwing, burning objects on campus, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, shall be given demerit demerit。

(6) Punishment of warning or more shall be given to those who commit other acts violating school public order according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 30  In any of the following circumstances, those who violate the regulations of student dormitory management and disturb the order of student dormitory management shall be given the following punishments:If the consequences are serious, the above punishments shall be given:

(1) Those who stay outside or stay outside the school without permission and refuse to change after being warned;

(2) without permission to exchange, transfer or rent a room bed, furniture, refused to change after being warned;

(3) staying in student dormitories of the opposite sex;

(4) The use of open fire and electric stove, electric cup, rice cooker, hot, heater and other electric appliances in the dormitory, private wire, network cable, and refuse to change after warning;

(5) In the dormitory area, there are feeding pets, littering debris, littering sewage garbage and other acts that disturb the dormitory management order and the normal life order of others, and do not change after being warned。

 Article 31 Those who participate in gambling or disguised gambling in any form, or provide gambling venues, gambling funds or gambling devices to others, shall be subject to the following punishments:

(1) Those who provide gambling venues, gambling funds or gambling devices shall be given punishments above warning:

(2) Those who participate in gambling for the first time shall be given punishments above severe warning:

(3) Students who participate in gambling twice (including twice) shall be given the punishment of probation or expulsion from school。

Article 32  Those who organize or participate in religious activities in school and refuse to change after being warned shall be given punishments of serious warning or more according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 33  Those who falsify official documents, certificates, certificates, transcripts, seals or alter the above materials shall be given demerit demerit or above according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 34  To illegally delete, modify, add or interfere with the functions of computer information systems,Causing the computer information system to fail to operate normally;Illegally deleting, modifying or adding data or application programs stored, processed or transmitted in a computer system;Deliberately making, spreading computer viruses and other destructive programs,Affecting the normal operation of computer systems,Depending on the circumstances,Give demerit demerit or above。

Article 35  In addition to the work-study activities organized or approved by the university, those who do business on campus, in addition to confiscating their products, shall be given punishments above warning or even detention according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 36  Those who engage in various activities in the name of the school or the unit within the school, infringe upon the rights and interests of the school, and cause adverse effects or losses to the school, shall be given severe warning or more according to the seriousness of the circumstances。

Article 37  Those who engage in or participate in other activities that are harmful to the image of college students and social morality, and the consequences or nature are bad, shall be given punishments ranging from severe warning to probation。

Article 38  Those who obstruct staff members from performing their official duties shall, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, be given the following penalties of demerit demerit;

Chapter Five  Disciplinary procedure

Article 39  If a student violates discipline, the student's department is responsible for investigating and verifying the facts, collecting evidence, and studying by the Department's Student Discipline Handling working group5Make suggestions within working days, and send the disciplinary materials to the student section。

The functional departments and relevant units of the college shall timely collect on-site evidence, transfer relevant evidence materials to the relevant departments, and assist in the investigation and collection of evidence, and each department shall handle it according to the procedures prescribed in the preceding paragraph。

The Student Section, the Teaching and Research Section, and the Security Section may, when necessary, directly organize the investigation of students' disciplinary incidents, collect evidence, and conduct an investigation10Submit suggestions within working days。The Teaching and Research Section and the Security Section shall send the disciplinary materials of students to the Student Section。

Article 40  Disciplinary materials for students shall include the following contents

1, circumstantial materials (documentary evidence, material evidence, witness testimony, etc.);

2Records of interrogation by the parties;

3Investigation results of disciplinary violations and disciplinary opinions。

At least two or more staff members shall be present for the questioning of parties and witnesses, and transcripts of the questioning shall be made。

Article 41  After receiving the disciplinary punishment materials of students, the Student Department shall conduct a review, and organize relevant units to discuss and review if necessary5Submit review opinions within working days。Where disciplinary measures are to be imposed, the student's department or the student's department shall be entrusted to hear the statement and defense of the student and his/her representative directly。

Statements and arguments made by the student or his or her agent may be in written or oral form。In oral form, at least two or more staff members shall be present and records shall be made。

After hearing the statement and defense, the Student Affairs Department shall make a disciplinary decision according to the review opinions and the disciplinary sanction authority。Where a demerit record is to be given, it shall be submitted to the disciplinary punishment leading group for study and decision;For those who intend to be placed on probation or expelled from school, they shall be submitted to the Disciplinary Punishment Leading group for discussion and review, and then submitted to the Dean's office for study and decision

Article 42  After the school makes a disciplinary decision, it shall issue a written disciplinary decision in the form of "Mingde College Document of Guizhou University", and the contents of the written disciplinary decision shall include the object of the disciplinary decision, facts, basis, results, and students' right to appeal, and the time limit。

Article 43  The disciplinary decision shall be sent by the department of the student to the student himself, and the student himself shall sign for receipt on the date of delivery。

The student himself refuses to sign the decision,At least two faculty members or students are invited by the department's service staff to be present as witnesses,State the reason and date of refusal on the acknowledgement of service,Signed by the host and witness,The written decision of punishment shall be retained in the student's own dormitory or other regular residence,Deemed delivered。 

If the above delivery methods still cannot be delivered, the disciplinary decision shall be announced on the bulletin board of the College。Since the date of publication15On that day, it shall be deemed to have been delivered。The disciplinary decision shall take effect as of the date of service。

Article 44  Disciplinary decisions shall be announced within the scope of the college, and students' parents shall be notified in writing, except for cases involving personal privacy and state secrets。The punishment of expulsion shall be reported to Guizhou Provincial Department of Education for the record。

Article 45  If a student has any objection to the disciplinary decision of the college, it can be served on the date of the written disciplinary decision of the college5Within working days, submit a written appeal to the College Student Disciplinary Appeal Handling Committee。During the period of the student's appeal, the execution of the sanction shall not be suspended。For specific provisions, see Measures for Student Appeal Handling of Mingde College, Guizhou University.。

Act 6   

Article 46  Other disciplinary violations not included in these provisions shall be punished with reference to the corresponding provisions。

Article 47  If a student violates the rules and regulations of the university, and the circumstances are not serious enough to give disciplinary punishment, the college or the department to which he belongs shall give criticism and education and urge him to correct his mistakes。

Article 48  The college shall terminate the punishment of students with outstanding performance after being punished. For the specific provisions, see the Provisions of Mingde College of Guizhou University on Lifting the Punishment of Students for Disciplinary Violations (Trial Implementation).。

Article 49  The College may issue a certificate of Associate study to those who have been expelled from school for more than one academic year (including one academic year);

Article 50  If a student under probation applies for early release of the probation period, the college shall hold a meeting of deans to study and decide and write a document。

Article 51  The disciplinary materials of students shall be truly and completely classified into the school document archives and students' personal archives。

Article 52  The term "following" and "above" in these Provisions shall include this subparagraph unless otherwise specified。The so-called "above sanctions" may be up to expulsion。

Article 53  This regulation shall be interpreted by the Student Affairs Department of the College。

Article 54  These provisions shall come into force as of the date of promulgation。


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